Chapter 33

Seungcheol Pov:

"Here's your tea." Jeonghan set down a tray in front of Haewon and her friends.

"Thank you." Haewon replied carefully.

"So. Why are we here again?" Lily asked.

"To put this simply, Hyunjin, Yeonjun, Sunghoon, and Eunchae have gone missing." I sighed.

There was a loud crash as Chris dropped his cup onto the floor.

"Excuse me?" Jaemin breathed.

"I've contacted the police and the last spot they were seen is at Minghao's mansion." I explained.

"Oh my god." Haewon lamented.

"You know what? This is all your fucking fault!" Kyujin leapt to her feet and rushed towards me, before being stopped by Felix.

"I swear to god, if something happens to them. . ." Lily growled.

I nodded apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I'll do everything I can to help." I offered.

"Yeah right." Jaemin huffed.

Just as I was about to respond, the front door opened and a breathless Dokyeom appeared.

"Choi Seungcheol!"

"Don't call me that!" I grumbled.

"Mingyu, Wonwoo, and Vernon. They've disappeared!"

Hyunjin Pov:

Bold - Eunchae

Italics - Yeonjun

Underline - Sunghoon

"Okay so let's see. Eunchae, and Yeonjun have been hooked once. I haven't been hooked at all and Sunghoon is dead hooked." I explained to my friends.

"That means that Sunghoon should probably lie low for the endgame right?" Yeonjun added.

"Can't he just hide in a locker?" Eunchae asked.

"That's a good idea!" I grinned.

Soon the plan was made. Sunghoon would hide, while the rest of us would work on the last generator. The air was tense as we repaired the machine.

"This is kinda nerve wracking. " Yeonjun commented.

"I know right?" I sighed.

"Does anyone hear that?" Eunchae suddenly paused.

I frowned.

"No, why?"

"I thought I heard footsteps."

"I didn't hear anything." Yeonjun stated.

Eunchae shrugged and went back to work.

ROAR! The generator sprung to life and I smiled. That quickly faded when I saw a figure looming behind Eunchae.


"AHHH!" My friend screamed as Minghao grabbed her from behind and ran off, carrying the girl over his shoulder.

"Shit!" Yeonjun cursed.

My eyes widened as the boy rushed after the killer, ignoring my protests. Minutes later, I heard two screams.

"Back to back hooks? Shit, what's going on there Hyunjin?"

"I don't know. Where are you?"

"Lockers in the Thompson house!"

"Okay heading over there."

"Wait Hyunjin, I think he's found me, fuck!"

Just as I arrived at the house, I was met with the sight of Minghao carrying Sunghoon away. I froze. When had it gone all wrong? We were winning, but now Minghao was in snowball territory. I had to rescue Sunghoon before he was killed! I rushed over, but suddenly gasped as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen.

"Hyunjin!" Sunghoon screamed as I was downed.

"Awww. Poor kitten. I thought you were like your mother, but it seems you're nothing but a defect." Minghao remarked coldly.

The male began to laugh loudly. I felt crushed. Defeat began to sink in. But suddenly there was a loud sound of thunder, from my position on the ground, I craned my neck up and saw three male figures appear from the skies.

"What the?" Minghao muttered.

"Defect? Why don't you take a look in the mirror, Xu Minghao?" Mingyu growled, kneeling by me.

"You. How did you get here?" MInghao spat.

"Your portal was working." Wonwoo replied before shining a bright flashlight into the male's eyes.


I gasped as Sunghoon fell out of his clutches onto the ground where Vernon was waiting to escort him to safety.

"Mingyu! Get Hyunjin!" Wonwoo ordered.

I yelped as Mingyu picked me up. A few minutes later, I stood up after the trio had healed both Sunghoon and I.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"To rescue you obviously!" Mingyu replied excitedly.

"Oh okay. Um thanks? You came at the perfect time." I smiled.

"We need to hurry, Eunchae and Yeonjun are going to die at this rate." Sunghoon suddenly spoke.

"Yeah. Actually we have a plan. Sunghoon, you, Vernon and I will go after the two hooked survivors and open the gate. Mingyu and Hyunjin, you will go find Jun and Aera." Wonwoo explained.

I froze.

"Wait, they're here?" I gasped.

"Yep. And they'll die as soon as the Game ends. So even if you win, if you don't escape with them they lose their lives."

I felt the color drain from my face.

"Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go! 
