{9}One Week Left•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, rape, abuse. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;
In this chapter there are scenes of abuse, depression, basically everything. There may be language that makes some people uncomfortable used in this story.

"Wake up Master Draco." I hear a strange, yet familiar voice calling my name. I open my eyes to a very bright light that I'm guessing is the sun. I feel so sore already.

"Master Draco!"
"How is Master feeling? I helped him to bed after he fainted. I also cleaned his wounds!"
"Thanks Dobby. Ugh, wheres my father?"
"He has left for Diagon Alley just not long ago." Dobby smiles at me, as he knows just how much I would like to be alone in this Manor.
"Left with Master Lucius"

Thank God. I can take a shower without being rushed or scared.

I quickly get out of bed and carefully make my way to my drawers, I'm feeling a bit lightheaded since last night's incident. I pull out black skinny jeans and a black turtle neck. I take my time in the shower, father and mother usually take their time when they head out, it makes me happy when they do, I always get to do what I want while they're away.

"Master Draco, Master Draco!"
"What are you doing in here Dobby!" I poke my head out but make sure my body is covered by the shower curtains.
"He- Master Lucuis is home."

Oh shit

As soon as the house elf says that I turn off the water and get dressed. I rush downstairs after towel drying my hair to greet my father and mother.

"There, that's your disgusting little son." I hear my father speak, pointing to me when I'm in view.
"It can't be, oh, tell me it's not true Draco! You're not..one of them, right? Y'know, gay?" My mother rushes over to me and places her hand on my wrist lightly, almost begging to hear the answer that's about to come out of my mouth.
"No! Of course not. I-"
"He hugged his 'friend' like some queer!"
"That's what friends do, father!"
"Did you just raise your voice at me?" He walks closer to me as mother back away.
"Tell me! Did you just raise your voice at me!" He reaches closer to me and points his cane at me with every word.
"No, father."
"Wrong! You did. I head it. You heard it too, right Narcissa?" he turns to my mother and she nods hesitantly.

Before I can land another word in my defense he's already beating me senselessly with his cane, as if he hadn't just beat me enough last night.

He pulls me by the hair after I had fallen down on the ground, "get up, boy. You're going to have to learn your lesson in the dungeons" he leads me to the underground dungeons of the house and walks me halfway down the stairs before tossing me in the rest of the way and locking the door. I'm left to a dark room and blood everywhere.

"Is- Master Draco okay?" I hear coming from close, but I know who it is so I don't even begin to panic.
"I'm okay"
Dobby sets a lit lantern down Infront of me,
"Does master need his wounds treated?"
"That would be nice, thank you."

Dobby was always so kind to me, no matter what. He knows everything that happens and home, and everything about me. He knows that my father beats me and abuses me, that I'm gay and in love with Potter, but he doesn't care about that. He always helps me anyway he can, like healing my wounds when I get beat by father- or someone else. He even gave me love advice when I was crying in my room last Summer about how Potter would never like me. Of course, I was too much of a wimp to do anything with the advice, so I stuck to insulting him, but it was still nice having someone help me.

Only 1 week until I go back to Hogwarts. Father always wanted me to go back one week earlier to get extra practice in for my studies. Usually, I would just lye in bed and sleep, as I typically don't get to do that as peacefully at home. But, I'll never tell father that, I'll take any chance to leave this Hell hole, fast.

I usually get to see Potter at school since he stays behind every break. We never talk, we just pass by in the library or hall. But that's enough for me.

Just one week. I can do this.

Word count: 815
