Chapter 35

Kayla's POV

The next day I got up and got dressed into:

Then I said goodbye to Alec and made my way to Magnus' apartment. When I got there I knocked on the door and he answered and let me in.

"Well to what do I owe the pleasure of having you here?" He asks as we hug.

"Heh, just thought I would come by." I tell him as we go into his den.

" that's sweet, but Alec said that you needed to ask me something, on the phone and to not let you say it was nothing." He says laughing and I roll my eyes.

"Damn Alec, haha so how do you feel about throwing a party?" I asked him as we sat down.

" Have you met me?" He says laughing and I laugh 

"Yea I have, and I know you love throwing a good party, so we were wondering if you would help us throw a party and if we could have it here?" I asked him.

" Of course Kayla, whats the occasion?" he asks 

"Well it's for Max's rune ceremony." I say.

"I'll pass." he says.

"Please Magnus." I ask him.

"Kayla, I'm pretty sure I would love Max , but Maryse hates all downworlders." He says

"I Know that and thats the point of the party, to show that the down world isn't bad, and that we can all interact with each other, besides she knows what I am , and she has to accept the fact that I will always be around downworlders, so please Magnus for me?" I ask him with pleading eyes.

"Oh alright fine for you." he says and I smile and hug him saying thank you.

"Well then I better get to work."  He says and I nod. I help him plan for a bit and we finish the invitations. Magnus works fast, but I liked how the invitations came out. We were working on the decorations when Simon called me, I excused myself to answer the call on the balcony.

"Hey Simon whats up?" I say answering.

"Hey Kayla, can you meet me at Jade wolf , I need your help with something." he asks 

"Yea, sure I just need to drop something off at the institute and then I'll be on my way, sound good?" I ask him.

"Yea ,sure I'll just be there." he says and I say ok and then we say bye and hang up. I go back inside to where Magnus is.

"Hey so Simon needs me so I have to go, but can I take the invitations and give them to Alec, so he can distribute them.?" I ask him.

"Yea sure here is the box with the invitations , and then I guess if you can come back later to help  out more then that would be great." he tells me and I nod as I grab the box.

"Sounds good I will see you later then. Bye Magnus!" I say walking out of his apartment. I walk back to the institute and walk inside. When I walk inside I see Lydia and walk towards her.

"Hey Lydia" I tell her giving her a side hug.

"Hey kay, whatcha got there?" she asks referring to the box in my hands.

"Oh these are invitations for Max's rune ceremony. I'm helping out Alec." I tell her and she nods.

"Well Alec is in your guys room." she tells me and I nod and smile and thank her before leaving and heading to the room. I walk in and see Alec changing his shirt.

"Hey Alec, so good news I got Magnus to say yes to having the party at his place, and here are the invitations so you can show your mom." I tell him handing him the box.

"Thank you again, these look nice."He says looking at the invitations.

It's no problem, still think she won't like the idea, but I'll still Love to help." I tell him wrapping my arms around him.

"Well I am so lucky to have you, I love you." he says kissing me and I smile and kiss him back.

"So will you come with me to show my mother these." he asks and I laugh.

"I love you too Alec , but that's one thing I won't do, haha, besides Simon needs help with something so I am meeting him in half an hour, so I gotta leave now." I say kissing him again before unwrapping myself from him.

"Have I told you, that you look hot today?" he asks and I laugh.

"No, but thanks for the compliment and I'm still not going to go with you to show your mother the invitations, good luck, I love you and I will see you later." I say giving him one last kiss before I head over to the cafe. I walk inside and see Simon sitting in a booth, I walk over but first see someone I haven't seen in so long.

"Maia!" I squeal and she sees me and smiles.

"Kayla!" she squeals too and we run to hug each other.

" I missed you." I say and then Simon comes over to us and looks confused.

"How do you too know each other?" he asks.

"We used to play together when we were younger, and I helped her when she first turned ." I explain to him and he just nods. I catch up with Maia for a bit and then I sit down with Simon and he goes on to say he wants to tell clary that he likes her and I smile at him. He says he is nervous and doesn't know how to tell her.

"look Simon, just be honest with her, And if she doesn't feel the same way, than it's her loss. Any girl would be lucky to be with you, your pretty great." I tell him smiling, and he smiles back.

"Thanks Kayla, Your pretty great too!" he says and I listen to him go over how he's going to tell her until he feels comfortable enough. 

We then say goodbye and part ways and I go back to Magnus' place to finish helping him out.

A couple days later.....

Right now I am in one of Magnus' guest rooms getting ready. I basically spent the whole day helping him set up everything. Let's just say I really hope Max loves this party we through for him. I already did my hair and makeup and now I'm changing into :

I look in the mirror and straighten out my dress. I take a deep breath in and then walk out of the room. Let's get this party started. I walk into the den to see lots of people already here. I spot Alec and I make my way over to him.

"Well don't you look gorgeous." he says giving me a kiss.

"Well you don't look to bad yourself."  he says smiling.

"I really hope Max likes this party, I've been here all day helping him set everything up. I am tired but being alive and happy for tonight." I say kinda laughing and Alec just hugs me.

"Kayla , everything is perfect stop worrying,Max!" he says and I turn around to see Maryse and Max walking towards us. I kneel down and hug Max.

"Hey Max, do you like everything so far?" I ask him and he smiles.

"This is so cool, thanks !" he says and I smile.

"Oh so you planned all this then?" Maryse asks me smiling.

"Um, well I did help out , Magnus did most of the work but I thought I would help out." I told her and she nodded and smiled.

"Well , everything looks nice, Thank you. " she says and I smile.

" It wasn't all me , Magnus did most of the work." I tell her and she just nods and then walks off to greet some other shadow hunters. I turn back to Alec.

"Well that went better than expected." he said and I laugh and say ok. I see clary and Simon and I excuse myself from Alec and walk over to them.

"Hey so I see you guys are together, I'm so happy for you!" I squeal hugging them both.

"Heh thanks Kay." Simon says and then we talk for a bit and I see Izzy so I go over other.

"Izzy, finally your here!" I say hugging her.

"Yea sorry I'm late but everything looks great here." She compliments.

"Thanks ." I say to her before she smirks.

"So , I heard you and my brother finally did it." she says and I just blush.

"fine yes we did do it, but it was a while ago." I tell her, a caterer comes by us and she grabs one of the appetizers off the plate, and suddenly I feel strange and nauseous. 

"Excuse me Izzy, I'll be right back." I say and run to the room I was getting ready in and to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet.  I finished up and washed my mouth out and looked in the mirror. I wondered why I got sick all of a sudden. 

I walk out of the room to people screaming from the balcony. I run outside to see Alec standing on the ledge, and clary telling him to stop.

" Alec, please get down from there!" I say coming closer to him. He then falls back.

"Alec!" I yell before Magnus uses his magic to save him. Magnus then pulled him off the ledge and back on the ground. I rush over to him.

"What happened?" Izzy asked coming next to me.

"I don't know I just came out here and he was on the ledge, mumbling something about being sorry." I say. Then Maryse comes out and everyone starts arguing and I'm so confused as to whats going on. Magnus comes back outside and has a book with him.

"Magnus what is going on?" Izzy and I ask him, he doesn't answer, he does something and then everyone goes back to normal. Alec starts waking up.

"Alec." I say hugging him.

"It seems a warlock has been having a little fun at our experience."Magnus explains.He then gets angry.

"Someone has taken my spell book, no one is leaving here until I find it." he says putting up wards around the building. Before he went inside. I help Alec up and he grabbed my hand as we followed Magnus inside. 

"I was this close to lining up a three-way... and you guys let yourselves get spelled."Raj said and Alec pushed out.

" is he the last one?" I asked Magnus.

"It seems I am the only warlock here." Magnus said putting the wards back down. I stand up and instantly get nauseous again. I run to the bathroom and puke again in the toilet. I feel someone holding my hair back and see its Alec.

"Kayla are you ok?" he asks and I just nod.

"I think it's just stress or something maybe, I'll be fine tho." I said standing up and washing my mouth out again.  After I am done, We walk back out to everyone and see the witch lady iris there.

"Clary Fairchild... You made a blood oath, find Madzie" she says before Magnus sends her away.We all just look at each other and Alec asks whats going on.

"I don't know." clary says instantly and looks at Jace. Jace looks over at me.

"It's too dangerous ." he says.

"Well you may like keeping secrets but I don't, and plus I have already told Izzy and Alec so it's nothing new." I tell them and turn back to everyone else.

"Valentine, was going to use the angel Ithuriel to activate the sword. But since we set him free, he needs someone with pure angelic blood to activate the sword." I tell them.

"Well, that doesn't sound good." Simon says.

"It's not if valentine activates the sword it could decimate the entire down World. The angel showed us a vision a demon who could destroy the sword.If we can find the demon, then we could stop valentine." Jace explains to everyone.Magnus questions how we saved the angel. We explain and he explains that in the beginning the angel raziel could communicate with shadwohunters if the were created from his blood.

" SO we know that Kayla comes from angel blood because of what she is, but that also means that clary could have a blood connection to the angel. Thats why he wants her unharmed. she can activate the sword, but with Kayla since she can deactivate the sword, he won't take any risks and want to take her out." Magnus says.

"Yea and we would have had an advantage, but someone decided to tell a traitor of what I could do and they told valentine." I say looking over at clary. After that everyone left and we got ready for Max's Ceremony.

"To the angel I entrust my life...and vow to uphold the laws of heaven. I take this mark to honor him. To bring his light to me. So I may join the ranks of shadow hunters the guardians of peace. " Max said as he lifted up his sleeve so the silent brother marked him.

After the ceremony, I walked over to Alec and hugged him.

"The ceremony was beautiful." I tell him.

"yea max did great didn't even flinch." Alec said smiling. I smile back at him and give him a kiss.

"You ok?" he asks.

"yea I'm just tired, I'm going to lay down." I tell him and he nods.

"Alright, I'm gonna go talk to my mom and then I will come to bed." he says and I nod. I kiss him once more before heading to our room. I still feel nauseated and I bumped into Izzy.

"Hey Kayla are you ok?" she asks and I nod.

"Yea , I'm just tired and don't feel good, I'm going to go to sleep so I will see you in the morning." I tell her and she smiles and nods. I get to my room and change and feel throw up coming again and I run to the bathroom. Once I'm done I brush my teeth and the lay down under the covers and instantly pass out.
