Chapter 6

They stayed the last few days in Yiling before they went to the swords makers shop to collect Wei Ying's sword. As soon as they entered, the swordsmaker greets them with a smile. He quickly went to the back and came back with Wei Ying's sword holding it with both handsΒ  and carefully placed it in Wei Ying's out stretch hands. Wei Ying took it and unsheath it while the swordmaker watched this bated breath. Wei Ying looked at it with a smile on his face.

Wei Ying felt the weight of it on his hand. Did a few swords move with it. Satisfied, he looked at his parents and shushu and smiled.
"Now all the young master have to do is to infuse it with the young masters spiritual energy ". The swordsmaker says.
Wei Ying did as told and infused some of his spiritual energy into the sword. Red energy energy twirls around the sword before it finally fuses with Yu Chang. A light surrounded them just for a second or two before Yu Chang vibrated in his hand. Doing some sword forms again and feeling the power resonating between them, Wei Ying was finally happy.
"Are the young master happy with his sword"?. The man asked.
"Yes, I am. Thank you very much. I love it".Β  Wei Ying answers him with a big toothy smile.
"I am glad, young master. I hope the two of you will win many battles and never leave each other's side. I have never had such delight in forging a sword for someone more deserving of one". The man said with a smile and bowed.

The four thanked him and bowed to the man before they left with a very excited Wei Ying, who couldn't wait to get back to the Four Season Manor. They left and made their way towards the stalls and collected their horses. A couple of kilometers before they reached the Four Season Manor they abandoned the horses who knew their way home. They used their qi and Wei Ying on his shufus back. They flew and hopped from tree to tree. Their feet just lightly touching the branches and flowers. They decended when they reached the front courtyard and walked into the Manor.
"Can we go to their training grounds and spar. I want to test my sword please". Wei Ying pleads and the three laughs and nods their heads.
Wei Ying runs before them as they follows behind. Once the reached the training grounds the disciples immediately cleared it when they saw them. Wei Ying took his stance and unsheath Yu Chang. It sangs and vibrated in his hand as Wei Ying made a few moves. Zishu slides Biayi from around his waist and gave Wei Ying a smile as he let it hanged by his side. Kexing flipped his white ivory fan open holding it in front of him a crooked smile on his face. Master Ye took his saber Dragons Back of his back and gave his grand nephew a smile. Wei Ying pout and said.
"This is unfair. Three against one. How can I win now". A smirk appears on his face.
"Who were the one who wanted to test the strength and durability of his sword". Zishu asked him and he moved so fast forward but Wei Ying who for a moment was caught off guard at the last minute evade the attacked his hair moved as Biayi just misses his ear.
"Ah baba so sneaky". He laughs and soon the other two joins. The three went hard at him but also made sure that they don't accidentally hurt him. They moved around each other, it's looks almost like beautiful crafted dance. Their arms and legs moved and it looks as if their feet does not even touched the ground.
Laughter rang out on the training ground as the four pushed and pulled.

They discarded of their weapons and went hand on hand. Wei Ying's durability was astonishing. Being taught from a young age he knew when to attack. When to evade one. When to go on the offense and defense. The four had so much fun they did not even realised that the day was slowly turning into night.
Finally they called a day picking up their weapons. The four hugged each other. Wei Ying sweating like a someone who had played in the rain.
"Thank you A-Die, Baba and Shushu.
I had so much fun". Wei Ying said with a choked voice.
"So did we A-Ying. So did we. Thank you for choosing us when you so easily could have stayed at the YungmiangJiang sect as your father was once part of it". Kexing said as they break the hug and looked at his son.
"I would never leave the three people who loves me more that anything. Who showed me that even strangers to me you took me and gave me once again a loving family just like I had with my parents. I love you all so much and I would never exchange you for anyone". Wei Ying said with teary eyes.
"We love you just as much A-Ying don't you forget that do you hear me". Zishu said and the other two echos his words.

"How did the sword felt in your hand and how did it respond to your spiritual energy ". Master Ye asked him.
"Just right. No perfect. It was like we were one. It was like he knew what I was thinking and what I wanted to do. It was just like me he was waiting to see what your next moves were and knew exactly how to counter it. It's strange really but also exciting at the same time". Wei Ying tapping his nose.
"A-Ying your sword became one with you the moment you infused your spiritual energy in it. He know only will listen to you and no one else. He is apart of and your energy. The more you practice. The more the bond between the two of will grow". Master Ye told him and Wei Ying understood immediately. "Come let's go find something to eat and drink. Take a bath afterwards and rest for the rest of day. Tomorrow your training will resume". Zishu said and Wei Ying nods his head as the four made their way towards the moon viewing pavilion. Having their full mainly Master Ye and Wei Ying while Kexing and Zishu enjoyed their wine. Soon Wei Ying retired to his room and took a long hot bath. Once done he put on his sleeping robes and went to bed.

The next morning around the breakfast table they inform Wei Ying that now that he has his sword his training will start at earnest. Combine with what he already learn. Excited hopping towards the training field Wei Ying couldn't wait.
First they started of with meditation. Wei Ying had became real good at it by now. His training started after that in earnest. He is being attacked from all sides. Being trained by his father's and shushu from a very young age he knew exactly what to expect so when he heard a swish sound he took out his ivory fan while blocking his babas attack. He infused it quickly with his spiritual energy and let his fan flew in the same direction he heard his A-Dies. The training went on for hours and then Wei Ying made a switch he used his spiritual energy to pushed him back and then he took on the arrogant mountain closing posture.
His shushu and fathers smiles and readies themselves for the attack. Wei Ying brought his left hand up towards his chestΒ  into a prayer position his sword pointed down a slant to his right. He swiped the sword forward in a wide arc and release a powerful wave of spiritual energy towards his father's and shushu. When the waved it them it did not do much just pushed them slightly back. But they were pleased because they could feel the power behind the attacked, telling them that Wei Ying is becoming much stronger.

"Not bad A-Ying. We have to congratulate you. You are becoming stronger by the day". They told him and the compliment brought a big smile to Wei Ying's face. The three opened their arms and Wei Ying ran into their arms. The four made their way back to the manor and went to the moon pavilion. Sitting down Kexing said.
"A-Ying you know it is almost time for me and Ah-Xu to go to the armery. So the three of us has decided that it is time that you expand your knowledge and experience now that you have your sword. You and Master Ye will go nighthunting so that you can stay in touch in what your parents used to do". They looked at him and he said.
"Thank you A-Die. I would love that". His voice full of emotions.
"A-Ying we will never deprive you from following your dreams. We just want you to be safe". Ah-Xu said as he looked at his son.
"We need to talk about what happened with sect Leader Jiang A-Ying. You should know that he won't stopped trying to get you to join his sect. We need you to be very careful if you should run in to him. We do not trust him and neither should you. Promise us that you will stay away from him and his family A-Ying". Master Ye said with a serious tone his voice. Wei Ying looked between and put three fingers up and said.
"I promise never to be careful and not to trust him ever. I promise to stay away from them all. I promise to heed my shushu and fathers warnings". They gave him a nod of the head and the two started eating after the food and drinks arrived.

After his father's left for the armery. Wei Ying and Master Ye made their way back to Yiling. A place they knows best. His training started on the first night they arrived. It was a resentful ayoa not very strong and Wei Ying defeated it quickly. He and his shushu went night hunting every night. They came across different beast and ayaos some he defeated with ease and some when he can't his shushu would lend a hand. They traveled to the smaller towns and with helping the smaller communities Wei Ying became not only smarter but stronger as well. While he and his shushu traveled unbeknownst to them Wei Ying names starts to spread. They called him the Great and Mighty. If Wei Ying and his shushu and parents should hear that. They would definitely just laugh at the name. After traveling for some time they returned back to the manor. Wei Ying at the age of eleven almost twelve was far more stronger then anyone his age. As his name spread through the cultivation world many already set their sights on recruiting such a talent from the bigger sects to the smaller sects. But what they did not know is that this young boy a prodigy were not of their world but one vast different from theirs.

It was time for his father's to come back and he and shushu was waiting by the gate for them to arrive. When they finally came into view Wei Ying was so excited and as his father's came to land in front of them he hugged and them and started telling them everything that he and his shushu were up to. About how exciting the night hunting was and everything he had learn while doing it. The three just laughs at his excitement. They all went inside and took their places in the moon pavilion. Stories were exchange and soon Master Ye said his goodbyes. It's time to return to his mountain. Wei Ying hugged his shushu and told him that he will miss him. He smiles at him and hugged him and soon he walked out and was gone.

By the time Wei Ying was fourteen he could use is spiritual energy to lift him off the ground and propel him into the air which now means that he could join his shushu and fathers flewing from tree to tree. Because he grew up with such strong and great men. He can defend himself in all forms of fighting. He had mastered the arrogant mountain closing posture due to his high cultivation and spiritual energy. He and Yu Chang his sword bond grew immensely strong. Wei Ying was not always with his father's no he liked to train with the disciples as well. Wei Ying would sometimes just hang out with them and have a good time.


The next chapter will be Wei Ying getting invited to the Cloud Recess with the rest of the sect heirs. He will be fifteen then.
