Chapter 28

Jun Pov:

I coughed up blood as I looked around at my surroundings. A dark room with red lockers peppered around its exterior. A long staircase in one corner and in the center were four meat hooks around one long central pole. The basement. I cursed under my breath.

"Why are we here?" I heard Aera whisper.

"To be bait my dear."

My wife and I snapped our heads towards Minghao who was descending the stairs, a creepy grin plastered on his face. My eyes widened as Minghao grabbed Aera roughly by her one good arm and hoisted her over his shoulder.

"What the fuck are you doing Minghao?" I roared, fighting against the ropes which restrained my hands.

The male smirked, and then lifted Aera up and impaled her onto a hook. Aera's eyes widened slightly before a loud pained scream escaped her lips.


"That's right Aera. Scream. Look at this now. The former ace of all Survivors, the one who was never hooked, now dangling before me. What a lovely sight."

"Minghao you piece of shit!" I yelled, eyes watering up.

"Oh right. You're here too. Guess I'll just hook you as well."

I winced as Minghao flipped me onto his shoulders and threw me onto a hook. I bit my lip. I would not scream, I would not. I met my eyes with my former friend and glared at him with all the hate I could. Minghao tilted his head.

"Not going to scream? How about this?"

I gasped in pain as the male slashed at my bleeding body with his knife, opening up a fresh wound.

"Minghao, please stop!" Aera begged.

Minghao raised his blade again but suddenly there was the loud sound of thunder. Aera and I glanced at each other with worry.

"Oh they're here! Well, as much as I would love to stay here and torture you, I gotta a Game to play. Don't worry Jun, you'll be reunited with Hyunjin soon."

My eyes widened.

"Stay away from my daughter!" I shouted.

Minghao winked and then disappeared in a flash of red light.

"Let's just hope she does this well." Aera murmured.

Hyunjin Pov:

The light faded and I looked around to see that I was standing in some sort of farmyard. The air was eerie with the caws of crows, and the seemingly abandoned state of the plantation.

"Guys?" I called out.

Bold - Eunchae

Italics - Yeonjun

Underline - Sunghoon




I jumped.

"I guess we can communicate telepathically?"

"Yeah. So I'm by this big tree with slaughtered cows, wanna meet up there?"

"Wow, that sounds absolutely lovely."

"Are you coming or not?"


I sighed. Boys. A few minutes later we all met at the tree.

"God it stinks." Eunchae complained.

"Not a very pleasant sight is it?" Sunghoon added.

"Guys have any of you found any generators?" I asked.

"I have!" Yeonjun grinned.

"Really? Where?" Eunchae inquired.

"Over here!"

I followed Yeonjun through several cornfields, when we reached a generator. Sunghoon and Eunchae immediately got to work while I glanced at Yeonjun worriedly.

"There's only one more spot." Yeonjun stated.

"You do it. I'll find one on my own." I smiled painfully.

"You sure?"

"Yeah! I'll be fine. Good luck guys!"

I quickly dashed off. As I ran I noticed that I was leaving glowing scratch marks on any surface I passed by. I slowed down. Maybe walking was a better idea? I soon reached a dilapidated house and entered. When I reached the second floor, I saw a solo generator and decided to start repairing it.

When I was about a third way done, I heard a creaking noise below me. I stopped momentarily but shrugged it off. It was probably just Yeonjun coming to check on me.

"Hey guys?" I sent a mental message.


"I'm here."

"What's up?"

"How's the gen going?"

"Great actually!"

"Yeah we're almost done."

"Weird that Minghao hasn't shown up right?"

"Yeah. You would think he would be around by now."

"Hey are any of you guys near the house?"

There was a pause.


"What do you mean no? I just heard someone below me!"

"Uh Hyunjin, we're all still on the generator."

My hands trembled. Suddenly there was a loud bang and I cursed as smoke trailed out of the machine in front of me. I then heard the sound of footsteps at the bottom of the stairs. I contemplated running away, but I shook my head. I was almost done. Just a little more!

"Hyunjin! None of us are in the house! Get out of there!"

The sound of feet ascending the stairs grew in volume. I winced and quickly pulled the lever. Roar! The generator came to life. I smiled.

"Good job kitten."

I whirled around, right behind me was Minghao, a sharp hunting knife in his hands.

