Chapter 114: Not So Friendly Fire

When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 114: Not So Friendly Fire

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. Harry Potter is owned by JK Rowling.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

Students ran through the corridors screaming, items were exploding, he could smell smoke in the air and a light haze was drifting through the area indicating a fire somewhere on the premises. It was clear that Potter's presence had been discovered during the moment he'd spent with Hermione. The mobilization of Potter's group had begun, and this time he would make no effort to prevent it. He hoped the Carrows had already been disposed of, but if he ran into them and was sure they were alone, he'd kill them both himself. The Dark Lord had ordered him to let the underage students stay. He would not be following that order.

Right now, he would help Hermione first. Destroying the Horcrux was the most important task for them now. They made it to a quiet hall and he let himself relax for a few seconds. His steps halted when he heard other ones. He braced against the wall, pushing Hermione with him.

A group of students dashed by. He waited until the last one disappeared. "We'd better hurry if we don't want to be noticed. This hall will probably fill up soon and things won't go smoothly," he whispered.

Hermione snorted. "Look who I've been friends with since my first year. I'm used to things not going smoothly."

He almost chuckled at her words. She tensed as more students rushed past them, the fear displayed clearly on their face as they passed.

He lowered the arm he had in front of Hermione and took a small step out from the hiding spot. His instinct flared just in time to block an attack coming from down the hall. Flitwick and Sprout were running towards him.

They froze as he prepared his wand to fight them off.

The two narrowed their eyes at him. "Don't think for a second we're going to let you harm anymore students, traitor," the hate in Flitwick's voice stunned him despite him knowing already that they all despised him. He shifted himself further away from the wall and felt her at his left side, barely brushing against his arm. He wanted to tell her to run, but that might bring attacks onto her if they knew someone was there. They would automatically assume it was an enemy, and understandably so.

If she were pointing her wand at them, he was oblivious to the fact. In a normal situation, he would scoff at the thought of her attacking a teacher.

But this was not a normal situation.

"Do you see me following them? Do you see my wand pointing at them?" He hoped they would see logic, follow some common sense. He lifted his left arm away from his side slightly and pushed her back. She took the hint and he felt her warmth leave him. Good. Now he could defend himself and fight back.

Flitwick waved his wand and he darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the attack. Sprout attacked, then Flitwick again, both of their attacks hitting a statue and exploding it into dust and rubble.

He cast a spell at the wall in front of them, hoping to impede their path to him. Sprout sent a spell, he countered it.

He was confident that she'd gotten out of the way, but having no idea where she was gave a risk of friendly fire, from both sides.

Though he wasn't trying to hurt those two, they were deliberately trying to kill them. He may have to resort to injuring them at the very least if they kept this up. If he couldn't get away first.

Sprout sent another spell that resembled a plant with fangs. It hurled forward trying to bite him; he burned the plant. Before the ashes faded, an iron grasp clenched around him. As the armor's gripped tightened, he was able to take less deep breaths. Every time he tried to suck in air, only a bit entered his body.

"Isolating in Dumbledore's office didn't do you any good, Snape." He heard the mock from the man. War changed people and hate poisoned minds.

He played his role too well.

He fought to stay conscious as the armor squeezed tighter. He gritted his teeth and struggled to think of a spell to get him out of his situation.

Another iron hand came smashing into the floor in front of Flitwick. The short man's lack of focus caused the hand holding him to let go, he darted away from it and started to run, every muscle in his body protesting the action.

"Go where you need to," he shouted to Hermione. He rounded the corner, leaving the two teachers and her in the corridor. He needed to get out of that area before more chaos occurred. He knew that distraction with the other armor was due to Hermione.

At least she was unharmed.

He rushed into a classroom as he heard more rapid footfalls at his back. He didn't bother looking back as he grabbed his cloak and morphed into his dark form, his body melting into a mass with wings. He rushed through the window, piercing through it, shattering the entire thing, and sending glass outward into the air and down the ground outside.

"Come back here you coward!" Sprout's voice echoed and accompanied him as he tried to regain some distance.

Coward. Perhaps he was long ago, but now he would never accept being called that. Now, he only laughed. He wasn't the one teaming up to take down one wizard when they used to preach about fair fights.

He rushed outward and around, letting them think that he was leaving the castle grounds. He knew that they would likely create a protection barrier to make sure no one would be allowed inside without them knowing it. It was a wise thing to do considering how large the Dark Lord's army was in comparison with the adults that roamed the castle.

While they did that, he would be getting back to Hermione.

He rounded the building trying to find a new entrance far enough away that he wouldn't be spotted or heard. The castle itself sensed the danger developing in the distance. He glanced out where he knew the army waited and saw so many torches that it nearly rivaled the night sky.

This was going to be a massacre if a miracle didn't happen.

After another silent turn, he saw the bathroom. Joining his wings to the rest of the fog, he dove toward the window, shattering it when he went through.

A yelp greeted him at the same time he transformed back. He let his cloak fall to his sides and smirked at her. "Glad to know I can make such a stunning entrance."

"Are you okay? I couldn't help you-Wait a minute! How can you fly? How'd you do that? When did you learn?" Her words came in a rapid succession and he chuckled.

"I am fine, and that skill came from the Dark Lord." Her brows furrowed and he said, "Don't worry, it's harmless. You aren't hurt either, right?" He scanned her for injuries.

"I'm fine. I managed to take cover before Flitwick started casting those spells."

He nodded. "Where is the entrance located exactly? I know you didn't accompany Potter, but I am sure he told you all the details. Much more than Dumbledore told the professors."

Granger walked over to the circle of sinks in the middle of the bathroom. She rounded them, studying them as if she was looking for something.

"I'm trying to locate a serpent around here. It's the entrance to open the pipe that leads to the chamber." She explained without looking at him. He moved to look in the opposite direction she was looking. "Ah! Here it is. Now, we need to open it with Parseltongue."

He walked over to stand next to her and looked at the serpent. At least it was going to be useful watching his master speaking with that damned serpent. He had learned quite a bit by listening for long hours.



How in the seven circles of hell did she...? Well, he shouldn't have been astonished by her knowing this. She was always prepared for every possible obstacle in her life.

The sound of marble moving accompanied the expansion of the center of the sinks. The one where the serpent was carved turned to the side, revealing an opening engulfed by darkness.

He lifted his wand and a light appeared at the top of it. He took a step forward and looked down.

"I'll go first," he said. If he thought the distance was too far down, he'd be able to use the flying spell to keep himself from injury. He'd test the distance to keep her from getting hurt.

He leapt into the darkness.

AN: So I'm twisting things again. Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. And yep, Hermione spoke parsel. She is smart enough to learn a word or two. See you on Saturday.
