{18} Let Me Help•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, rape, harmful words, abuse, anxiety, angst in general. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;

A/N- photo of Tom at the Fantastic Beasts Premier^^^^^^

When I was in year one it was so easy ignoring Harry. Not talking to your enemy is normal, after all. But, he's not my enemy anymore, I don't think. Indeed, he's anything but that. I've gone by a month not speaking or looking at him. I'm doing as I should do.

I was seated at the back table with Blaise, Pansy and Theo in Potions class this morning. I already woke up feeling bad with a stomach ache, but Pansy made me eat breakfast, too. She's like the mother I never wanted, but I'm only allowed to say that because she's my best friend. Harry had been side eyeing me as per usual. The second Snape stopped giving out instructions Harry sends a letter my way.

Did I do something wrong?
I'm sorry if I did, please talk to me.

Followed by a note in Charms;

Was it your father?
Did he say something to scare you? I can help you, but only if you talk to me. I care about you.

But, then came lunch. And that's when all Hell broke loose.

Harry had came over to the Slytherin table.

"Draco," he stares at me. I look up at him, but quickly regain my focus to Blaise and I's conversation.
"Dray." Harry narrows his eyes down at me.
"Do you need something, Potter?" Blaise stands up.
"I need Dray to talk to me." Harry says, unaffected to Blaises' presence.
"Dray? You mean Draco here?" Blaise continues to stand his ground, crossing his arms. I had just sat there scared of what was to come. Blaise had already started to get angry, and Harry was far from backing down it seemed.

"Come on, Dray. Let's talk." Harry steps closer to me.
"Potter. How about you just go and take a seat back at your Gryffindor table?" Blaise asks, putting a steady hand on Harry's shoulder from keeping him away from me. I had told Blaise to not let Harry talk to me because of the letter. Blaise knew we had went on a date and we were reverently a thing, but he understands my worries with my father.
"Or, let me talk to Dray." Harry slaps Blaises' hand away and grabs my hand. Harry leads me quickly to the Room of Requirements, with an angry Blaise trying to find us.

Harry quickly shut the door, "Dray, please talk to me now."
I stuttered out, "I can't- Harry, I can't." I tried to keep my emotions bottled, but I didn't do too great of a job, obviously, since I began to tremble.
"Dray, please, let me do something." Harry said, putting a hand on my shoulder, looking me in the eyes as he spoke.
I don't know if Harry will ever understand, or if he already does, but I need him. I need him so much.
I couldn't help my emotions, so I began to cry. Everything is so hard. All I want is to be with Harry and not worry about anything.
"Dray," Harry whispered to me, pulling me into a hug. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry this is so hard. Please. Just let me help."
We spent the night in that room. Harry and I cuddled on the couch without saying a word. And it was nice. Luckily, Blaise never found us.

A/N- I love hurt/comfort sm omg😣
