Chapter 39

Kayla's POV

After I was finished with helping Jace I was still trying to find Luke and Magnus. Suddenly I felt a hand touch my arm. I turn around to see Magnus. I hugged him tight.

"Magnus thank gosh your alright , I was worried." I tell him.

"Don't worry I got out in time and I got Madzie to a safe place. " He tells me.

"Do you know if Luke was in the building.?" I asked him.

"No he was outside , but Kayla you need to get looked at your still bleeding from your wound. Between your legs--" he starts but I cut him off.

"oh I didn't even notice--" I say before almost fainting. Magnus catches me.

"Alright lets go get you help." he says and I just nod. We walk inside and we see Izzy she sees me and I just look at her and start to tear up.

She runs over and hugs me.

" I'm so sorry you went through that Kayla." she says and I just stay quiet.We release from the hug.

"She needs to be seen Izzy." Magnus says and she nods. They both help me down to the infirmary. Alison instantly comes over to us and helps me on the table.

" Kayla, your still bleeding from your wound and from--" she starts and I cut her off.

"I know, I lost the baby." I say and just stay quiet and lay back after that. She ran her stele over my rune, but it wasn't working.

" the rune isn't working, she's still bleeding." Alison said sort of in a panic.

"I can stop the bleeding ." Magnus says and uses his magic. Once he's done the bleeding has stopped. I just continue to lay there not saying anything Izzy is holding my hand while Alison double checks with an ultrasound. She goes to look and shakes her head. I just nod and sit up.

Alec runs into the room and stops in his tracks. He see's all of the blood on my clothes.

"No..." he says and I stay quiet but the tears seem to spill out of my eyes. He hugs me me tightly and I cry into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Alec." I say to him.

"It's not your fault Kayla , don't ever blame yourself." he tells me.

"Um, I know now isn't the time but, we have to discuss what happens next." Alison says slowly.

"Can this wait till tomorrow please." Izzy asks her and she nods understanding. We say goodbye to her and we walk out of the room. I go to mine and Alec's room and shower and change my clothes. once I am done I go back to the front and I find Lydia. She looks at me and comes right over to hug me.

"I am so sorry Kayla." she says and I just stay quiet.

"Um do you know where Alec is?" I asked her.

"Uh he is in Ops right now." she tells me and I nod. I decide to go outside and just sit down on the steps. I just wanted to be alone right now. This day went to hell. I just sit there looking out into the bright sun, and I just start crying. I feel someone hug me from the side and I turn to see it is Izzy.

" Kayla, what can I do to help?" she asks me.

"Just get Alec," I tell her and she nods and runs inside. I just continue to sit there sniffling until Alec rushes outside to me, he sees my face and hugs me. With that I just break down.

"It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay." he says into my hair. We just stay like that for a minute. We go back inside and to our room and just lay down. We just fall asleep after the long day we have had.

The next day.....

We wake up the next day and just lay in bed for a while.

"You okay?" he asks as I sit up.

"Nope " I tell him.

"Ok we'll do whatever you need, If you don't want to be here then we can leave , whatever you want." he says

"Alec, it's not just about me, this involves you too, I just want to move on, and get back to work. Is that so bad." I asked him.

"No.Because thats how I feel the same way. I mean we didn't know about the baby for more than a day, so its completely understandable. " he says and I nod. I lean into him and kiss him.

"We should probably go back down to the infirmary." I tell him and he nods. We get up and change and make our way down to the infirmary. We see Izzy there and we all go inside.

"Hey guys, how are you Kayla?"Alison asks.

"I'm fine , just want to get this part over with." I tell her and she nods.

"okay well, since the baby wasn't that far along we don't need extreme measures, it will pass on its own. Luckily when the knife penetrated your abdomen it didn't do any damage to your uterus, which is good meaning you can still conceive, if you choose to do so." she explains and we nod.

"Now Izzy can I ask you to leave the room I need to talk privately with Kayla and Alec." Alison says to her. She goes to leave but I grab her arm.

"No, Izzy is my parabati and sister, I want her here for everything." I tell Alison and Alec agrees.

"Alright, your going to want to sit down for this part." she says and we all look at each other.

"So..." she begins and we can't believe what were hearing. ( Thats for another chapter;) )

"Ok." Alison says and we nod. We leave the room. We all head to the front of the institute and head to where everyone is at. Jace comes over to me and Alec.

"Hey look I just want to say I'm sorry." he says.

"Look , um we just want to forget the whole thing, so just drop it please." I tell him and Alec says the same thing. He doesn't say anything.

"Inquisitor Herondale is in the institute questioning Valentine right now, do you want to go down and watch?" Lydia asks coming up to us.

"and my questioning do you mean torturing?" I ask smirking and she nods.

"Well yes I want to go watch come on Iz." I tell her and Alec Izzy and me go down to the basement where they are questioning him at. Once Imogen was done she came over to us.

"Kayla Branwell, looking just like your mother and father how are you?" she asks.

"I've been better, but happy to know that valentine is locked up now." I tell her.

"Yes, he is locked up now, but I will need to talk with you at some point about your gift, but for now clary Fairchild I need to speak with you immediately." she tells clary and I nod and she walks off with clary. We all head back upstairs and part ways. Lydia comes up to me and Alec and explains that she will be heading back to Idris.

"Lydia , since you are going back to Idris, can we talk to you for a bit and ask you a favor?" I ask her and she nods. We go on to explain everything and then ask her the favor. She seems to be on board and we thank her. We decide to spend some time together before she leaves while Alec goes to talk with Jace.

After a while, Lydia was getting packed up to go back to Idris, I decided to take some time to be alone and go sit outside on the steps and watch the sunrise. I just sit there deep in thought until I felt someone sit next to me. I look and see it's Jace. I roll my eyes and get up and start heading back inside. As I get back inside Jace grabs my arm to stop me.

"Kayla stop please and talk to me." Jace says and I scoff.

" what's there to talk about Jace , clary is safe , which is all you care about so job well done right?" I say sarcastically and continue to walk further into the institute. He catches up to me and grabs my arm again.

" look I'm sorry I never gave you the chance to tell me you were pregnant ok I'm sorry." He says.

" Jace stop saying sorry ok, because you don't mean it, ever since clary got here , it's been all about her, and this time I paid for your actions. Congrats Jace , you saved clary but you lost me." I yell to him and go to walk off, but he tries to stop me again.

" let go of me!" I tell and by this time the whole institute is looking at us. This grabs Alec's attention and he runs over to us.

"What's going on?" Alec asks as he reaches us.

" I was just trying to apologize for everything." Jace says.

" I don't need your apologies, what I need is for you to leave me alone." I say walking off to Lydia's room.

Alec's POV

" I don't need your apologies, what I need is for you to leave me alone." Kayla says to Jace before storming off. Leaving me with Jace.

" Alec I am sorry for everything." Jace says to me.

" you know Jace I want to believe that, but your actions and choices show me otherwise, so please do me a favor and leave me and Kayla alone for right now."  I tell him crossing my arms. He nods and walks off.  I just sigh and go back to checking through security.
