{2}Why Potter•

IN this story there are scenes/talks/actions/thoughts related to things such as eating disorders, self harm, depression, rape, abuse. If any of these trigger you, feel free to click off now. If not, please enjoy this story chapter;

I head into my dorm room and crash onto my bed. I'm so tired. I just want to sleep. And hopefully not wake up. This world is a dreadful place and I'm not very fit for it I don't think. It's not that I don't want to be fit for this world, it's just that there's very few people who trust a Malfoy, and I've yet to find more than two, Blaise and Pancy. And, I don't really feel like living in a world when I know everyone I face doesn't trust me one bit or they think I'll turn on them anytime I get the chance to. I don't want to be seen that way. I wish it wasn't like this. Father would kill me for saying but I'm not sure I want to be a Malfoy if this is what it's like forever. People ignoring me, giving me the side-glare, backing away from me if I'm in more than five feet perimeter of them. I don't like it.

‼️TW- SH‼️

I head down to the bathrooms, as that's what I always do when I'm feeling like this.
When I step into the bathrooms I pull out a blunt and a blade. Smoking makes me feel better, it calms me down. And as for the blade, well, it relives even more of my stress. I light my blunt and start smoking, pulling up my sleeve after my first few puffs.

After the second cut the blood from my arm is already dripping onto the ground, causing a blood puddle. I've done it deep this time. Just one more. Before I could finish the third cut I hear the turn of a knob. The bathroom door. I quickly roll down my sleeve, putting my arm behind me and step into the puddle of blood to hide it with my foot. I hold tightly onto the blade in my bleeding hand, probably causing a few small cuts on my palm. Blunt still in my mouth I stand there, waiting.
It's Harry.
Of bloody fucking course. Harry Potter. Of all people Harry Potter had to walk in on me.

"I suppose that's the book you stole from me? Hiding behind your back? By the way, smoking is against the rules." Potter said boldly, taking a step closer to me.

"I suppose it isn't, as I said before I didn't take it. And I can do whatever the bloody Hell I want to. Now just do your business and get out." I argue back to him.

He continues to step closer, but I can't move or he'll see the blood under my shoes, so I stay still, hoping he'll just leave and give it up if I put up a fight.

"I know you took it and I know it's behind your back, just give it to me and take the easy way out now, Malfoy." adding sneer to the last word.

I refuse.

He grabs my arm, I try and resist but he's stronger than I am. "What the fuck," Potter says, examining the blood dripping from my fingers, as the blood had trailed from my forearm to the tips on my fingers and to the floors. "What the fuck did you do.." lifting my sleeve an inch. I pull my arm away, as he's lessened his strength on me.

"What's it to you?" I say with an attitude, and accidentally backing away, leaving the puddle of blood to clear view of Potters eyes, and mine.
"Holy shit.." the boy starts "you need to go to Pomfrey." grabbing my arm, uncovering it all the way.

"Like Hell I will."

"Malfoy you're loosing a lot of blood, it's not safe to leave it untreated. Why the bloody Hell would you do this?"

I shrug my shoulders at his question. I'm feeling quiete light headed, but I can't tell him, it's already embarrassing enough. I pull the grip of his strong hand off my arm and start to walk out of the bathroom. Leaving Potter behind staring at the puddle of blood.

I slip.

Why'd Potter have to be the one to see my like this. Dammit.

Word count: 742
