{15}The Return of Blaise and Pansy•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, rape, harmful words, abuse, anxiety, angst in general. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;

"So you two are dating?" Blaise asks me with a questioned voice.
"I... Don't know. Maybe? I'm not really sure."

"Not sure!? Come on, you went on a date! He loves you and you love him! How does that not sound like dating?" he voice screeches.
"Well, we never really went over it I guess... It's not official.."
"Sure." Blaise takes a minute, "so why don't you tell him about the letter? I mean he loves you, he'll help and understand you."
"Yeah but what if he doesn't? What if he doesn't even like me and he's just teasing me for the fun of it?"
"Trust me. Harry Potter would not spend time with a 'death eater' if he didn't really care about and trust them."

Ever since Blaise came back, life has been okay. No more letters from home, I finally got to see my friends again. It's only been a day back with them and I'm feeling so much better. Even though I haven't seen Harry in over a week...

"How did home go?" Blaise worriedly looks at me. Even though he knows the situation with my father, there's no way I can be honest. I don't want to worry him.. "It was okay."


"Don't worry! I'm here, aren't I?" I smile at him, and he just gives me a look back. A look making me believe I didn't do a good job at lying.
"Draco, if you ever need anything, if you need help or anything, you know I'm always here, right?"
"Yes, Blaise, I do, thank you." I continue to smile. Blaise has always been there for me but sometimes I just think it's time for me to grow up, my friends might not always be here to help me.

Just as Blaise and I finish sharing our words, I hear a loud and obnoxious sound come from the entrance of the common room, "I'm back, bitches!"

"Blaise? Did you hear something?" I joke and Blaise shakes his head no.

"Draco Malfoy! Stop being a prat and both of you get up and greet me!" Pansy demands.

"Ugh, fine." both Blaise and I grunt out.
"Crazy lady." I whisper to Blaise as he chuckles.

"Says you! The life of the party is here now, no need to worry! Everything is okay!" She praises herself, putting herself on a podium.

"Whatever you say." says Blaise, earning himself a smack in the back of the head.

"Watch it." Pansy says seriously.

A/N I'm kind of updating again?

Word Count: 473
