Chapter 47

Kayla's POV

"Whats going on Magnus?" I asked him now worried. He goes on to explain everything, I am now upset with him.

"Please tell me you didn't know any of this." he questions.

"No this is the first time I am hearing about this myself, but I will get to the bottom of it. " I tell him. I say bye to him and make my way to Alec's office. I found him on his tablet. I knock.

"Please don't say you've been waiting for me all this time." he smiled.

"Nope just wanted to see you." I tell him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked me.

"You tell me Alec, From the day I met you, the one thing I knew I can count of from you is your honesty, You have never lied to me. So imagine my reaction when Magnus feels the need to portal to the institute to talk to me and I find everything out from him." I said crossing my arms, making him stand up.

" I can explain." He said.

"You knew about the sword?" I asked him.

"I just found out, I swear."he says.

"When? when did you find out Alec? Tonight when I talked about trust, did you know then?" I asked him.

"I did. Look, I was worried that if the down world found out there'd be widespread panic. It could've led to rebellion." Alec explained.

"And you didn't trust me to stay quiet?" I asked him.

"I didn't say that I didn't want to ask you to have to keep a secret from Magnus or Luke or Simon, That wouldn't be fair to you."He explained.

"My entire life hasn't been fair Alec, I don't need to be protected I've done fine on my own. You know Magnus said you were just like the clave making promises you can't keep, and I wanted to so badly defend you, but I couldn't. Valentine wants all the downworlders dead, and if they die Alec theres a chance I can die too." I shout at him.

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Oh you didn't know, heh why would you, we barely talk anymore. As a guardian my job is to protect the downworlders, Magnus has been researching it, if there are no downworlders then there is no need for me, so we don't know if that means I lose apart of myself or I just die all together." I said to him


"Alec dont, everyone always treats me like I'm some fragile little girl, but you were one of the only ones who treated me normal, and now you don't even trust me to keep a secret, if you don't trust me then why are we married Alec, I love you so much but if you can't trust me with something like this then why are we together. " I said with tears in my eyes

"You straight up lied to me Alec, I need some time, like I said I love you but your decision making sucks." I said running out of the room and out of the institute. I just needed to clear my head so I walked around the area for a bit, I ended up sitting on a little bench and just thinking. I grabbed ahold of the locket around my neck that Lydia gave me the day Alec and I got married. I can't believe him right now.

' sweetheart, you love him, he made one mistake, but he loves you immensely and you love him, don't let this mistake ruin what you have.' I heard as I touched the locket. Am I going crazy.

'your not going crazy dear, as a guardian whenever you in heartbreak or a nervous state I can communicate with you' I hear my mom say.

' go back to the institute , you need each other, my dear, you made a promise to love him through thick and thin, this is the thick'. I hear her say. I smile and in my mind thank her and I make my way back to the institute. Once I get back I see Izzy.

"Hey Izzy whats wrong?" I ask her.

"I can't find max anywhere. Have you seen him?" she asks and I shake my head

" no I am sorry, " I say

" it's ok, but will you help me look for him after this little meeting with Alec." she says and I nod we make our way to the table where Alec, Clary Sebastian and Jace stand at.

"sorry we're late, but has anyone seen max? I've looked everywhere for him." Izzy says as we get there.

"We have more pressing matters, thanks to dot we have the mortal mirror." Alec says.

"and you have it at the institute. And it's well guarded I presume."Sebastian said, something about him seems off, I get this weird feeling around him.

"The elite guards are the only ones who know its location. It's safest that way." Alec said

"Jonathan went after Elliot and dot to get the mirror now that he knows we have it, he's going to come back for it." Clary says.

"Agreed report back with any possible scenarios by which Jonathan and Valentine could attempt a breach." Alec said

" yea , especially since Jonathan and valentine could be in possession of the soul sword , we have to do everything to make sure they don't get the mirror." Jace says and  that catches my attention. I could tell Alec's face went pale

" Wait all of you knew about the sword." I asked and they all nodded.

" and nobody told me anything, you know what that's just great,  thanks guys some friends you are." I said scoffing before walking off to the training room to let off steam.

Alec's POV

" Kayla..." I try to say to her.

" I don't want to hear it." She says as she walks off. I just sigh and look down at the table.

"What was that about Alec?" Jace  asked me and I just looked over at him.

" you didn't tell her about the soul-sword? Alec you trusted clary but not Kayla. Wow that's low." Izzy said scoffing.

" hey! Was that called for?" Clary asked. Izzy just looked back at her.

" you know it's true. Alec I can't believe you, I would be mad at you also , and now she thinks I didn't trust her to tell her,  real smart Alec." Izzy tells me before storming off in the direction Kayla went.

" I'm sorry Alec, if I would've known you didn't tell Kayla I would've been careful." Jace told me.

" no it's ok, I should've told her , she was the first person I wanted to tell actually." I tell him.

" well why didn't you then?"  Jace asks me.

" because I know she would've felt bad and gone to tell Magnus and Luke, you know how close they are." I explain to him.

" Alec I think you underestimate Kayla, if you would've just explained to her to keep quiet for a bit until you figured out what to do , she would've kept a secret. I'm just saying." He says before him and clary go to do their own thing. I just sigh and go off to find Kayla.

Kayla's POV
I go off to the big training room and grab my bow and arrow and go to start shooting at the targets in the simulator we have.  I have it on the hardest setting and the targets start coming at me quickly I run and flip all over the room shooting at them hitting every target perfectly. I have one more target to hit and I get ready to hit it before I hear someone call my name. I hold my position and turn to the person. I see that it's Izzy. I sigh and put down the bow and arrow.

" nice moves you've gotten a lot faster, impressive." She says and I take a breathe and walk over to the table to put my bow down.

" uh thanks." I tell her.

" look Kayla I didn't know that Alec didn't tell you about the sword , I would've told you right away, you know that, please don't be mad at me. I can't stand when you're mad with me." Izzy pleas and I just sigh.

" Izzy I'm not mad with you, I just cant believe that Alec  didn't trust me enough to keep this secret. " I say looking down.

" trust me I couldn't believe it either. I mean he trusted clary , like come on." She says and I start laughing.

" see there's a smile." She says laughing and I laugh too.

" look , I don't know what was going though Alec's head , but I'm sure in some twisted way he meant well." She says.

" I don't know maybe, but I'm still upset he didn't trust me." I say and she just hugs me.

" I know, but everything will be ok." She says and I nod. She says she's going to do security and leaves me alone. I just stand there in thought before I hear someone come in, but they don't say anything.

" you just gonna stand there or you gonna day something ?" I ask knowing who it is.

" look can we talk about this." Alec says from the doorway. I sigh and take a breath. I suddenly hear my moms voice again.

' remember sweetheart for better of worse.' She says. I turn back to Alec.

"Come here." I said taking his hand and take him to our room.

"Look, am I upset that you kept secret from me, yes, but we did take a vow to love each other for better or worse and right now this is your worst. I still love you a lot Alec, we've been through so much and I'm not about to give that up. I don't know about you." I explain to him.

"Gosh no! I don't want to give this up. You're the first person I wanted to tell about the sword but I guess I just thought it you didn't know about it then you wouldn't feel bad about having to keep a secret from Luke or Magnus. But I know that I shouldn't have done that, I do trust you , so much, and I love you so much Kay and I am incredibly sorry I didn't tell you about the sword. I just don't want to lose you." he says hugging me tightly . I Hug him back.

"You will never lose me." I said and we pull apart and I kiss him.

"But lie to me again, and I will no doubt kick your ass for real." I said and he nodded and kissed me again.

"Alright I need to go help Izzy look for Max, I will see you in a bit."I tell him kissing him once more.

"No more lies ok" I tell him and he promises. I head down to Izzy's room and open the door I see Max unconscious on the floor.

"Oh my gosh Max!" I yell and rush over to him.

"Somebody help!" I yell and Izzy rushes in and we take him down to the infirmary.

A little while later.....

Izzy and I are by max's side when Alec rushes in.

"what happened?" he asks

" I don't know I found him like this in Izzy's room." I tell him.

"oh my gosh max" clary says coming into the room and looking down at max

"We should send him to Idris, see what they could do " Alec suggests. Izzy shakes her head.

"The medic says in his condition, he won't survive the transfer." she explains.

"Max." Jace says as he and Sebastian enter. " we checked the institutes cameras whoever attacked him is somehow covering his tracks." Jace said.

"Has he been able to talk." Sebastian says.

"Not yet. he's unconscious." I tell him.

"Im going to find out who it was." Alec said leaving the room. Jace said he was going to call Robert and Maryse. I called Magnus to come to the institute to try and help max.

"Hey Kayla, Izzy hows max?" Clary asked.

"Brother Enoch says if we don't move fast, it could be too late. we need to get back to the infirmary but I got your message what do you need?" Izzy asked clary.

"Your whip." she answered and then said she was coming with us down there, once we got there Robert , Maryse and Alec were all sitting there. Magnus was inside with Max right now. We were all waiting when the door opened and I saw Magnus walk out.

"His injuries are too severe. Max's only hope for recovery lies with brother enoch." Magnus says.

"There's gotta be something anything." Alec said.

" brother enoch.." Maryse started and then Alec went off on her I just went into the room to see Max. Something was drawing me inside to him. I go by his side and just look at him. Alec Robert Maryse Izzy and Magnus came inside with me.

"Kayla what are you doing? brother enoch needs to do this now." Maryse said.

"Hold on," Alec said to them. I keep looking at Max and suddenly I get a vision of a rune that lets me heal someone other than myself. I get out my stele and draw the rune on my hand and then lay it on Max. Suddenly he starts to glow.

" what is going on?" Izzy asked.

"I can't believe it, you're a pure healer too. Only Guardians with pure angel blood can do that. How are you doing it?" Magnus asked.

"I dont know just got this feeling and then saw a vision of a rune." I tell him and then the glowing stops. the medic says Max is instantly stabilizing. I sigh in relief.

"Oh my gosh Kayla thank you!" Robert and maryse say hugging me

"Heh, I didn't even know I could do that." I said hugging them back. Izzy and Alec come to hug me next.

"You don't know how grateful we are." they both said and I smiled.

"I'm just glad max is going to be ok." I said.

"Max just still needs lots of rest, we still don't know when he will wake up tho, but he is going to be just fine."The medic says to us and we all sigh in relief.

"Now we focus on finding Jonathan." Alec said and me and Izzy nodded.
