{1}Dreadful Day•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, abuse. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;

I wake up and get ready for school, as I've been dreading it all night and barely got any sleep. Harry had always given me the dirty eye, as if I did something to him! Well, I might be a bit mean..but that's only because I like him! I'm surprised he hasn't even found out by now..I thought I've been making myself pretty obvious, but I guess not. Yesterday I made him pretty angry..

I walk out of the Slytherin dormitory into the bathroom before class starts, only to see the Scarfaced Harry I've been dreading to see. Great,

"What are you doing here, Potter? Not spying on me I hope."
Potter gives me an already annoyed look, "Nope, just using the bathroom. Who would spy on ʸᵒᵘ anyways?"
I should've figured..
"Well good. I don't want some half-blood following me around anyways." I say to him as I pass him, heading to a stall to do my business. But, Potter grabs me by the wrist and spins me back towards him.

"Look, you've got to stop acting like a snob. It's getting pretty annoying and nobody really like you for your attitude. Although, daddy's money paints a different story. That's the whole reason you originally got on the Quidditch team anyhow! You aren't all high and mighty like you think you are."
Harry snaps at me. He walks away and I soon start to feel a quaking ache in my heart. I slide down onto the bathroom floor.
Harry thinks I'm a snob?
He thinks I'm annoying?
I never wanted that..
If he thinks those awful things of me there's no way he could ever like me. I start to feel the warmth of something slide down my cheek. No, no, I can't be, I can't cry! Malfoys never cry! And we can't have our reputation go down because I'm too weak.

I get up, wipe my cheeks from the already fallen tears and head to my first class.
When I head into class I sit in my normal seat, next to Pansy who is also beside Blaise.
"Hey, Draco" Pansy and Blaise both say in usion.
"Yeah, hey" I say back to the both of them, getting comfortable in my seat and leaning my head down. Resting my eyes won't hurt, I'm Snape's favourite anyways so he shouldn't mind.

I wake up at the end of class to a load of bickering.
"Well, maybe if you guys learned to shut your mouths every once in a while then maybe stuff like this wouldn't happen!" I hear Pansy say in an extremely annoyed voice. I raise my head, picking up my stuff to leave, as she's just arguing with that Weasel, mudblood and Potter. As I'm almost out the door I feel a hand on my collar yank me back, almost losing my balance, but I catch myself,
"What the bloody hell!" I exclaim.
Potter starts, "This one right here was the last one in the bathroom before my belevod book went missing! Lord knows what he did with it, probably tore it up or hid it somewhere for me to find." He spits.
"Like Hell I'd do anything with your stupid book, what is it anyhow, your diary?" I argue back, chuckling.
"As a matter of fact its not, but I know you took it." Potter glares at me.
Few hours later

We soon head to lunch as we've already glided through most of our classes for today. Blaise, Pancy and I all sit in a triangular form at the Slytherin table, Pancy across from Blaise and I. We get mail today. I wonder if I'll get anything from father..
As I'm thinking to myself I feel a light weight of paper make it's way to my lap. Of course, I was right. Father had sent me another one of his 'lovely' letters, it read;

I hope you are prioritizing your studies, I've heard rumors that Granger child is doing better than you. I hope you won't let that happen to this family's reputation. We can't have a pure blood who's more of an idiot than a filthy mudblood! If you do not raise your grades I will be forced to punish you, as you know last time didnt go well I presume you will raise up your grades before coming home.
Lucius Malfoy

Great, a punishment. His punishments weren't him taking away my wand, they were compiled of much more....physical things. Maybe a few decent beats to the back from his cane, or maybe a whip, or the whole break with no food and locked in the cellar. Maybe he even had a new punishment for me. I never know at this point..
I play with my food, not feeling hungry, as Blaise sees this he looks me worriedly in the eyes with his hand on my shoulder,

"You know, you should eat, it's not healthy going on like this, I haven't seen you eat at all this week."
"I'm just not hungry.." I tell him in a monotone voice.

I head up to my dorm room after collecting my stuff, leaving my other Slytherin friends behind. I'm not hungry. Not really. Father says I'm not. I believe him. I don't need to eat every day.

Word count: 932
