Christmas special! (one-shot)


Of course, some good ol' Angst with a happy ending:)
Also I found the picture on Pinterest and I just love it lol

  "Heyy Harry, what are you doing?" Draco says when sliding into a chair next to the raven haired man, pushing a hand onto the man's forearm which was sitted right on the top of the desk in Harry's study room to his apartment.
  "I'm filling these papers out, I told you I have to get these done by tomorrow morning, okay? I'm sorry babe, I'll call you tomorrow. You should get going anyways, it's pretty late." Harry says with a sorrowful look on his face when looking at his boyfriend.
  "Awh but Harry, you always have paperwork. You don't spend as much time with me as you used to!" Draco exclaims to Harry, looking as if about to throw a tantrum like a child if he doesn't get more time with his lover.
"Draco I really can't, I'll call you tomorrow."
"Harry," Draco says sliding a hand to his boyfriends lap "please?"
Harry reluctantly moves his boyfriends hand away from his lap, "No, Draco."
  "Why not?"
  "Draco, I have to get this done, and you aren't helping!"
  "Well just hang out with me a little and you can get right back to working on your...paperwork, per usual."
  "No. It's final."
  "Pleas-" but before Draco can even finish his drawn-out plead, Harry is already interrupting him.
  "Draco! I said no! Leave!" Harry blurts out before he can even take into consideration the words he's yelling at his boyfriend.
  "Draco- I'm, I'm sorry, alright? I really am, I just, I have to finish these okay? They're really important." he says, reaching a hand to cradle the others shoulder.
  "No, Harry it's okay, I'll leave. I'm sorry." Draco says, pushing away Harry's hand and jumping away from the chair, leaving behind a guilty-filled lover of his.

It was pouring rain, not like the weather Draco had experienced when walking to his boyfriends apartment earlier that day. But, it was a good thing since it hid the tears that were dripping off his cheeks and onto the roadside.
He shouldn't have pestered Harry so much in the first place anyways, he knew what his boyfriend did was an important part of the wizarding world, but he just felt so lonely when Harry wasn't there talking to him or cuddling him until he fell asleep on Harry's stomach. He just wanted his boyfriend back sometimes, like when they had just graduated Hogwarts and were young and hopelessly in love. He wanted to experience that again, with Harry.
Draco and Harry never got much time together anymore, at least not like a few years ago. They'd see each other everyday, of course, but most of the time it was just Draco watching Harry do his paperwork for work. Draco wanted everything back. Why couldn't it be like before? Why did they have to grow up?
  Draco finally reached his apartment after what felt like an hour walk, but was only closer to half. He didn't even bother changing out of his dangerously drench clothes before face-planting into his living room couch and beginning to bawl from eye to eye.
  Was Harry mad at him? Had Draco been too selfish? Surely not...but what if? What if Harry never lets him over again? Or breaks up with him? Or worse- stops loving him? Were him and Harry really that inseparable?
  After a good 10 minutes of Draco crying and whimpering on the couch in his still dripping clothes, there's a faint sound of a knock on the door..
  They'll go away..
Knock knock knock knock knock

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Draco shouts wiping the tears from his eyes- although his wet sleeves don't help too much in that case.
"What do you-" and sure enough, Harry, Harry, his lover, his boyfriend, the boyfriend that had yelled at him to leave showed up at his front door "want?"
"Draco, Draco I'm so sorry baby." Harry says, wrapping Draco into a warming hug. "I really am. I was just stressed, okay? I was just so stressed and I took it out on you and I shouldn't have, I know that. It was foolish of me. I didn't want you to leave, I wanted the paperwork to leave, really. I love you, Draco."

  "I know, Harry."
Harry pulls Draco away from the hug and anylyzes him.
  "You're soaked to the bone, Draco!"
  "I was going to change-"
    "You're going to get sick! Go change, right now!"
    "Okay, mother." Draco jokes, heading into his bedroom the get a change of clothes while Harry waited in the living room.
    He changes into an oversized sweater, one that makes it well past his mid-thigh so he doesn't have to wear pants under.

Draco slips onto the seat of his couch next to Harry. He doesn't even get to allow himself comfort before Harry is pulling Draco in so Draco's head falls on his chest.

"I'm sorry, Draco."
"It's okay Harry, really. I should be the one apologizing anyways."
"For what? You didn't even do anything, love."

Draco pushed against Harry's chest to so he could raise up and meet eye-to-eye with Harry.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry for being so annoying," Draco says, starting to tear up again, "I just want us to be like before! I want to go out on dates and cuddle and sleep together." at this point Draco is totally bawling his eyes out on Harry's chest, but he continues, "I want us to hang out like we did when we were in eighth year and when we graduated! I want us to be like we were! I want you to love me like you did before, Harry." Draco finishes through his whimpers and sobs, still atop of Harry's chest. By now he wouldn't even be surprised if Harry could feel the tears through his t-shirt.

Harry just awards Draco the most sincere and considerate look before saying, "Draco, I do love you. I'll always love you. No matter what. I'll love you to the day I die, till the day you die. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, go out every weekend and go to dinner with you. And I'm sorry I haven't done that with you lately, I've just been so stupid and so caught up in my work. But I do, Draco, I really do. I want to spend every minute of my life with you. Raise a family with you and cuddle you every night until you fall asleep in my arms." Harry continues,  leaning Draco against the back of the couch, slowly lifting himself off.
"And, to prove it to you, I was going to do this some other time, perhaps when I took you to Paris or wherever you'd want to go, but I'm doing it now. To show you just how much I love you." Harry tells Draco, a loving look in his eyes, lowering himself onto the hardwood in front of Draco, whom was still seated on the couch with a tear-stained face.
Harry cradles one of Draco's cheeks, wiping away the leftover tears while on his knee.
"Harry?" Draco chokes out, face flushed and filled to the brim with what most would call love.


  "And from that moment, and before, and to now, I knew I wanted to wake up to your face every morning and greet you with a kiss. I love you, Draco. I always will. Always."
  The man afront of Draco and Harry speaks out, "You may now kiss the groom."


Happy Christmas, and if you don't celebrate Christmas, then Happy Holidays:))

Word Count: 1352
