Chapter 29

Mingyu Pov:

"Wonwoo are they there?" I panted running out of the bedroom.

Seriously, how many rooms did Minghao have?

"Nope. But this door's open." the older male replied entering the room.

I followed suit and my eyes fell upon the open wardrobe, from which red light was pouring out of.

"A portal." Vernon commented, coming in behind me.

"Goddammit!" I screamed, smashing a vase which was on the bedside table.

"Kim Mingyu. Calm the fuck down!" Wonwoo snapped.

"They've gone into the Rift. I couldn't protect them. I couldn't stop him!" I moaned.

"Not all hope is lost. The portal still seems to be working, which means we could follow them." Vernon hummed.

I grabbed the man's shoulders excitedly.

"You're brilliant!"

"Quick Wonwoo, Vernon we need to grab a few things."

"What kind of things?" Wonwoo asked.

"A super charged flashlight and a first aid kit."

"Why?" Vernon questioned.

"We're going on a rescue mission!"

Hyunjin Pov:

I screamed as Minghao grabbed my hair roughly and flung me over his shoulder.

"Now now dear, be a doll and hold still will you?"

I shook my head and began squirming vigorously.


"Eunchae!" I called out as I passed the girl while being carried.

"Wiggle girl! Wiggle!" Sunghoon yelled.

I obliged and to my shock I slipped out of Minghao's grasp.

"Fuck!" The male groaned.

I rushed towards my friends and pushed them out of the way.

"Run! Split up! For fucks sake, run!"

I glanced behind me and noticed that Minghao was standing back up.

"Hehe. Run kitty run run."

I made a disgusted expression.

"Stop calling me that!"

"Yeah she's my kitten!" Yeonjun suddenly appeared beside me.

"What the hell? Babe! What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"Saving you? Eunchae sent me a telepathic message saying you got kidnapped."

"Good god. Less talk, let's just run for now." I sighed, as I noticed Minghao approaching us.

"Okay but you're in front."

I nodded.

The two of us continued to drag Minghao around the map. I turned and cursed when I realized that the male was gaining ground.

"Yeonjun watch out-"


I screamed as Minghao brought his knife onto my boyfriend's back stabbing him through.


I quickly pulled my partner in front of me and shoved him forward before facing Minghao.

"Hey jerk, you want me right? Come and get me!"

To my suprise the taunt worked. Minghao dropped his chase on Yeonjun and went after me. Fuck. I approached what seemed to be a barn and vaulted over the open window. As Minghao got closer, I became desperate and threw down a wooden pallet in between us, hitting him in the process.

"You fucking bitch!" Minghao screamed.

"See you loser!"

I rushed off and hurried back outside. Behind me I heard the sound of boards breaking.

"Hyunjin! Over here!"

I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw Sunghoon. When I reached him I was met with a bleeding Yeonjun and a busy Eunchae who seemed to be waving her hands over his head.

"What in god's name are you doing?" I asked.

"I don't know, healing him I think?" Eunchae replied.

"I mean like I feel better the more she does this." Yeonjun cracked a grin.

I watched as Yeonjun's bleeding slowly stopped and the color returned to his face.

"Seriously? That's what heals you?" Sunghoon sighed.

"We can't stay like this for long guys. We have generators to do." Yeonjun stood up.

"True. Split up in pairs?" Sunghoon suggested.

"I'll take my love-"

"Hyunjin, want to be paired with me?' Eunchae asked.

I smirked at Yeonjun before nodding.


"Fuck you babe." Yeonjun hissed.

"Love you too!"

I then left with Eunchae as the two of us went to find another generator.

"Well this is much better than being chased." I remarked as we worked.

"True. I wonder what the boys are doing-"

"Guys? A little help here?"

"Sunghoon? What's wrong?"

"It hurts. It fucking hurts. Ow ow owie owie owie ow!"

"So Yeonjun just got hooked and now-"

Eunchae and I looked up as suddenly a loud scream tore throughout the landscape.


"Oh shit, Yeonjun you're right. This sucks."

"Did you get hooked too?"

"Yep. Rescue please?"

I got off from the generator. Eunchae glanced at me quizzically.

"Shouldn't we finish this?"

"That can wait, the boys will die if we don't get them in time."

"Fine. What's the plan, Hyunjin?"  
