Winter Nights

Carl and Ron were on guard tower duty, due to Rick's commands. They didn't mind though because they were with each other and they loved every moment they spent together. "So I was thinking tomorrow morning you could come over to my house and we could read some comic books or something." Ron said to his boyfriend. "Uh yeah sure." Carl agreed shivering slightly. It was much colder out tonight then usual since winter had just started. Ron took notice to Carl's shaking. "You look cold. Come here." He said. Carl stood up and walked over to Ron. Ron removed his jacket and put it on Carl. The shorter boy smiled shyly the jacket was huge on him since his boyfriend was much taller than him. "But now you'll be cold." He pointed out. Ron smiled though as he sat back down. "I guess you'll just have to come and snuggle up with me so we both stay warm." This caused Carl to blush but he walked over and sat on Ron's lap, wrapping his arm's around his neck. "See now nobody's cold." Ron said kissing Carl's forehead. Carl must have been pretty tired because he fell asleep on top of Ron. His head was cuddled into his shoulder as he snored quietly. Ron was alright with doing watch duty himself because he though Carl looked adorable asleep. He couldn't help but run his finger's through his soft dark hair. Ron noticed Carl had started talking in his sleep. "Ron... love.. you." He heard. He let out a soft giggle. "I love you too Carl." He said even though he knew that he was fast asleep. Eventually it was time for them to go inside. Carl was still asleep so Ron picked him up and carried him into bed where he cuddled up with him soon falling asleep too.
