Chapter 32

Yeonjun Pov:

Bold - Hyunjin

Italics - Eunchae

Underline - Sunghoon

Shing! I hissed as Minghao's blade nicked my neck. Jumping backwards, I saw Minghao pulling his knife out of the ground from where it had landed and glaring at me with bloodthirsty eyes.

"Fuck." I muttered before turning on my heel and running off.

I soon met up with Sunghoon and Hyunjin at the Thompson house and told them the situation.

"He's camping, the motherfucker." Sunghoon grumbled.

"What's that mean?" Hyunjin asked.

"Exactly what Yeonjun described. Camping is when the Killer doesn't leave the hook and uses the hooked survivor as bait in order to down their teammates." The boy explained.

"Well then what can we do?" I sighed, frustrated.

Sunghoon didn't answer but bent down and picked up a handful of pebbles before passing them out to Hyunjin and I.

"What's this for?" My girlfriend questioned.

"Distracting Minghao. Both of you sneak up behind him and toss these at his head till he gets annoyed by it and chases after one of you. The person who is not being chased should free Eunchae. Then we'll meet back here. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Okay then. I'll do a generator in the meantime."

I glanced at Hyunjin before we both took off towards Eunchae's hook.

"I see him." Hyunjin hissed, as we crouched behind the stalks of tall corn.

"I peered through the golden vegetation, and saw the male pacing around Eunchae, twirling his knife in his hand.

"Here I go." I hissed, and cocked my arm back before hurling a pebble at Minghao.

"OW! What the hell?" The man yelped, touching his head where the rock had hit him.

"Show yourself!" Minghao roared.

I shook my head at Hyunjin and motioned for her to remain quiet.

"I'm warning you kids. Come out now!" Minghao shouted.

Hyunjin smirked and tossed another pebble, which hit its target precisely. Minghao grunted in annoyance and began to walk towards the cornfields.

"Okay, I'll lead him away." My girlfriend whispered.

"Wait what?" I gasped.

"HEY LOSER! OVER HERE!" Hyunjin yelled, standing up.

My eyes widened.

"Moon Hyunjin, I should have known it was you!"

I heard the pounding of feet and watched in horror as Hyunjin ran off, with Minghao hot on her trail. Standing on shaky feet, I rushed over to unhook Eunchae.

"Thanks." The girl grunted when she was taken off.

"Shh there's no time. I'll heal you so hold still." I hissed back.

Suddenly there was a loud roar that rang across the map. I quickly checked in the telepathic chat and sent a message to Sunghoon.

"Hey Sunghoon, was that you?"

"Yep the gen's done! Is Eunchae okay?"

"I'm fine! Yeonjun healed me too."

"Okay. Where's Hyunjin?"

I paused.

"She's being chased by Minghao."

"Hyunjin? Can you hear me?"


"Has he caught you?"

"No! But he's close!"

"Where are you?"

"Near the Thompson house!"

"Perfect. You know the solo gen you did earlier? Lead him pass the first section of lockers."


"You'll see. Yeonjun. Eunchae. Go to the cow tree."


"Roger that captain."

I grabbed Eunchae's arm and we rushed to the rendezvous site. A few minutes later, Hyunjin and Sunghoon appeared with flushed faces.

"Hey you two. How'd you get away?" Eunchae asked.

"Oh boy you should've seen it! I ran past those lockers and Sunghoon literally popped out and jumped scared the heck out Minghao! The look on the guy's face? Priceless!" Hyunjin chortled.

"It wasn't much but it gave us enough time to run away." Sunghoon finished.

"Wow! Good thinking man!" I grinned.

"Just tips and tricks I learned from playing DBD. On Earth of course. Not here."

"Okay okay guys focus." Hyunjin suddenly clapped her hands to get our attention.

"What's up?"

"Well according to my count we've done 4 generators and we only have one left. Do you know what that means?"

I shook my head.

"We're nearing the endgame." Sunghoon breathed.

"Exactly. Let's pay attention and win this Game, okay? Fighting!"

"FIGHTING!" We cheered. 
