Sweetest Salty Snack

Carl had just grabbed some food from the kitchen. It was a bag of pretzels because he was hungry but couldn't be bothered to put in effort into making anything. Carl took his snack and walked into the living room. He sat on the couch before he was soon joined by his friend Ron. The boys had kissed once maybe but they weren't together and never even discussed the brief kiss. Although maybe that was for the better because their friendship wasn't awkward and that's the way they wanted it to stay. "Hey Carl." Ron smiled sitting down next to his friend. Before Carl had the chance to greet him back Ron had already stole a couple of Carl's pretzels from the bag. Carl rolled his eyes, though he wasn't surprised he knew that it was Ron's favorite snack. Carl snatched the bag closed before Ron could get anymore. "Aww c'mon Carl pleasee let me have a couple more?" Ron asked in the sweetest voice he could manage which made Carl laugh. "Fine." Carl replied. "Close your eyes and open your mouth." Ron was confused but didn't question it, partly because he wanted pretzels,  but also because he trusted Carl." Ron obeyed his orders. Carl picked up a single pretzel from the bag and fed it to his friend. Ron laughed, Carl always had the silliest ideas. Ron kept his eyes closed as Carl continued to feed him the pretzels. Eventually there was only a few left in the bag. Carl put this pretzel half way in his mouth as he put the other half in Ron's. His eyes were shut but it didn't take him long to figure out what was happening. Ron bit into the pretzel so each of them got a half but they were both much more focused on the fact that they were kissing. Not one single peck like previously. No, this kiss was passionate and them being two hormonal teenage boys the kiss was also pretty sloppy. The bag of pretzels was long forgotten as Carl sat straddled in Ron's lap kissing him. Carl was occasionally grinding against Ron but both of them knew they couldn't go farther than kissing due to the fact that the rooms around them were filled with people. As Carl finally pulled away he looked at Ron. First down at his lips which were wet and swollen and then up at his gorgeous brown eyes. Looking deep into them Carl felt lost and unable to speak. "Carl.." Ron said breaking the silence. "I know." He responded. Ron didn't need to say it he knew how he felt and words felt so unnecessary as their lips met again.
