Pillow Kisses

Ron Anderson was sitting in his bedroom reading a comic book with music playing softly in the background. He looked up from his comic when he heard a knock at his door. There stood Carl leaned up against the door frame. "Oh hey Carl." He greeted as he put down the comic on his dressed. "Hey Ronald. " Carl said playfully knowing that Ron hated that name. "Carrlll don't call me that." He complained as he picked up a pillow and hit Carl with it. "Oh you wanna play that game." Carl threatened jokingly as he grabbed a pillow of of his friend's bed. Carl swung the pillow at Ron's head but he had ducked just in time, also managing to hit Carl in the rib's with the pillow. The two continued swinging the pillows at each other. Eventually Carl hit Ron causing him to loose his balance and fall onto the floor. "Look's like I won and you l-" Carl began before Ron tripped him, But when Carl fell he fell directly on top of his taller friend. Carl laughed quietly but Ron just stared up at him with a look in his eyes that Carl couldn't really spell out. "Carl?" Ron whispered, his tone of voice was soft and gentle which wasn't usually the case with Ron. "Don't hate me for doing this okay." He said to Carl. Before he had time to respond Ron had connected their lips. By the way he kissed Carl you could tell he's been waiting forever to do that. Carl kissed back, not even bothering to think about what was happening. The world stopped for the boys. As Ron became more aware that Carl was alright with this he slipped a hand under his shirt, still staying close to his waist though to scared to go any higher. He rubbed circles gently on his soft skin. Carl slowly lifted his hand and cupped Ron's cheek. The kiss stayed like this a little longer before Carl slowly pulled away, Ron letting out a soft whimper quietly at the loss of Carl's lips. "What just happened?" Carl asked, clearly not sure what he felt but knowing that he liked it. "Maybe we should do it again to find out." Ron suggested. Carl giggled before kissing him again. Neither one of the boys could deny that they were very much in love with the other. But they didn't say that out loud. They didn't need to, they passion in the kiss told them that and so there was no need for speaking.
