Chapter 48: As Smooth as Broken Glass

When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 48: As Smooth as Broken Glass

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

The Dark Lord greeted him with a smile. As soon as he apparated, he kneeled in front of him. He was alone in a room in the Malfoy manor. After the head of the family's failure, he'd set up his main base here. It wasn't that he was comfortable here, but more that he wanted to make the Malfoy's suffer and worry about his constant presence.

"My lord," Severus said.

"Severus, rise, my friend."

He stood and waited to hear the reason he'd been called. He watched as the Dark Lord walked around the room.

"Tell me how Draco is doing."

At least he could tell the truth in this. "The boy doesn't tell me his plans, my lord. He attempted to curse the headmaster, but failed." The Dark Lord turned to him. "He managed to use an ancient object with a mortal curse. The curse melts the brain of the victim. It didn't reach him and a student ended up getting in the way."

The Dark Lord nodded. "You must guide him Severus. You're one of my most skilled Death Eaters, and Draco needs to learn from you. Use your information to help him in his task."

"I have tried to help him several times, my lord. He rejects it, even going as far as to avoid me. I assume he wants to prove himself to you first since the task is so great." He wanted to defend the boy but at the same time not come off as insubordinate. This was the best he could do for Draco.

The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed and his lips twisted with fury. It was clear that his words hadn't appeased him in the slightest. "The severity of this task means that he should not fail! Killing that wizard will give us the key to this world and our reign. His pride should not get in the way!"

The thought of his world and his reign of blood supremacy made him sick. "I'll give it my all to make sure he doesn't fail, but if he's unable to do his task, I will do it, my lord."

"I have no doubt of that, Severus," he said. "I heard Narcissa hindered you with an unbreakable vow."

"I agreed for the sake of our mission, my lord. I know how important this is, and if I have to give my life for it, I will." Severus bowed his head and hid his repulsion with no effort.

"I expected that, my friend." The man sat on one of the sofas and a cup appeared on the table next to him. He picked it up and took a sip from it. "I have need of your skills tonight, Severus."

He almost gasped at that. "Yes, my lord."

"Since Lucius's leadership failed, I don't trust others with important missions. I know you prefer the back lines, but I need you to do this. I trust your talent."

He dreaded killing another innocent, but he didn't have the option to refuse if he wanted to live another day.

"I live to serve, my lord."


The incompetence of his fellow Death Eaters amazed him. They put so much effort to impress the Dark Lord that it caused them to make reckless mistakes. He'd had to watch the group he was with like they were children. He had no choice but to watch them and himself, otherwise all the failure would go onto him. He would've loved this position of power a long time ago. He had to complete this mission well to save more people. If this succeeded, it would be another step to gain the Dark Lord's ultimate trust.

He peered out from his hiding spot, and then when the ministry patrol moved, he signaled his two companions to follow him. They had to take those two guards out before they could get to their target. The way they patrolled was incautious, so it was no wonder the Dark Lord was gaining ground in this war. But the minister wasn't as intelligent or focused as the Dark Lord. The new minister was harsh, but still didn't do what was needed at the times it was needed.

He waited until the patrol disbanded at the doors of the house, and then it was time. They walked toward the house, hidden under the various shadows that draped over the environment.

When they reached the sides of the house, he raised his wand, checking for wards and curses he might have to counter. When he found one, he scowled. This was why the Dark Lord wanted him here. Avery and Mulciber had never been good at this. They were just going to rush in if he hadn't held up his hand to stop them. He set about solving the curse and within a few minutes, had it quietly disabled. Then, he lifted the window with a wave of his wand and his followers entered the dark room.

He followed them as soon as they took covered positions and cleared the place from another unwanted presence. Silently, he tried to find their target's location, searching for another source of noise other than their breathing.

A footstep reached his ears, his heart jumped with adrenaline, and his fingers itched with nerves. Extending his arm, he pointed to the ceiling with his wand. His followers nodded and opened the door to seek the stairs.

A crack on the stairs made him stop. He looked at them, indicating for them to keep their positions. He waited a few beats until he heard footsteps moving once again. Then they moved until they were in front of an oak door. He looked to see if they were ready. The nod they gave was enough for him. His muscles tensed, and as slow as he could, he turned the handle.

The door exploded sending his body flying towards the stairs until his back collided with the floor, sending a sharp pain through him and knocking the air out of him. He looked at his shoulder and found a long piece of wood, similar to a stake but not quite as large, embedded in his shoulder. He gritted his teeth and broke a large piece of it off. He pulled his robe away from it to conceal the rest from his fellow Death Eaters. It wouldn't be in his best interest for them to see he was injured, and it wouldn't be wise to pull it completely out. He registered a scream and focused on getting his breathing back. With every inhale, the piece of wood felt as if it sank deeper into his flesh. With every exhale, it felt as if it were being pulled out.


That target hadn't been as foolish as he'd thought, and he noted to never underestimate someone again. This time, he'd been the reckless one. He pushed himself up and rushed up the steps just as his fellow Death Eaters emerged from the room.

"That was a great fly, Snape." He could hear the smugness in Avery's tone and wanted to curse him, but as always, refrained.

"Repair the damages," he ordered and shook his robes as if nothing happened. He paused when he felt a sharp prick in his shoulder. "We also need to make sure we eliminate any possible witnesses."

"Sure," Avery said with a mocking tone. "Let's go do some house work, Mulciber."

"I will check the neighbors and eliminate them if necessary." Of course, he wouldn't do that. He would obliviate instead. "You inform the Dark Lord of our success. I might have to return to Hogwarts directly due to the lack of time I have left. I can't go missing there." His comrades nodded and began repairing the destruction.

This hadn't gone as smoothly as he'd thought it would.

AN: Snape doing non-scheduled work and trying to ease the damage...And of course, showing he is not a machine....or a vampire *giggles* Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. See you next week!
