Chapter 9

Back at the institute ......

Alec's POV

" we need help !" Izzy yells as I fast walk into the infirmary with Kayla still passed out in my arms. Hodge immediately comes to us.

" What happened?" he asks taking her from my arms and lays her down on a bed.

" werewolves ." Izzy says without giving too much away.

" is she going to be ok hodge?" I ask him not looking away from her.

" she will be fine Alec , she just needs rest alright, her healing rune is working already , she'll be good in no time." hodge says and I nod.

After about a couple of hours my phone rings , me and Izzy are still with Kayla , I was going to ignore it but Izzy told me to answer it. I stepped into the hall and answered it was jace.

" what jace?" I ask him 

" Magnus needs you to help him." he says through the phone.

" I can't , I need to be here with Kayla , I want to be here when she wakes up , how can you ask me to do that." I tell him.

" Alec I shouldn't have to ask you, I just know you won't let me down" he says before hanging up. I sigh and go back in the room.

" who was that?" Izzy asked 

"uh that was jace apparently they need help with Luke at Magnus'" I tell her.

" well you have to go." she told me and I shook my head.

" no ... I left her alone once and she got hurt, I won't do it again. besides I need to be here when she wakes up Iz." I explain to her and she just smiles.

" Alec you heard what hodge said, she needs rest, she probably won't be up anytime soon , I'll stay with her until you get back , she will be fine I promise." Izzy convinces me and I give in and nod and make my way to mangus's.

After he has helped Magnus....

" Alec wait if you hadn't gotten here in time.. i... I'm just glad you and jace are ok." clary says coming closer to me.

" I didn't do it for jace ." I tell her and she smiles at me.

" well I'm glad you did it for you then."she tells me. then jace comes over to me and he bro hugs me.

" thank you." he says  and I just nod. I start to walk away from the two before clary calls my name.

" How's Kayla doing? is she alright?" clary asks concerned and Jace just looks at me.

"She's fine , she's resting right now the rune is helping , but she hasn't woken up yet but she'll be ok." I say giving a little smile.

" thats good if It wasn't' for her I don't know what I would've done ." she tells me and I just nod.

" well I am gonna head back to her now so I'll see you back at the institute." I tell them walking out , but not before I hear jace call my name. I turn around to see him run up to me.

" look, I do care about Kayla alright, she's like my sister, I didn't mean to get angry with you , and I feel like she thinks it's her fault too , but I truly hope she is ok." he tells me.

" well thats nice  jace but I think the one you need to talk to is Kayla herself when she wakes up, show her that you do still care for her." I tell him and with that I leave to go back to the institute.

Kayla's POV

I open my eyes and squint as I see a bright light. once my eyes adjust to the light I look around and see that I'm in the infirmary. I sit up and grab my head because it still kind of hurts. I wonder what exactly happened.

" Your awake!" I turn to see Izzy run over to me and give me a big hug.

" don't ever scare me like that again." she says squeezing me  I giggle a little.

" Im sorry Izzy I was just trying to protect clary and Simon and then next thing I know I'm being hit upside the head and knocked out." I explain to her and she nods. hodge comes in next.

" ah Kayla I see you are awake, you came in pretty beat up but I see your rune is helping , let me just make sure your alright , follow my finger." he says shining a light in my eyes as I follow his finger.

" alright you are fine, just be careful next time alright, but hopefully there won't be a next time." hodge says and I nod and he walks out and Izzy and me are left alone.

"um where is Alec?" I ask 

" he went to go help with Luke but he should back any minute now." she says and I nod looking down.

" Kayla whats wrong and don't lie to me." Izzy asks me and I sigh.

" I just feel bad for going behind Alec's back and taking clary to the house, I mean look where it got us , well me anyways , I just feel like I disappointed him."I tell her honestly.

"Kayla you did not disappoint me at all why would you think that." I hear from the door and I look up to see Alec there. He comes over and hugs me tight

" I will leave you all alone for a bit ." Izzy says before leaving the room.

"I shouldn't have let clary talk me into leaving the institute, I'm sorry Alec." I say looking down at my hands. Alec lifts my chin up to make me look at him.

" Kayla , you did nothing wrong alright, I'm not upset with you, I'm just happy your alright you really scared me there for a minute." he says hugging me again.

" I'm sorry Alec," I say snuggling into him.

"it's alright Kayla , I love you."he says and I look up at him and give him a kiss on the lips.

" I love you too." I tell him and his kisses me again. We continue this until we are rudely interrupted. by who? Izzy

" sorry to break up this love fest but jace and clary need us." she says and we both nod and I get up out of the bed.

" are you sure you'll be ok?" Alec asks me 

" I'm fine Alec, nothing I haven't handled before." I tell him smirking and he smiles.

" well ok then lets go." he says and we grab our weapons and head to the police station.

Once we arrive at the police station....

" someone call for back up." Izzy says and we walk up to them.

" Kayla your ok!" clary semi- yells coming to hug me.

" yea , like I said nothing I can't handle." I say laughing and hugging her back.

" what took you all so long ?" jace asks Alec and stares at me for a bit but I look away.

" funny I was just about to ask you that." Alec said.

"it's complicated ." jace says 

" we found the cup." clary tells us.

" the cup?" I ask

" yea but then we lost it. we have to sneak back into the precinct to get it." clary explains to us.

We go on to talk about how to get back inside, then clary's phone rings.

" come on we have a plan." jace says to clary. Once he explains the plan to all of us we all break and go our separate ways. I go with Alec and Izzy , our job is to get the badge. Alec is the distraction and he tries to flirt with the officer but It doesn't go too well, he spills water on the ladies desk and then I grab the badge and walk away with Izzy. Alec soon catches up with us and we finish our part of the plan. now we just wait for clary and jace. I am standing by Alec and he wraps his arms around me.

" so, you come here often huh?" I ask jokingly while I can't contain my laughter.

" what I couldn't think of anything else, it's hard to flirt with someone who isn't you." he tells me and I smile and give him a kiss.

" aww your so sweet." I tell him. All three of us wait until we finally see clary and jace come outside.

" did you get it?" Alec asks 

" theoretically ." clary says.

"theoretically?" Alec asks 

" yea I just have to some how figure out how to get it out of the card." clary explains.

" can't you just pull the cup out?" Alec asks again.

"look you two can bicker later, but right now we just stole from the police station so we need to leave." jace says

" uh guys mundanes may be the least of our worries " Izzy says and we turn to her to see the necklace is pulsing.

"well at least we know the necklace works."I say. we start to run off when clary get stopped by an old lady who turns into a demon, jace ends up slaying the demon and we run down the stairs and to a door.

" whats the open rune again?" clary asks and jace kicks the door open.

" open sesame." he says to clary and we run in. Alec ends up staying behind to fight off the demons, while the rest of us keep going. We stop for a bit and then we get attack by another demon.

" clary you need to keep running straight back to the institute Kayla will go with you , Izzy and I will hold them off go."  jace tells clary and she hugs him.

" be careful Iz." I say hugging her.

" you too kay." she says back to me and I get clary and we continue to run. We end up coming to a dead end. We see demons coming towards us. Next thing I know clary pulls the cup out of the card and controls the demons to go away. Once thats over I take a deep breath. then we see jace come up to us. but something about him seemed off , he didn't trust clary with the cup. So I take out my sword and go and stab him.

" Kayla what did you do?" clary yells before jace turns into a demon and disintegrates. We see Luke and Alec run up to us and clary pulls out her sword. once we know its really them I go and hug Alec tightly. Once were done talking. we make our way back to the institute. when we walk back inside we hear jace going crazy.

" I want everyone looking for clary , she's top priority , she could be anywhere in the tunnels." jace tells everyone. Clary calls out to jace and she runs over to him, while Izzy runs to hug me.

"well glad to know he cares about me." I say sarcastically and Izzy gives me a sympathetic look. I just shrug it off.

" I'm going to shower and lay down. I am tired." I tell them and head past clary and jace to my room. I shower and change my clothes. After I am done I lay down , right before I close my eyes I hear a knock at my door, I groan but sit up and say ' come in' , jace walks in.

"uh hey can we talk?" he asks

" it seems like we've had this conversation before jace and nothing has seemed to change." I tell him and he comes and sits down by my bed.

" look Kayla , I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry for everything I have out you all through, and you know maybe I do have feelings for clary but I should've been here for you when you got hurt, I'm sorry for everything ok, you probably hate me right now but i am going to try and be better about things, more than I have now." he says and I sigh.

" look jace , I don't hate you but right now, lets just focus on the task at hand, will we ever be the way we used to be , I don't know but it's going to take time, and I want to know that you actually mean what you say, there's the saying actions speak louder than words jace so we'll see what happens ok." I tell him and he nods. he hugs me and kissed my forehead.

" get some rest kay, I'll see you in the morning." he says and then he leaves my room. I lay back down and I hear the door open again. this time I know it's Alec and he comes and lays down next to me and wraps his arms around me. he kisses my head and we both fall asleep.
