Chapter 25

Hyunjin Pov:

A few minutes earlier:

I rushed into my home, sobbing. What was happening to me? Kidnappings, murderers, and now realm travel? What was even real and what was not anymore? I flopped onto the empty couch and buried my head into a pillow. Turning to the side to get a breath of fresh air, I noticed a white unopened envelope sitting on the glass table. I quickly opened it and felt all air leave me as I read the letter.

Dear Hyunjin,

How are you? Are you doing well? I hope so because Jun and Aera are in pretty rough shape. Jun has a fracture in his skull as well as several burns and cuts all over his chest. Poor Aera has suffered probably worse, as she's dealing with three cracked ribs, a broken leg, and dislocated jaw. They're still holding on, those persistent bastards but I would hurry if I were you. Come come little Hyunjin. My playthings here are almost broken, and you wouldn't want that would you? I'm still waiting,

Xu Minghao.

I screamed and fell to the ground, fresh tears welling up in my eyes as I glanced at the photos that were attached. My poor mother and father. They were suffering because of me, and no one would tell me how to play this Game to save them! I felt faint and laid my head down onto the carpet. It just hurt. Everything hurt. . .

"Hey Hyunjin?"

I woke to see that I was lying on a fancy bed with Sunghoon, Eunchae and Yeonjun staring down at me with worried eyes.

"Where am I?" I muttered.

"Seventeen's mansion." Sunghoon replied.

"Excuse me?" I spluttered.

"Yeonjun called us and told us that he found you unconscious on the floor. We told Seventeen and they arranged for a ride for both of you since Yeonjun can't drive his motorcycle and carry you at the same time." Eunchae explained.

"And you brought me here?"

"Listen, it's the safest place for now, babe. Minghao is out there sending you threatening letters which told us not to call the police unless we want Jun and Aera to die and Haewon and her team can't help us so Seventeen is pretty much our best bet." Yeonjun reasoned.

I just lowered my head in defeat.

"Leave me alone please." I begged.

"Are you sure?" Eunchae asked.

"Please leave!"

"Okay okay. We'll leave." Sunghoon sighed.

I flinched as I heard the door close and laid back down. Perhaps I could get a few more hours of sleep. . .

Tap. Tap. Tap. My eyes flew open to the sound of something tapping against my bedroom's window. I glanced over to the glass and gasped as I saw a slender figure dressed head to toe in black sitting outside on the window ledge. I rushed over and opened the window but the person had left, leaving only another envelope in their place. I opened it and my heart stopped.

There was a photo of my parents tied to two chairs with a barrel of gun pointed between the two. Written in red were the words "Which one will die today? If you want a chance to see both of them alive, come now."

With shaky hands I grabbed my phone and typed into the group chat,

I have to go. Minghao. Emergency. I'm sorry. (Hyunjin)

Then I climbed out of the window, lowered myself to the ground and ran straight for Minghao's mansion without sparing another damn thought. 
