Not His End [alternative ending to 6x09]

 If you did not watch 6x09 then this is your warning that this part includes slight spoilers

Okay so that episode broke me because of Ron's death and I'm super pissed about it so i've decided to write an alternative ending although Ron's the only survivor in the Anderson family so if you really like Sam or Jessie I apologizes, hope you enjoy:

Today was different for the people of Alexandria. Most of them were well used to the safety of their home but since the walls were no longer intact the undead were everywhere. Sam, Jessie, Ron, and Carl were all following Rick's directions. They were covered in the guts of a walker and slowly trying to escape to safety. Sam began to get scared. "Mom....Mom!" He called out several times. The group almost completely ignored him, knowing that if they tried to talk to him they'd be walker food. Suddenly Sam saw a walker boy, probably his age which caused him to tense up and freeze. Jessie and Ron were immediately  concerned for his safety and their own. "C'mon Sam, we just have to go a little further." Ron said sweetly to his younger brother not letting him see how scared he really was. Jessie pleaded for him to continue but he wouldn't. Several walkers approached Sam biting into him, slowly eating him alive as he made a scream that you'd only hear from a dying little boy. Jessie refused to let go of her son which of course lead to her death as well. Ron had just watched his family die in front of him and being a teenager he automatically blamed Rick. He held up his gun to Rick and Carl. His body did tense  just like Rick sad it would when he was being taught to shoot. He couldn't pull the trigger especially because of Carl. Carl was his best friend and even though they fought both of them knew the reason behind it. It was only minutes ago he was holding the hand of his crush and now he had a gun to him. Before he could lower his gun he saw Carl scream and jump behind him. Michonne had been behind Ron about to kill him however Carl through himself in the way, only getting a slight cut on his arm, which to him was more than worth it to save Ron's life. Ron dropped the gun still shaking. "Carl you have to-" Michonne began but Carl interrupted "No your not about to hurt him! He wouldn't hurt me or dad so you don't get that right!" He shouted.  The walkers continued to surround them so Carl grabbed Ron's hand running with him into a safe building. Ron's face was covered in tears. Carl didn't care they were both covered in walker organs he pulled him in for a tight hug. "They're gone." Ron mumbled to himself. "But your still here and you have me." Carl whispered. Carl helped Ron clean off, him barley wanting to stand because of him sadness. Carl cleaned himself off too before sitting with his broken friend. "Why did you risk your life for me?" A teary eyed Ron asked while staring into space. "Honestly?... I couldn't let the person I love get hurt." He said quietly causing Ron to look over at Carl, very shocked. "I love you too." Ron whispered as they brought their faces closer together kissing. Ron had tears streaming down his face as they kissed but neither of the boys minded because they were finally getting what they wanted, each other. 
