Chapter 5

Kayla's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling refreshed I looked at the time and saw that it was 8:00 in the morning so I figured I would get some training done before the chaos that involved clary began again. I changed into a sports bra and some Capri leggings and headed to the training room. I am by myself for a bit and then I notice someone walk into the room. I looked over to see it was hodge.

" hey Kayla , what are you doing up so early?"  he asked putting his gloves on.

"uh, just wanted to get some training in while everything is still calm." I tell him honestly stopping what I'm doing.

" I can understand that, things around here have gotten hectic lately haven't they." he says while grabbing a stick and passing another one to me and I catch it with no problems.

" heh yea." I tell him.

" want to do some combat training ?" he asks me and I nod and take a fighting stance. He goes to lunge and me but I dodge him. We continue to fight until I knock the stick out of his hand and I knock him on the ground .

" wow Kayla , you've gotten a lot better since the last we fought." he says and I smile and say thanks before helping him up. We put the sticks away and we just talk for a bit.

" hey hodge can I ask you something?"  I ask him, ever since he told me that I was just like my mother , being in the back and doing as she was told, it has been eating at me.

" yea sure whats up?" he asks taking his gloves off.

" when you said I reminded you of my mom , what exactly did you mean by that?" I asked him.

" Kayla I didn't mean anything bad by it, I just meant that you remind me of your mother , always doing what she's told and standing by the ones she loved." he explains to me and smiles.

" what were my parents like hodge , I mean did you know them that well or no?" I asked him curious as to remember what they were like. Hodge just smiles at me.

" I knew your parents very well Kayla , even though they were best friends with the Robert and Maryse, I was still good friends with them. Your parents were the kindest people anyone could ever meet. they always put others before themselves.Your father was always seeking adventure and loved his bow and arrow, which I can see that part in you. " he says which makes me smile remembering those parts about my dad.

" and your mom was the sweetest woman ever. She had the biggest heart and loved the seraph blade as a weapon, which is also something you've mastered. I see both of your parents in you each and every day Kayla and I hope you know that I know for a fact that if your parents were here today, they would be extremely proud of the young woman your becoming." he tells me placing a hand on my shoulder.

" thanks hodge , I really needed that, I just feel like each day I end up forgetting a piece of them, and I'm scared that one day I won't be able to remember them." I say with tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

" Kayla , just because they aren't here doesn't mean you will ever forget them. they will always be here in your heart so don't worry." he tells me and I nod.

" Thanks hodge." I tell him.

" well I better go, I have things to do so I will see you later Kayla." he says and I say goodbye to him.

"bye hodge." I tell him and he leaves the room leaving me alone. I continue to work on my fighting skills until Izzy runs into the training room.

" Kayla we have a problem Simon is leaving the institute and clary doesn't know." she tells me so I run to tell clary and as soon as I do she freaks out and runs after Simon and I find Isabelle again and we go after them. Simon starts telling Simon that he can't be kept a prisoner here and that she should go with him and you can tell she's at a cross roads. It also doesn't help that Jace is antagonizing him.

" I can take care of myself ." Simon says before walking out of the institute.Clary following him. Izzy and I decide to follow after them also. We get outside and the two of them start talking again.

"Simon think about it if you go home your putting your mom and sister in danger also. you don't want that." she tries to tell him.

" clary if all this is true then they are already in danger and I need to be home to protect them. Clary we've had each others backs our entire lives and we've never needed anyone before. We don't need this people clary." he tells clary and she looks back at us and then turns her attention back to Simon.

"Simon I don't know how to explain this but I think these are my people." she tells him and he looks like he just got slapped in the face.

" wow I hear you loud and clear." he says and he starts to walk off. I turn to Izzy and we both know to go after him. We run past clary to catch up with Simon.

" Simon wait up!" I yell to him and he stops and looks back at us confused.

" look guys I'm not going back there alright so don't try and talk me into to it." he says.

"We weren't going to talk you back into coming back to the institute. We just want to make sure your going to be safe." I tell him and Izzy agrees with me.

" oh well I'll be ok guys thanks for caring." he says sadly.

" hey Simon , clary does care about you, she just still trying to cope with all this stuff, but here's my number, if you ever feel like your in trouble or anything call me and I'll help you out, just be safe ok." I tell him and give him a hug.

"why are you so nice, I thought you didn't like me." he asks and I giggle.

" I never said I didn't like you Simon, I can already see us being good friends and I want you to be safe." I tell him honestly.

" yea same Simon, just be careful and call if you ever need anything alright." Izzy says to him also giving him a hug.

" thanks guys it means a lot ." he tells us and which makes us smile at him.

" well we should get back to the institute , we don't want Alec freaking out anymore, we'll see you around Simon."Izzy says and we say our goodbyes and head back. Once we get back clary comes up to us right away.

" is Simon ok?" she asks us frantically.

" Simon is going to be ok, just give him some time clary he will come around." we tell her and she just nods and goes back to where the guys are. Jace and Alec are at the table sitting down and hodge is also there. I go to sit on the table beside Alec.

" Magnus bane. He's over 300 years old. and as you can see, he's not exactly shied away from the pleasures of every century.his tastes are both exquisite .... and quiet excessive."hodge says scrolling the pictures on his tablet that are shown on the screen.

"he looks like the downworlders David Guetta."clary says.

" Guetta's already a downworlder." Izzy says and I laugh because clary looks confused.

" A vampire. Ever seen him in the daylight." I tell her and we all laugh.

" can you 3 focus this is not a joke." Alec says looking at the 3 of us and we go quiet.

"someone needs to get slayed." Izzy says and then looks at me.

" Kayla ." she says again and I go wide eyed.

" why me?" I ask laughing and she smirks and we go back to paying attention to hodge.

"Alec is right Magnus is one of the most powerful warlocks I've ever known.He has a deep mistrust in shadow hunters." hodge goes on to explain.

"Except he trusts me, we can use that to our advantage." I tell everyone and they all agree except clary because she is confused.

" But why help my mom then? isn't she a shadow hunter." clary asks.

"yes one of the best , but help wouldn't be the term, did he provide a service for her. perhaps. your mother most likely paid Magnus to wipe your memories." hodge explained 

" warlocks usually require payment for their services." Jace adds in.

" word form the clave is that most warlocks have gone into hiding since Valentine began hunting them again." Alec says.

"valentine must be searching for the warlock, where did Jocelyn." hodge starts before stopping because of his rune.

" hodge are you ok?" I ask him sincerely.

"how do we find Magnus?" clary asks .

" we don't Magnus finds us.We'll set up a meeting somewhere protected and lure him from hiding." hodge says.

"and I know exactly where we do it." Izzy says pulling up a flyer for a downworlders rave.

" A rave nice Izzy he never misses a good party." I tell her high fiving her. We go on to coming up with a plan and hodge gives us just the thing to lure him out with. After were done everyone splits up and me and Izzy go to her room and she chooses what were wearing.  A little while later clary walks in the room.

" Jace said you all wanted to see me." she says and we just smile at her.

" what are you wearing to the rave?" Izzy asks clary.

" um what I'm wearing now." she says and looking at her she is wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

"um no can do, its a downworld rave not a petty slam, no one would be caught dead in that."Izzy tells clary throwing her a dress.

" this looks way too tight." clary complain and I just laugh.

" Its stretchy go put it on and try these with it." Izzy tells clary as she goes behind the screen. I finish getting dressed in what Izzy picked out for me which is:

once I'm done I come out of the closet and show Izzy.

" Damn Kayla , your so gorgeous. Alec will not be able to keep his hands off you." Izzy teases me and I roll my eyes.

"Thanks Izzy." I tell her and I sit down on the bed and we wait for clary. She eventually comes out pulling down her dress.

" I don't know about this guys." clary says as she looks in the mirror.

" Gosh your so lucky I can never wear that dress without a bra." Izzy says and I laugh.

" really?" clary asks.

"Really." Izzy and I both say at the same time. Clary turns back to look at me.

" So Kayla you look gorgeous by the way." she starts off .

" thanks clary you too." I tell her.

" so I was wondering , how you are with Alec, you two seem like the complete opposite of each other." she asks me and I am taken back.

" what is that supposed to mean exactly." I ask her and Izzy already knows I hate when people talk badly about Alec or our relationship.

" I just mean he is rude and mean and your so nice and genuine." she says carefully.

" Look clary , I mean this in the nicest way possible, you don't have to understand my relationship with Alec ,because I'm the one dating him, but please do not go and talk badly about him to me or in front of me ever. " I tell her calmly before jace walks in.

" someone is looking badass." he says looking at clary and I roll my eyes.

" I'm going to Alec's room , I can't be here anymore." I say standing up and walking out towards his room.

Izzy's POV

" What's wrong with Kayla?" jace asks us.

" Clary started questioning the relationship and said that Alec is rude and mean and you know how Kayla is about that stuff." I explain to Jace and he finally understands.

" Bad choice there clary." Jace tells her and I agree.

" Why ? " clary asks dumbfounded.

" Kayla and Alec are super protective over each other. Alec may seem hard headed and a bit rude, but when it comes to Kayla he's himself and caring towards her,  Kayla hates when people talk bad about Alec so piece of advice for next time just don't say anything ok."  I explain to her and she nods.

Back to Kayla's POV.

"hey Alec." I walk into his room and see him laying on his bed in all black attire.

" hey Kayla, whats wrong?" he asks seeing my face.

" nothing just clary getting on my nerves, the usual stuff." I say giggling a bit and going to hug him.

" you do know Izzy will not let go to the rave wearing this." I tell him referring to his attire.

" It's a mission not a time for partying." he says groaning.

" I know that but it's Izzy we're talking about. come on." I say going to his closet and pulling out a dark blue shirt.

" here put this on." I say throwing it to him and he just chuckles and begins to take off his shirt and puts the new one on. I smile at him and go over to fix the collar.

" Did I tell you that you look gorgeous tonight ?" Alec asks and I blush and shake my head.

" well you look gorgeous and  just remember to be careful tonight, remember forever.." he starts and I smile.

" and always , I love you Alec." I say to him.

" I love you too Kayla." he says and leans down to kiss me. we stay like this until.

" guys its time to go.... oops am I interrupting something." Izzy says barging in and we pull away.

" uh we were just coming to find you Iz." I say embarrassed slightly.

" uh huh sure well come on lets go ." she says and leaves the room. I turn back to look at Alec and give him one last kiss.

" come on Alec time for more chaos." I says jokingly before he grabs my hand and we walk out to meet with the others. Lets get this night started.
