Chapter 38

Still Clary's POV

"She's pregnant?!"Jace asks shocked, as we all are.

"Yes Jace! She found out this morning, She didn't want anyone to really know, her and Alec wanted to keep it a secret because of everything going on." Izzy says over the phone.

"She didn't tell me anything , if so I would not have had her go in there with us." Jace says.

"Jace, she did try to tell you." Luke says

"how do you know?" Jace says.

"I have wolf hearing, but when she pulled you back and said she didn't think she should be fighting valentine right now, then she was about to say something else but you pulled her inside." Luke explains and it clicks with Jace.

"Dammit! Izzy just please give me time to fix this ,don't tell Alec just yet ." Jace tells her.

"Sorry jace, He needs to know, I'm almost back to the institute, and I am telling him. You better fix this, and hope nothing happens to her." Izzy says and then hangs up the phone.

"Thats it we're dead." I say.

"No stop it! I can fix this, I have a plan.Luke come on let's go , we have to hurry." Jace says to Luke and he nods and they hurry out the door. Leaving me and Magnus by ourselves.

" You know if anything happens to her , Alec will never forgive you or jace." Magnus points out.

"Magnus not helping, I already feel very helpless as it is." I tell him.

"We'll I have never felt so.....powerless either." He says. All of a sudden my phone rings and it is Simon again. I answered and saw valentine with Simon and Kayla in the background.

"Simon are you and Kayla alright?" I ask them.

"They are fine, we just have been having a nice chat. Although Kayla here is a bit stubborn though, she has quite a mouth on her so I had to do something about it." he says showing her and Magnus and I see her with her mouth tied. " It's been something to get to talk to them, but Clarissa quite frankly.. I'm losing patience."Valentine says slicing Simons, neck you just hear Kayla screaming kind of.

"Also , I learned here that Kayla and Alec are having a baby. It would be a tragedy if her healing abilities wouldn't help protect the child from this!" he says taking a knife and stabbing her in the stomach.

"Ahh!!!" I hear her say.

"Kayla!" I scream.Valentine turns back to the camera.

"Any blood shed here tonight is on your hands Clarissa, times still ticking." he says and hangs up the phone. I turn to Magnus.

"Portal me to the institute now." I sternly tell him.

Meanwhile Kayla's POV (Starting from when they went through the portal.)

We portaled to the institute. Valentine sent Madzie ahead to do, I don't know what, but then pushes me and Simon inside.

"hey watch it there buddy!" I say to the guy behind me , who got a little handsy there.

"keep moving!" he says pushing us further. They grab us again and we walk through the front door of the institute. I look around and see shadow hunters dead on the ground. I suddenly think of Alec. I look over at Simon.

" Kayla Alec is probably okay, don't worry." He says before the push us forward and lead us to the head of the institutes office, and toss us in there.

"Glad to see you know how to treat someone." I sarcastically said to him.He just laughs.

"Tie them up, we don't need them running loose." Valentine tells his men. The grab us and put us in chairs. once they are done valentine uses Simons phone to call clary. He starts talking to her and then hands the phone to another man and grabs a knife and comes and makes a cut on my arm.

"Ahhh!!" i hiss in pain, then he hangs up the phone.

"Oh I'm sorry did that hurt?" he asks I just roll my eyes.

"Ah , so you do have healing abilities, what els can you do that you haven't shared." he asks.

"like I would tell you." I says.The he slaps me.

"You know I would have thought you would have learned to be smarter than your parents. The down worlders are terrible people, who I am trying to rid the world of, so there can be a safer place for us, especially for you and your husbands unborn child."he says and that quickly grabs my attention.

"How did you--" I start.

" I know everything , dear and you better hope clary shows up for you or you will be the one to pay for it." he says getting in my face. He then backs away and leaves the room for a bit. It's just me and Simon along with some of his men.

"Kayla are you really pregnant?" he asks me.

"yea, I just found out this morning. " I said looking down.

"Why didn't you say anything to us?" he asked.

"Alec and I didn't want to say anything to anyone until everything calmed down. I mean I tried to tell Jace, but he didn't exactly listen." I tell him and he nods.

"Everything will be okay" he says and I shake my head.

"Maybe for you , but Valentine wants me dead Simon, so I need you to promise me if anything happens to me, look after Alec and Izzy, even if its from afar. Don't let them blame themselves for anything alright." I ask him.

"Kayla no we are both going to get through this okay. You are going to be fine and you and Alec are going to have this baby and be amazing parents." he says and I sigh.

"We'll see what happens Simon." I tell him.Valentine walks back into the room.

"Whats you little husbands phone number maybe they need more initiative." he says

"Like hell if I would ever tell you that." I tell him, he grabs an handkerchief type of thing and ties it around my mouth.

"There , that should keep you quiet, Time is running out ,and I am growing impatient. He grabs Simons phone again and calls clary again. he talks and says he's growing impatient and slits Simons neck. I scream. He then goes to talk about me and my healing abilities and then he grabs a knife and I start trying to move but it's no use, He plunges the knife into my stomach.

"Ahh!!!" I scream and tears fall down my face, he leaves the knife in my stomach and ends the call. I keep hissing in pain.

"Ah, you better hope she comes now, it's a shame you will never get to meet your unborn child now, but can't have another one of what you are running around, now can I, but just to make sure." He says and he pulls out the knife and stabs me again.

"Ahh!!!" I scream again, he leaves the knife in there once again. I start to get dizzy all of a sudden.

Alec's POV

I'm on the roof with Aldertree trying to shut off the power supply so valentine can't activate the sword. I'm also worried about Kayla, Izzy said she tried getting ahold of her but she wasn't answering and she didn't answer my calls either.

Aldertree and I can't seem to shut off the power. We turn around and see valentines men surround us and we start fighting them. We are a little outnumbered until I see a whip take out one of the guys and starts fighting them off until they are all out. She is a little unsteady so I go to help her.

"Alec there is something you should know." she says.

"What is it Iz?" I ask her.

"Jace told Kayla and Simon to try and handle valentine while he saved clary , she was hesitant and tired telling him what was going on but he didn't listen." she says and I grow worried.

"What are you saying Izzy?" I asked her.

"Valentine has Kayla, Alec and we don't know what he is going to do with her." she says and I get angry, and really worried.

"My gosh ! why does everything happen to her." I scream and Izzy hugs me.

"she'll be ok Alec." she tells me.

"We need to find her now!" I say and Iz nods and we go back inside.

Back to Kayla's POV

Simon and I are just sitting here, I am feeling very dizzy. I look over at Simon and his head is hanging low. I am about to close my eyes until I hear clary's voice.

"Valentine stop I'm here." she says walking in. She looks over at us and goes wide eyed. She tells him to let her help us first and he hesitantly agrees. she goes over to Simon and tells him to drink her blood. Simon does and when he almost goes to far, clary deglamours into Jace. Wow, impressive. Though valentine is livid.

"Why do that? he's just going to die along with the rest of the down World, oh and her." he says referring to me, he comes over and takes the knife out again and plunges it right back in my stomach.

"Ahhhh!" I scream out again.

"It's a shame , she has to go through this because of you and clary." he says getting ready to do it again before Simon sprints up and tackles him to the ground knocking him out. Jace grabs swords and fights off the other men, killing them. Simon comes over to me and unties my mouth and me from the chair. He looks down at the knife.

"Kayla , this is going to hurt." he says before pulling it out and I hiss.He picks me up and Jace comes over to me and activates my healing rune.

"Kayla I am so sorry for everything." he says.

"Let's just get this over with"I say. He just nods and we run out into the institute. Simon still helps me. We are in the hallway look over at the sword.

"Kayla maybe you should sit out, you've lost a lot of blood." He says.

"No. I'm making sure he doesn't succeed with activating the sword, I'll be fine." I say holding my stomach. he just nods. We look out again and See valentine dragging clary towards the sword. Simon looks at me and I nod. He leaves me there and uses vampire speed to knock Valentine off his feet. I walk over to them and clary hugs me.

"I'm so sorry." she says and I just shrug her off. We are about to leave before jace walks past us to the sword.

"Jace stop what are you doing ?" clary yells to him before he grabs the sword, But nothing happened making him fall to the ground. He gets up, and then valentine gets up.

"your nothing if not predictable son." he says and grabs the sword it starts glowing. Suddenly a bunch of Seelies, Vampires, and werewolves start coming at him.Oh no. He points the sword at them making them yell in pain. I grab Simon and cover him. Once it was over we all look up and see a bunch of down worlders dead.NO! I look over at Simon.

"Simon you're ok?" I asked him in disbelief.

"How? Every other downworlders in here is dead." he says and we all just look at each other.

"I don't know I just pray the adamas in the wall contained the blast." clary said.

"Wait wheres valentine ?"Simon asked.

"he's gone." Jace said.

"What did Magnus or Luke come with you?" I asked them

"Yea but I don't know where they are." clary says.

"I need to find them." I say panicking, still holding my stomach. Jace comes over and puts his hand on my shoulders.

"Kayla, you need to get checked out you'r still bleeding, let me help."Jace says. I shrug his hands off me.

"You've done plenty Jace." I scoff at him and limp out of the room to find them.

Clary's POV

Kayla just limped out of the room. A minute later Alec and Izzy walked in. they looked around and then at me.

"You did this. You activated the sword." he asked me.

"I did it..I thought I was destroying it Alec but--" jace starts but Alec cuts him off.

"Where's Kayla?" he asked and Izzy did too.We stayed silent.

" where is she?" Alec asks again.

"she is looking for Magnus and Luke , I'm sorry Alec I tried to help." Simon finally broke the silence.

"Don't worry Simon, it's not you who messed up." Alec and Izzy said looking at us before running out of the room to find her.

Kayla's POV

I'm limping around outside trying to find Magnus or Luke. When I see Jace fighting Valentine. I see the sword on the ground and I pick it up and draw a rune that I see on it and it burns me and I drop the sword. Jace is about to kill valentine when I gather up any strength I have left and run over to him.

"Jace stop! I want him dead just as much as you do, but the mortal cup is still out there and only he knows where it is." I reason with him. He stops and tells him he is the Claves problem now. I look around and gasp.

"Jace the sword is gone." I tell him. He just looks at me and we are both shocked.
