Ron's Angel

Ron had grew up with his younger brother Sam, and his mother and father. He tried to project to everybody else at Alexandria that he was part of a happy family. He would've loved to believe that himself but it wasn't the truth. He loved his family to death. Even his father who was the root of the problem. Ever since Ron could remember his dad was abusive. It started with him only hitting his mom. Eventually he also started hurting Ron and his brother. It happened quite often but it was Ron and his family's dirty secret. Ron's best friend and lover Carl however started getting suspicious when Ron had mysterious cuts and bruises. Ron was able to convince him that everything was fine. Ron had been in the garage to grab garden tools that Carol had asked him to get. His dad soon came in as well, closing the door behind him. "Son.." Pete said approaching him. Ron immediately smelled the alcohol on his breath. "Hi dad.." He replied trying not to let him see that he was a bit nervous. "You told Rick didn't you, you fag." Ron shook his dead as he took a step back. "Liar!"His dad yelled as he punched him across the face. Ron wasn't lying. He'd be embarrassed if people knew his father did this. He loved his father and didn't want him in trouble. Ron felt the blood dripping from his now busted lip. As he tried to wipe away the blood Pete shoved him on the ground. Ron felt pain rush through his body as he slammed on the ground. Ron closed his eyes tightly as he felt his dad kicking him. Tears fell from his eyes as he finally found the chance to back away from his dad. He got up and ran inside. He locked him in the garage so he couldn't come after his. "Carl!" Ron called with blood and tears all over his swollen face. His boyfriend came running. "Carl you.. you we're right about my dad." He said simply. Carl tightly hugged Ron. Ron cried into his shoulder as he clung onto him. "We're gonna tell my dad alright?" Carl whispered. Ron nodded even though he knew what Rick would do about it. Ron stayed there as Carl went and talked to his father. Rick went into the garage and Ron just went back to hugging his boyfriend. Ron flinched as he heard the gun shot that he knew was coming. Carl rubbed his back soothingly "You're okay. Everything's okay now" He whispered. Eventually Ron pulled away looking into Carl's eyes. Carl scanned his face. He had a busted and bloody lip and a black eye. Carl took his thumb and gently wiped away the blood on his face. Rick walked in, he had blood splattered on his pants. "I don't want you boys in there." Rick said. He knew they didn't need to see Pete's corpse. Carl brought his boyfriend into the bathroom. He cleaned up his cuts and then the two boys went into Carl's room. Carl laid down holding a sad broken Ron in his arms. "Ron, I love you. So much, you don't deserve to go through this." Carl said running his hand through his boyfriend's curly brown hair. Ron looked up, "I love you too Carl. Thank you for being my angel." He whispered.
