Don't Hate Me

Ron Anderson layed sprawled across his bed wearing nothing more than his sweatpants. Music from downstairs blared so loudly you could faintly hear it even from his bedroom. His mom was hosting a party but he didn't care much for the whole socializing thing, so he stayed up in his room reading his favorite comic. Carl on the other hand was forced to go because of his dad wanting to go support Jessie. In other words Rick was hoping to get laid. Carl stood in a corner by himself deciding it was best not to bother any of the tipsy adults but that was when a few that he didn't recognize came to speak with him. They talked all kind of nonsense for a while until, "Where's your mother? Is she hot?" An older man asked him. That's what set Carl off. This was all too overwhelming for him. A party. A man hitting on his dead mother. He couldn't take it.  He ran upstairs and shut himself in the closest room he could find. He was crying too much to realize he stumbled into Ron's room. Ron sat up on his bed and spoke. "Carl? Are.. Are you okay?" He asked. Carl turned as he realized a shirtless Ron was sitting right there. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here." Carl said as he reached for the door knob to let himself out. "Carl wait!" Ron said quickly as he stood up. Carl froze. What could he possibly want? They never did get along why would now be different? Ron pulled Carl into a hug. He was caught off guard at first but he wrapped his arms around Ron and cried into his shoulder. "It's alright." Ron whispered in a soft comforting voice Carl had never heard him use. Ron led Carl over to his bed and lied down with him. Ron pushed the dark brown hair out of his friend's face and wiped away the few tears that remained. Carl began to calm down and grew tired.  As much as Ron did enjoy the company of his friend at his side it also mad him sad. He's sad and you're a dick to him. You know damn well he wouldn't be cuddling with you if he weren't a complete wreck right now. Ron thought to himself. He had a huge crush on Carl. He didn't know how to deal with his feelings and just was a complete asshole to him. "Ron.." Carl whispered. "Why are you doing this? You hate me." He continued. "I love you." Ron said unconsciously. "I mean, fuck." Carl sat up surprised. Ron must be fucking with him. There was no way.. right? "Carl i'm sorry I wasn't thinking please don't hate me I-" Ron tried explaining but Carl wasn't listening. He was always confused about his feelings towards Ron and know he had them sorted out. Carl leaned down towards Ron slowly. "I don't hate you." He whispered as he kissed Ron soft and lovingly. The two of them spent the rest of the night kissing and cuddling and the party didn't matter to the boys. Nothing else in the world mattered.
