Little Bit of Help

"I can't do it Mikey." Carl mumbled. Carl had been ranting to Mikey all about his crush. "Just tell him whats the worst that can happen?" Mikey asked the younger boy. "He could hate me and never talk to me again, then our friendship is ruined!" He said stumbling over to look out the window. Outside was who Carl believed was the love of his life. "Staring at him isn't going to help." Mikey pointed out. Carl ignored his friend as he watched through the window. "C'mon Carl I have an idea." Carl followed Mikey, not liking where this was going. So many thoughts spiraled through his mind of what was about to happen. Eventually they were outside standing a few yards away from Ron Anderson. "You're gonna tell him. Or I will for you." Mikey whispered to Carl who had a petrified look on his face. Carl was thinking that over but his thoughts were interrupted as Mikey shoved him so he was standing in front of Ron. "Oh hey Carl!" Ron greeted happily. "Uh hey Ron." Carl said scratching the back of his neck. He glanced over at Mikey who was nodding his head. "I just though you should know that I really... Really like you. As more than a fr-" Carl couldn't continue talking because Ron had already decided to kiss the blue eyed boy. Carl was a bit taken aback, but kissed the taller boy back. Ron wrapped his arms gently around Carl's neck as he kissed him softly. The kiss didn't last too long since both of the boys knew they weren't alone out here. "I really really like you too Carl Grimes." Ron said smiling brightly. Carl shyly smiled as he looked up, locking his eyes with Ron. "Carl and Ron sitting in a tree," Mikey called out. Ron grabbed Carl's hand, "Let's get him!" Ron laughed. The two boy's chased after Mikey while still holding hands. Eventually though they got distracted from running after their friend because they were too busy kissing each other happily, and nothing else mattered in that moment.
