Chapter 4: Serpent's Shackles

When All is Lost One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 4: Serpent's Shackles

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

They didn't leave for Hogsmeade until the other Hogwarts students had boarded the train and the night had fallen. None of them spoke as they made their journey, the only noise breaking the silence and announcing their approach were the leaves and branches crunching and cracking underneath their feet.

Tonight, his life would change along with his friends, Avery, Mulciber, Rosier, and Wilkes. They were going to join an elite group. Even though he was a Halfblood, he had the honor of catching the group's attention. He tucked his hands in his sleeves and wiped his sweaty palms on the fabric. He had to make himself relax. He refused to show weakness in front of these people. If he did, he could be disposable. He knew what the Dark Lord did, but if he gave him free reign to live and accomplish his desires, then he'd do whatever ordered.

"There he is," Avery said with a low voice. Severus looked ahead. In the distance, near a large house, they saw a man with long blond hair. He stood straight, chin held high, and was clothed in black. In his hands he held a cane with a silver serpent top. As they approached the man, he saw it was Lucius Malfoy, their old prefect for Slytherin.

When they arrived, Lucius greeted them with a sly smile, and then with a fast movement, raised his cane to them. It was either an invitation to touch it or a warning not to come closer. Severus decided to let the others act first.

Each took a step forward and touched the cane. Malfoy pulled out an old silver watch and looked at it as if he were bored.

"Aren't you coming, Severus?" he said. "You-know-who is expecting you as well, my friend. No need to be cautious."

He grunted at his words, extended his arm, and touched the cold metal with two fingers. His other hand was hidden inside his robes, clutching his ebony wand because he wouldn't have time to prepare if he needed to protect himself. Not that he'd have much of a chance against the Dark Lord or the Death Eaters if they decided he was unworthy.

Their bodies twisted into amorphous masses of flesh and bone for a few seconds until they once again returned to their normal forms. As soon as he recovered his eyesight, Severus looked around.

They'd apparated inside a large hall illuminated with multiple yellow candles. Several pictures of monsters known for their bloodlust hung on the wall. There was a green rug on the floor with a Slytherin symbol, which was an indication that this was the house of a pureblood. The only furniture was four chairs in each corner of the room, as if this room served a specific purpose.

Chills went down his spine as he felt a presence at his back. He almost ran but locked his knees and forced himself to remain stationary.

"Ah, Malfoy, these are the ones?" The snake-like voice was so cold it could freeze a lake if the owner wanted it to. With his head raised and his posture like that of a soldier, he turned to look at the man he was expecting to meet, the Dark Lord. A powerful wizard second only to Dumbledore.

"Indeed they are, my lord," replied Lucius in the most submissive tone he'd ever heard. He'd never seen Lucius lower himself in front of others.

His companions followed Lucius' gesture of respect; he followed suit. He felt the Dark Lord's presence getting closer and maintained the pose.

Do not show your emotions. Do not show your emotions.

"They are promising, Lucius, just as you said they were." Every word the Dark Lord spoke sent a new jolt through him. "Stand up, young men. You are here to become a part of our distinguished group that will one day rule this world and rid it of those filthy mudbloods and muggles."

Thrill shot through him at having yet another goal to work toward. He could get rid of muggles like his father.

"But, I understand that we don't have all purebloods here tonight, is that right, Lucius?"

Severus stiffened. The Dark Lord's goal was to get rid of muggles. Why would he accept a half-blood in his circle? Why had he been so stupid not to think of that?

"Indeed, my lord." Lucius approached him. "This is Severus Snape and I speak in his favor. He is skilled in potions and—" The Dark lord raised his hand, cutting off his words. He smiled and moved to stand in front of him.

His eyes, which had a mild tone of red, looked fascinated. He wondered what deeds the Dark Lord had done to get that shade of colour.

"Let him speak for himself, Lucius."

"It's an honour, my lord." Now it was the time to show who he was. "Lucius is right. I have a talent in potions, and I have been admitted to become an apprentice under Slughorn. I estimate that I will be a Master in a year. I also have an affinity to the Dark Arts. I love to study and create my own spells, my Lord." When he stopped speaking the Dark Lord appeared even more pleased.

"Your skills could be useful indeed, but you are not a pureblood."

"I am not, my lord. My father is a disgrace. His muggle ways corrupted my mother's pureblood. He didn't allow either of us to use magic in the house. I discovered that he killed her, and I wish to make him suffer. Muggle justice will not do that. Their ways are... infuriating." It was the first time Severus felt comfortable enough to voice his rage.

The Dark Lord moved around him, studying him as if he were the most captivating thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

"And how do you wish to serve me, Severus? What do you want to achieve by being at my side? Do you think you are enough?" The Dark Lord's voice was cautious but curious.

He didn't think he was enough now, but he could be. "I want to develop my knowledge on Dark Arts. I want to use my skills for you, but I might not be a man suitable for the front lines. But I thrive in the shadows. There, I can serve you greatly. I am subtle and patient, my lord."

"And what do you wish to achieve?"

"Respect and knowledge," Severus answered without a tinge of doubt in his voice. He even stared at the Dark Lord's eyes. They were fierce, but Severus could distinguish a trace of pride in their depths as well.

The Dark Lord resumed his slow circle around them and proceeded to question the rest of the group.

Severus studied the situation in silence. As a Halfblood he knew the chances to stand out were at a minimum, but under this man he could learn things no one else would teach.

The Dark Lord stopped in front of them and pressed his palms against each other as if he was going to pray.

He wanted to be part of this selected group. He wanted to be important. He wanted to feel like he had a place in this disgusting life. He needed this. This was his opportunity.

The Dark Lord smiled.

"Gentlemen," he said. "Lucius spoke about you with honor and care, and I find that his words are true. You will be the next generation and will join my ranks to create a new world. Under my command, all of you will find greatness, power, and more knowledge than you could ever dream." He glanced at Severus. "And that respect you seek," he said as if only addressing Severus with that last statement. "If you wish to join me now, this is the time. Step forward or leave. This will be your only opportunity, so you must choose carefully."

Severus was the first to make that decision. He didn't care if he had to sell his soul. It was already damned. His heart was destroyed, and he only had this dream left. He stepped forward. He didn't notice how his companions followed him.

"Perfect," the Dark Lord said and removed his wand from its place inside his robes.

"Lucius, come next to me."

The blond man did as instructed and extended his arm, revealing a black mark. It was a skull with a serpent twined around it. The serpent's body went through the skull's mouth. The serpent's mouth was open, revealing its fangs.

It was terrifying and alluring at the same time. The Dark Lord pointed his wand at the mark and after murmuring some illegible words, it acquired life of its own. The serpent closed its mouth and slithered around Lucius' arm, not yet emerging from its place in his skin. Lucius' body was tense and his arm shook, the motion so slight that someone who didn't know him that well wouldn't notice. The serpent stopped, its eyes focusing on him.

The serpent lunged forward, blood erupting from the wound and staining Lucius' skin. The reptile's body grew, and his mouth opened, fangs glistening as dark venom dropped from them.

His fangs sank into Severus's arm. His blood started to burn and sweat developed on his forehead. He bit his tongue to keep from screaming. His arm felt as if led was weighing it down. He fell to his knees, cringing when they made impact with the floor.

The snake broke its bite and retreated, probably so he could bite the others. Then he heard their screams.

He looked down at his arm as his veins swelled and turned black. The black tendrils of the poison joined together, forming an undistinguishable mass until it started to reveal itself as the mark he saw on Lucius arm. A tattoo that made him the Dark Lords servant.

The pain started to fade but he still felt his fingers twitching and the new addition to his skin pulsing. He stood on shaky legs and glanced around him. He was the first to stand, proving his strength. He was determined not to falter even though his body wanted nothing more than to collapse. He felt the Dark Lord's eyes on him and his grip on his arm strengthened.

"You know, Severus, I think I have a job for you."

"What do you desire, my lord?" he replied.

The dangerous wizard extended his arm, inviting him to come forward. Severus took a deep breath and managed to take some steps towards him.

"Lucius told me you have some fine skills apart from potion making, ones like Legilimency." Severus pursed his lips, thinking carefully about his answer. He knew more than that. He knew how to protect himself against that kind of spell. He could use it to take advantage of other's minds and much more. For some reason deep down, he knew he needed to be cautious in revealing all his skills.

"I have them, but I don't use them much, my lord. As you know, they are not allowed in public and much less as an apprentice in Hogwarts."

"Ah, but you won't be an apprentice forever, Severus. Someday you will have a position of importance there, and you could be my useful spy."

Severus digested his words as his mind raced with the idea. A spy? Under the nose of the greatest wizard of the world? That was indeed an ambitious but dangerous position.

"You will learn here with us. You will perfect your skills like you did this year, but for now you can go." It appeared this position was not negotiable. "Go, Severus, do your apprenticeship. Become a Potion Master as you desired. Become useful to me and then, while you are there achieving your dreams, act normally. Get Dumbledore to trust you, and I will trust you with what you have given to me."

AN: I confess that I loved writing this chapter too much. I ran wild with the creation of the Dark Marks. I wanted to be different so... well this is the result. Let me know what you think about the chapter, and until next week!
