Chapter 76: Confrontation

When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 76: Confrontation

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

He watched as Potter moved toward the door with his group of friends. He wanted to wait to confront the boy, but knew the sooner he did so, the better. He had to get Granger in a better condition.

"Potter, I want to talk with you. Stay behind."

The boy and his friends halted their movements. He was about to tell them to get out, but Potter looked at them and signaled for them to leave. When his friends left, Potter approached him with his nose high in the air. Just like the way his father showed his haughtiness through the entire school.

That Potter arrogance would be stifled eventually just like his father's had been. First, through losing people he cared about. Then, through his own death. Potter was just as much of a pawn as he was and was set to receive nearly the same fate.

The hair on the back of his neck prickled when he felt eyes on him. He glanced around the room. He spotted Granger standing near one of the columns. It made sense since he hadn't seen her leave the room. She wasn't hiding, but she wasn't in the lighter parts of the area either. She moved back a bit more into the shadow when he saw her. She probably wanted to stay and talk with him afterward, but he would have to refuse her presence here today. He motioned with his head toward the door. An indication for her to go.

She had nearly free roam of his office and quarters now since he'd set his wards so she could pass through. She would be able to see him later if she wanted.

She gave a soft smile, nodded, clutched her bag tighter to her body, and stuck to the shadows as she skulked out of the classroom in a way befitting an experienced spy. Crouched with low steps and keeping an eye on the person she was trying to stay out of sight of. Years of being in danger was catching up with her and he both admired the skill and pitied she had to have it. He made a mental note to teach her a few more techniques other than magical ones.

He turned his gaze upon the boy in front of him. His hands were formed into fists at his side, and his shaking was so slight that one wouldn't see it unless they were looking for it. Good. He wanted Potter to be nervous. He purposely waited a bit longer before he spoke.

"When are you going to stop letting that red haired imbecile poison your mind?"

From the way Potter's face shifted, he could tell his words got to him. It'd been a suspicion of hid that Potter wanted to forgive her, but Weasley was pushing him to keep away from Granger. It made no sense that Weasley was angrier than Potter was over the situation. The only thing he could think of was that Weasley was ashamed of his actions at the time of Sirius's death.

"What do you mean by that?" he said, his voice angry.

He narrowed his eyes. "I didn't think I could despise you more than I do this year. How many more stupid things are you going to do before you gain some sense?"

"I didn't do anything!"

"You say you're not doing anything to your friend?"

The room seemed to grow a few degrees colder. Potter stiffened and paled. "I..."

"You left her alone while she suffered. The classes were treating her like a pariah. Treating her like she was a murderer."

"She killed Sirius..." His voice was so weak, as if he knew his reactions and the reactions of everyone else was overblown.

"Is the mighty boy who lived just another prat who doesn't have common sense? Are you like your father and make people bend to your will or is it that you're just letting your friend run amok on your behalf?" His voice grew lower with each word he spat.

"I . . . I needed time to think." His brows furrowed. "And I don't see how this concerns you, Professor. You weren't there."

"No, but I know what happened." He lowered his voice and bent down slightly. "And not that I have to explain to you, but it concerns me because I do not like the environments it creates in my classroom and in this school." That was the best lie he could come up with. "Stop being such a disgrace to your house. You own that girl your life, you know that, yet you still treat her no better than the dirt on the cuffs of your trousers."

"Stop it! Hermione is my friend. One of my best friends!"

"Best friend?" he spat out. "You're doing a fantastic job proving it by letting others humiliate and bully her for a year. I don't know if that was you or your other so-called friend that kept pushing it, but you can stop it." He slapped Potter's hand down and decided to hit him again, this time verbally using a shared guilt he knew was brewing within him. "What happened was an accident that was caused by your reckless behaviour. Though she's not without blame, you instigated it all. Talk about what happened and fix this. Today." Snape walked around the desk and folded his arms. "Now, get out. "

Potter clinched his jaws, and walked to the door.

"And Potter."

Potter turned. He expected a look of hatred and got it. "Yes, sir?" he growled out.

"Miss Granger wasn't the one in hiding when you needed her. Throw that around in your thick skull for a little while."

His facial expression changed to thoughtfulness and he gave an almost indistinguishable nod of the head before leaving.

AN: So...despite being a Slytherin and hating Harry's guts, he knows they will need Hermione and she needs to stop suffering... A lot of people didn't like the idea of Hermione forgiving them. But...time will tell what happens with all...Hope you enjoyed and let me know what you think. See you on May, 5th.
