{4}I Like Him a Lot•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, rape, abuse. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;
This chapter includes abuse/trauma,

It's the next day and Blaise, Pancy and I are at lunch.
"So..are you going to eat?" Pancy asked me with sorrowful eyes.
"I'm good, I'm still bloated from all the water I chugged this morning." Which was true, I had chugged so much water my stomach bloated up a little bit, leaving my ribcage a bit less visible and bringing my confidence down.

"Well, we're done with our classes for now, why don't you go rest. You look tired." Blaise spat out.
"I will, thanks." He wasn't wrong , but it's just that I'm always tired. I could get a perfect 8 hours of sleep, 2 hours, or 15 and I'd still be tired.
I head down to the Room of Requirements. It's quiet dark. What's that noise?
I check to make sure no one is behind me, following me. Nope, not a soul besides mine.
I hop down onto the green silk bed in the Room of Requirements, already drifting off to sleep.
The door creeks open but I'm too tired to even open my eyes as I drfit into a deeper sleep.

I awake to a great pain in lower back, my left hand straddled into a chain on the bed.
The fuck?
"Ah-ah-ah, no moving. Malfoys obey their masters."
"What? What's happening?" My back aching and my hand sore from the marks of the chain.
"Crucio!" Lucius shouts loud, pointing his wand at me.
I scream in pain as that's all I can do, even after biting my lips to suppress the screams from making their way out of my throat.

I awake again, this time my hands free and my breathing heavy. Wetness on my cheeks coming from my eyes.
A dream?
Why do I always have to have nightmares of him. I don't like father. Not at all. Not anymore. I don't think I ever will, he ruined that for me. The only people I trust are Blaise and Pancy. Potter of course, but he doesn't really like me seen as how he thought I stole his book. I like him. I like him a lot. I just wish he liked me back. I know he doesn't and I know he never will because I'm a death eater and a Malfoy.
Nobody likes Malfoys if you aren't a pure blood or death eater. No mudblood or halfblood likes Malfoys. They're scared of most of them. They think I'll kill them if they get too close.
I just wish Potter was next to me at times like these. It'd make me happy. But I don't deserve happiness. Nobody like me does. A gross, ugly, death eater. I'm disgusting. I don't deserve his love. But I want it.
I want it bad.

Sorry it's so short and not well developed, I might redo it://

Word count: 525
