Chapter 69: The Emergence of a Lioness

When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 69: The Emergence of a Lioness

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

February 1997

He wound the scarf Granger had given him tighter around his neck as he walked to the Quidditch match with the other teachers. If he could've avoided this, he would've, but it was important for him to support his house. Especially, when it was a match between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Ever since Potter showed up, Slytherin morale was at an all time low.

He rolled his eyes as everyone cheered as loud as they could. The Hufflepuffs aligned with the Gryffindors this time, but the Ravenclaw's seemed to be split down the middle, with some cheering for Gryffindor and some cheering for Slytherin. They usually picked based on which team had better stats or strategy.

With a sullen face, he sat next to Minerva in the first row. The old woman was waving a flag with her house colors, but it seemed like her heart wasn't entirely into it that day.

"Who do you think will win this time, Severus? Our team has lost some good players, but we gained some excellent ones too." He could tell from her voice that what he suspected was indeed the case.

He didn't care, but he had to pretend to. "McGlaren is an idiot and your star Potter is having another detention." He looked at the Gryffindor towers. "At least you have the advantage that Ron Weasley isn't stopping balls with his head."

The woman huffed and her flag movement stopped. She looked at him and placed her hands on her hips, displaying her stern Professor McGonagall behaviour.

"At least my team doesn't play dirty."

They were Slytherins, what did she expect? Besides, they weren't dirty. They were just resourceful and took advantage when they saw a chance. That's how you survived. If you didn't do it, someone else would. "You don't get through life always playing fair."

He looked away from her and out at the crowds, searching for his friend. Minerva's eyes stayed on him for longer than comfortable, but her focus eventually went back to the game.

He ran his gaze across row upon row of people until he found who he was looking for. He'd wondered if she would come considering her hesitation with crowds as of late and her dislike of Quidditch, but she was there.

Then she looked towards him, their eyes met across the way. The cold seemed to disappear when she smiled at him.

Then someone hit her, breaking their eye contact. When he saw red, short hair, he gritted his teeth. That brainless Weasley had bumped into her as if she were nothing but an obstacle that he could force out of his way. The temptation to rip his head off was immense.

The cheers grew louder from the students as the game started. Protectiveness swarmed his instincts when Granger stood from her seat. The Weasley boy said something. He could only see anger in the brat's expression and couldn't read his lips. The way her eyes narrowed was enough to tell him it wasn't something she liked or wanted to hear. But she wasn't tearing up. Wasn't shaking. She had fire in her eyes.

He almost laughed when Granger made a fist and punched Weasley, turning his head so hard with the hit he nearly fell against the girl sitting beside him. He smirked. That lioness was back and he couldn't be more proud.

His eyes detected movement and focused, noticing how Granger looked up with elegancy and ignored the rant of the girl who was trying to defend the stupid boy. With refined calmness, she raised her head and focused her gaze on her "friends". She looked at the girl, said something, and walked away with such a flourish of her robes that it made him envious. The people she left behind appeared stunned with her actions.

He waited until he couldn't see her anymore and, begrudgingly, set his eyes on the game. He glanced at the scoreboard and smirked. "It seemed I was right about that McGlaren. No skills at all. Just arrogance he can't back up."

"Severus, don't rub salt on the wound," the old witch said.

He actually let a small laugh escape him. "I'm serious, Severus. I've had enough with Albus's secrecy. I don't want to have to endure your gloating too."

His smile faded and his eyes focused back to the field. "He's always secretive, Minerva."

"Not like this. He looks constantly drained, and he is leaving Hogwarts often. He's never done that." The woman's worry was palpable on her trembling voice.

"This is not the place to talk about the headmaster, you know."

"And when is it a good time? He doesn't tell me a thing." She turned her head to look at him with fury. But he knew her ire was directed at what the headmaster was doing rather than at him. He was glad people were focused on the match at the moment. "He talks to you. You're his friend."

He shook his head. "I'm not."


"Dumbledore uses me and orders me to do what he thinks is necessary. I don't have his trust. I'm not his friend. I'm only a weapon and a pawn to him."

"You know something though, don't you?"

"Don't ask me things you know I can't tell. Ask him."

"I already did. You know how he is. He always avoids answering me."

"Even if I wished to share the information, I can't." At least, not with her. He had chosen his ally already.

Minerva was a good witch, but he couldn't bring himself to trust her fully. He liked and respected her, though it took a while for her to gain that from him. A weak sigh reached his ears and from the corner of his eyes, he saw the old witch's head and shoulders slouch. A tingle of guilt sparked inside him. "I'm sorry, I can't tell you more," he found himself saying.

"There's no need to say that. I understand. My apologies for pushing you, Severus. Thank you for being as honest as you can. I know you have a complicated task ahead of you."

He gave a nod and looked back at the match just as the Slytherin seeker extended his arm to grab the snitch.

She had no bloody idea.


Severus mourned the end of the cold weather. While it wasn't anywhere near hot, it was warm enough to melt away the snow, and green grass was slowly shooting up from the ground.

This change in weather usually brought good moods, but it darkened his. Usually. Tonight, it wasn't as bad as it was in the passing years.

He had a free night with no detentions, no hall monitoring. He took this opportunity to indulge himself with a few pieces of honey and butter toast as a dinner in his quarters.

But he had company. A feline who'd decided his lap was the perfect place for a snooze.

The cat came to his dungeons so often that he wondered if Granger sent him there when she felt he needed company and she wasn't available.

He looked down when he heard a loud purr. The feline had flipped over on his back and was looking up at him with orange eyes that held just as much curiosity as his mistress's eyes.

He rubbed the cat's stomach, and the purr grew louder. "I see why she sent you here today," he said. The feline turned around and moved closer to his waist, cuddling against him. Before he could continue, a soft knock sounded at his door. When it opened, he knew immediately who it was.

"Professor?" a female voice said. The feline raised his head, recognizing the voice as much as he did.

"Come in, Miss Granger."

She entered the room. Her robes were gone, but she still wore her uniform.

"I was going to ask if you had seen my cat, but it seems it's here." Her words were calm, and a hint of a smile appeared on her lips as her eyes moved to the feline. He meowed at her and cuddled into his lap.

"Is that so? I had the impression you sent the furball here quite frequently."

He picked up the cat and stood. It quickly moved up to his shoulder, rested his head on top of his, and meowed. Hermione covered her mouth to stifle a laugh.

He removed the cat from its position and held it out to her. She took a few steps forward and took him.

"You know, I don't send him often. Maybe once or twice a week. He comes to you on his own." She scratched him on the head. "He likes you a lot."

He walked over to the fireplace to tend to it. "I find that surprising. You know I'm not the most loved man here. Very few would seek out my company."

She moved to stand at his side. "Well, your company is my gain and their loss," she said. "Crookshanks is a little like you."

He straightened and looked at her. "Oh?"

"Misunderstood and alone for a long time, and no one took the time to get to know him like I did. I wanted to. And I discovered something very special in doing so."

"Please, Miss Granger. Don't equal me with a project to save because you pity me."

"You know I don't feel that way."

His stomach twisted when a desire to hug her hit him. He forced himself to remain still even though he knew she'd welcome such an action.

"You should go. It's almost curfew," he said.

A hint of sadness flashed across her face but she gave a nod. "Okay, have a good night then." She turned and walked toward the door.

A question he'd been pondering came to his mind. "Miss Granger," he said just as her hand touched the handle. She turned to him, curiosity on her face.

"May I ask what Weasley did to spark your anger at the game? I might add a touch to his suffering during my personal payback."

The feline looked at his owner, waiting for her response as well.

"He told me that I was pathetic for not trying to fix things and instead choosing to spend more time with Slytherins."

That boy was stupid. She had tried to fix things and was only rebuffed.

He'd noticed that members of other houses had started to talk to her more. Even the Ravenclaw girl in his advanced potions class, had started to befriend her.

That fool.

"Maybe I shouldn't have hit him, but it just made me so..." She growled instead of finishing her sentence.

"Miss Granger, he deserved more than a punch. Next time, hex him."

And then she laughed so loud that if he hadn't had a charm on his rooms it would've probably echoed throughout the entire dungeon.

AN: Rippling the bubble a little and letting them interact with others and see the changes they are making on each other. I wanted to show the change in Hermione too as the time had passed but the interaction with her "friends" is not the last one, as neither is Severus and McGonagall ones. People have a lot to mend...and our pair is melting down? Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. See you on April's 4th.
