Chapter 17

Kayla's POV

After Alec and I left Izzy, we made our way to Magnus' place, it took us about 15 minutes to get there. When we got there we knocked on the door and Magnus opened it. He lets us in.

" Magnus We need to ask you something and it is about Izzy." Alec says and I nod and look at Magnus.

"Oh, I see. Are you referring to the fact that the new head of the institute has Isabelle on trial for high treason?  What can I do for you all?" he asks us and then looks at me.

" wait Kayla I thought they took you in too?" he questions.

" long story , but since I technically didn't participate in the ambush, they can't charge me with anything. Lydia helped me out actually." I explained to him.

" wow Lydia actually helped you, are we talking about the same person." Magnus questions

" yes but thats besides the point , we need your help Magnus, I want you to help me be Izzy's defense team." I tell him.

" we said we would ask because Kayla said she had a plan. But we are sorry to bother you... a downworlder can't represent a shadow hunter in court." Alec says and he starts to walk away. I just look at Magnus but then I remember something.

" Alec wait! A shadowhunter accused of any crime can choose any advocate." I say and he walks back over to us.

"But that can't mean a down worlder." he questions, and I nod my head.

" I remember reading about it in the institute library. the clave was so rigid and prejudiced back In what they call the time of angels, they Would never have dreamed of a shadowhunter ever asking a downworlder for help." I explain to him and Magnus chimes in.

" Yea they didn't even bother to exclude us." he says and I turn back to look at Alec.

" exactly, so the clave is all about following rules, so technically we would be following the rules. so Magnus will you help us please?" I ask him.

" I will help you Kayla, but I do want something in return." he says and I nod.

" what is it?" I question.

" I just want an invitation to yours and Alec's wedding. Simon told me about it. by the way congratulations" he says and I smile and hug him.

" of course Magnus, you were going to get one anyways and thank you." I tell him and we look back at Alec.

" done deal. Now lets get back." he says smiling and I smile and we head back to the institute with Magnus.

Once back at the institute......

We go back into the room that they are holding Izzy in. Once we walk in a instantly go to hug her.

" Are you ok Iz?" I ask her.

"yea I'm fine Kayla, and I see you got Magnus on board." she says looking at Magnus and I nod.

"Ok so they are going to come get you right now Iz,  but we just wanted to come in and say , that we have a plan and that we got Magnus on our side." I tell her and she smiles.

"Magnus I can't thank you enough ." she tells him and he hugs her.

Alec has to leave because he's not her advocate but me and Magnus can stay. Alec hugs Izzy one last time and then comes over and kisses me before exiting the room. I turn back to Izzy.

" I brought you some clothes to change into. so here." I tell her and Magnus leaves the room so she can change. Once she's done Magnus comes back in the room. We sit there for a bit calming Izzy down before a group of clave members came in to get her.

I look at Magnus as they lead Izzy out of the room.

" let's do this ." I tell him and we follow them into the court room. This will hopefully work.

In the room where the trial is being held.....

Once we got to the room, I saw the inquisitor sitting in a big fancy chair facing everyone. On one side in the front row was the ones prosecuting Izzy, which was Lydia. We sat on theater side. Then behind us was Alec and the other people who came to see the trial. Izzy took her seat while me and Magnus went up to the front where the soul sword was, I stood in front of the sword first while the silent brothers stood on the other side.

" By the power of the sword , do you swear to defend your client with integrity and honesty ?" the silent brothers asked me and I nod.

" yes." I say and then go to sit down next to Izzy, while it is Magnus' turn.

"will I survive if I touch it?" he asks.

" if you tell the truth."  the inquisitor says and he nods and they ask him the same thing and then he comes over to us.

" make your case warlock." the inquisitor says.

" My case is simple. It is  true that Isabelle lightwood acted against the orders of the clave by trying to free the seelie meliorn. But she did not act against the interests of the clave. Preventing the forced questioning and possible death of a seelie may have saved the accords." Magnus explains starting to make the case and I can't help but agree.

" we are not here to speculate what would've happened if the defendant wouldn't have interfered." the inquisitor says.

" You mean what might have happened if she hadn't stopped the silent brothers from torturing a seelie?" Magnus asks.

" I'm awaiting a valid argument. do you have one?" inquisitor asks him, and thats when I chime in.

"I do madame inquisitor." I say standing up and I see Lydia go wide eyed from the corner of my eye.  The inquisitor looks at me before telling me to proceed. I walk to where Magnus was and he returned to sit down.

" alright, so we are here in this room today, for a trial that shouldn't even be happening. But since we are lets ask ourselves one question. Why exactly is this trial going on? Because Isabelle stopped a clave operation from happening. She wanted to stop a war that would've broken out if the clave's plane carried out. As much as no one wants to even consider that a possibility it is. They would've murdered an innocent down worlder. The clave has claimed that shadowhunters and downworlders can live together in the world equally, but yet their actions prove other wise,  I mean we are all working towards the same goal, which is to take down valentine, which is what the institute should be focusing on rather than this." I explain and everyone seems to agree.

" while you speech is touching Kayla , why are you so sure he is innocent ?" inquisitor  asks me.

" why are you so sure that he is guilty?" I retort back to her.

" Why waist time with this absurd trial, when in reality all the clave wants is the cup, if it was in your possession you wouldn't even waist your time with this case. So should Izzy really be the one on trial here. " I say

" oh dear Kayla, you remind me of your mother and father. but you are out of line here." inquisitor says.

" well I'm sure if my parents were here they would say the same thing I am saying that this case is bogus!" I say, and with that I go and sit down next to Izzy and she gives me a small smile. Next was Lydias turn and she called Izzy to the stand.

"You have led us to believe that you carried out your plan  , but it's known that Kayla was there , and clary was seen near the city of bones that night." Lydia says to Izzy, and Izzy looks at me.

" Yes Kayla was there, but she didn't partake in the ambush, and clary could have been out for a walk that night ." she explains to Lydia.

" and you expect us to believe that you distracted the guards and escaped with the prisoner on your own without any help." Lydia questions

" pretty slick huh?" Izzy says and turns to look at the inquisitor.

" I suggest you think about how slick it would be if valentine uses the mortal cup to raise an army of rogue shadowhunters." inquisitor says to Iz.

" I don't want valentine to succeed." Izzy says

" Well that is the first sane thing I've heard you say today." inquisitor tells her.

" You know whats insane? thinking we have a right to treat a down worlders life as worthless." Izzy says not looking away.

"Isabelle I should warn you everything you say will be considered in the verdict." Lydia says to her.

"good consider this. Valentine didn't come out of nowhere. We use our angel blood to justify everything we do, just like him. We forget we are part mundane and we can be afraid and fear makes us cruel and just like him we will end up turning on each other. " Izzy says

" is that what you think were doing to you?" inquisitor asks her

" you have to answer that for yourself madame inquisitor " Izzy says and she steps down from the stand. Lydia then calls me up to the stand oh great.

"so Kayla , you were there at the city of bones that night , but you didn't partake in the attack, obviously Izzy didn't pull the whole thing off by herself." Lydia questions.

" I think you underestimate Izzy , but yes I was there but didn't partake in the attack." I tell her.

" let me ask you this Kayla , did you help plan this attack because she is your parabati?" Lydia asks me.

" if I wouldn't know any better I would think that I am on trial here." I says to her.

" look your not on trial but the clave does want to know if you were pressured into going along with the plan." Lydia says.

"I wasn't pressured into doing anything , I wasn't about to watch a down worlder , who was innocent be killed. I helped plan because it's what I thought was right. You should know better that I more than anyone do not want valentine to succeed, but what the clave did was wrong, Just because we have part angel blood doesn't mean we are superior to them, they are still people too who deserve a chance.   " I say.

" thats all Kayla you may step down now." Lydia says and I walk back over to my seat. Magnus stands up.

" I call Lydia branwell to the stand." he says

" I don't see the relevance in that." inquisitor says

" well I don't see the relevance in this case so Ms. branwell will you please take the stand." Magnus tells her and she goes to the stand.

" I just have one question. why are you prosecuting this case." he asks her. but Lydia stays silent.

"Answer the question counselor." madame inquisitor says.

"because... the law is hard..  but it is the law." Lydia says and you hear Magnus groan.

" But that doesn't make it right , were trying her for being compassionate , and thinking for herself.  She saved a life that would have been sacrificed for nothing." Lydia explains

" that will be enough ms branwell ." madame inquisitor says. I stand up and go to stand beside  Magnus.

" Lydia what are you saying then." I question her.

" I'm saying that Im looking out at faces and I see a brother and sister who disagree on everything except for how much they love each other and how loyal they are to each other. And  a pair of lovers who love each other deeply and are engaged but disagree and respect each others points of views. And I see them as a family , who would go to battle for each other. I see a  friend who would do anything , even stand up here and spit the hard truth at everyone , want nothing more than protect her best friend. And a man took this case pretending to want payment in rare objects , but who really believes that injustice towards his friends is intolerable. And I see someone who I should've been protecting all this time , but I was blinded by politics when I should've been there for her. " Lydia explains looking at me, and I give her a small smile.

" thats nonsense counselor, this is only about politics, emotions cloud judgment and Clearly your judgement has been impaired." madame inquisitor says.

" but thats where your wrong madame, emotions let us see whats right and wrong, they end up making us stronger." I say looking back at Alec and Izzy smiling at them, then turning back to Lydia and the inquisitor.

" this case is nonsense , I withdraw the charges." Lydia says standing up and we all start cheering  . I go over to hug Izzy tightly and Magnus hugs us both too. Alec comes over and hugs us tightly kissing our foreheads. I let go and go to hug Lydia and thank her. the cheer didn't last long because the inquisitor stops us.

" Silence ! order! order!"  she says pounding her gavel.

" If you think refusing to prosecute exculpates the defendant , you are wrong. The defense was correct. the clave wants the cup. If it is returned within 24 hours,  this ruling will be vacated. If not, Isabelle lightwood will be stripped of her runes and banished, and exiled from the shadowhunter society. And since You Kayla have quite a lot to say, you will go with ms. lightwood. that is final. until then they both are to remain a secured room" she says pounding her gavel signaling the trial is done.

We all just look at each other and me and Izzy are silent.

" Kayla I am so sorry, you wouldn't even be in this position if it wasn't for me." Izzy tells me.

" Izzy don't worry, I did what I thought was right and I don't regret my decision , so don't apologize, I told you we will get through this together." I say hugging her.

We thanked Magnus and then headed back to Izzy's room.  We are just sitting there. We really need jace and clary right about now.  Alec and Lydia come into the room.

"I just got off the phone with jace , him and clary are on their way back , they found Jocelyn." Alec says and we nod. I go over to Lydia to give Alec and Izzy some sibling time.

" thank you Lydia." I tell her.

" for what, you now could get banished." she says.

" hey everything will be fine ok ." I say hugging her. she just smiles and leaves the room. Alec comes over to me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I love you Kayla , thanks for helping Izzy today, I know it might have gotten you in trouble with the clave." he says.

" hey I would do anything for you or Izzy , you guys mean so much to me , don't ever forget that." I tell him kissing him.  We are there for a while until he gets a text from jace, he then leaves the room and me and Izzy are left alone.

" everything will work out Kayla, and thank you again for everything." she tells me and I hug her tightly.

" your my sister Iz , i'll always be here for you." I say to her and she smiles. now we have to sit and wait .
