Chapter 14

Wen Rouhan sits in his designated rooms at the Cloud Recess. He knows his son would probably be at the bottom of every class he is in after all he is not the brightest of his two sons even his nephew under all that shyness is much more advance than Wen Chao are  in academics and probably everything else. Nursing a cup of tea, his mind wonders to what had happened. That woman had it coming for years with that fat man. Having something to say always. But what interests him more are the relationship between his niece and nephew with the Lan boy, the Nie boy, and the Wei boy.

He will have to find out what the relationship between them are before he can use that information and put it to use. He won't go after the Wei boy like those three stupid people, no he has great plans still to achieve. He like to live, and these immortals have shown that they don't care who you are. If you hurt the boy, your funeral is next. So he needs to go about this carefully. He should probably leave the Lan boy also alone. It seems that the lotus pier is for the taking. Mmm.

But if there is one absolute rule. Then it is that. Immortals and gods do not or must not intervene with the cultivation world or the mortal world. So, for now, he would like to believe that they would not interfere with his plans. So he can keep on planning and perfected his plan in taking over the cultivation world and rule over them the way he wants.

Master Ye walked through the barrier in the backhills, not caring of the warning bells that's going off. He walked up to the cave and let his hands slide carefully over it. Voices erupted around him from the Lan disciples, but he continued what he was doing, more specifically, what he was looking for. He stopped when his hand glided over a  spiritual barrier. He stopped and stretched his hand out, letting some of his qi out. He felt through it until he found an opening as he walked along the barrier. The disciples were still telling him to stop and return back to the others. Telling him that he is not allowed there.

The moment he created an opening, he walked inside. The coldness inside did not bother him as he looked around. The first thing he saw was a beautiful quqin on a stone table. He took a few steps forward when the attack came from the quqin. Master Ye blocked it, and in an attempt not to destroy it, he neutralized the attack with his qi.
Soon, the attack seized as a woman in white robes with a Lan forehead ribbon came walking in holding a bunny. A soft smile on her face as she walked towards the stone table where the quqin lays on and sits down. Waving Master Ye over to take a seat himself, which he did.

Once sitting opposite each other, Lan Yi spoke.

"What brings an immortal to the cold cave? I was not expecting you". She said with a small bow of the head.

"Your family whom you have now put in mortal danger. You know what is happening or what is already starting to happen". Master Ye spoke as he looked at her. She nodded her head before she spoke again.

"I had no choice back then. I know I was stupid in thinking I could destroy it. I was warned, but I chose not to listen to a good and wise friend of mine. Now it's happening again. Will you be taking it when you leave?".

"It wasn't my intention at first, but my grandsons heart will be broken if anything should happen to the people that he came to love and see as family". Master Ye spoke. She once again nodded her head and took out the piece of yin iron and held it out to him. He took it and then stood up.

"Thank you. Please keep them safe for me". She said as she slowly started to disappear. Master Ye turns on his heels and walks out of the cave. He walked past the Lan disciples and made his way back to his family, leaving dumbfounded and confused disciples behind.

Wei Ying, his friends, madame lan, and fathers were sitting under a tree as the other sect leaders and disciples kept a safe distance from them. Madame Lan found amusing and funny at the same time but did not say anything. Master Ye reached them and said.

"I will be gone for a few days. There is something I need to do. A-Ying your shushu won't be long, I promise". He said when he saw the pout on his grandsons face. The three immortals had a silent conversation between them for a moment and kexing and Ah-Xu nodded their heads in understanding. Master Ye said his goodbyes to his grandson and left. He stops for just a second as he looked around him not seeing the person he was looking for he started down the stairs.

After the whole killing spree everyone got a day to rest and recover from the shock. They all decided to go down to Caiyi Town to relax. Making their way towards the stairs. They walked down talking and laughing. If Kexing and Ah-Xu saw Lan Zhan walking extremely close to their son than when Kexing glides between them so that their at least be a wind blowing though and not struggling to blew through. Then yes he is telling Lan Zhan not to walk so close to his son as if they are already married. Which of course would be seen after proving the he is worthy of his precious son. Lan Zhan was not please at all but he chose not to show it and went and walked next to his mother. While Xichen and Huaisang was smiling and Mingjue try not to laugh. Wen Qing shooked her head and Wen Ning himself had a smile on his face.

When they reached the town Wei Ying grabbed Lan Zhan's hand and walked from one stall to another. Everything Wei Ying touches Lan Zhan dutifully buys him without his knowledge. Madame Lan tries hard to cover her smile with a cough. Kexing and Ah-Xu are planning his murder and you beter believe there would be the most tear jerking eulogy at his funeral. They might actually shed a tear of two.

They finally went into one of the inns. Madame Lan ordered foor and wine. While waiting the atmosphere was relaxed and quiet. The food arrived and Kexing and Ah-Xu both took a jar of wine and the others started eating. As usual Huaisang curiosity got the best of him when he saw that the two immortals does not touch the food.

"I'm sorry and please forgive this. But the two immortals had not touch one of the dishes since it arrived. Are you not hungry?".

Kexing and Ah-Xu smiles at him but it's Wei Ying that answers.

"My baba and A-Die does not eat food at all. They only consume alcohol ".

"Why is that? Don't they get hungry at all?". Xichen asked.

"Well it's a long story and one we would not like to tell. No offense of course to you all". Kexing said as he took another gulp of the wine.

"Children don't meddle let's eat". Madame Lan said with a soft smile and everyone started eating again.

When they were finished she poured tea for everyone except the immortals.

"Wen Qing and Wen Ning can I asked you a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to". Kexing asked the siblings. Nodding their heads he continues.

"How do you describe your relationship between Wen Rouhan and yourself. Do you have any other family members?". Kexing asked looking between the two siblings and it did not escape how their shoulders tense up.

"Honesty. Not good. I am a healer and he use me to do things I would rather not. He keep me in line by threatening my brother and my families safety". Wen Qing said which caught her of guard because she will never admit these things to anyone.

"So if we offer our help will you take it". He asked sincerely.

She bit her lower lips as everyone's eyes are on her. Before she looks at her brother who looks at her with big innocent eyes. Then at the rest around the table.

"It's not that easy. He is keeping my family captive so I do what is expected and asked of me. But if there is a way to safe them I will take it with both hands. I do not want to loose more of my family. I have already lost to much". She said with determination in he voice.

Madame lan looks at her and asked.

"Lady Wen we the gusulan also offers our help. We will do anything to see that you and your family are safe. I believe we have a piece of land that we can put you on. You do not have to worry my husband will agree believe me". She looked at her with a glint in her eyes.

"I truly appreciate it but my uncle has soldiers watching my family as we spoke". Wen Ning voiced his concern.

"Sect Leader Nie can we count on you for your help and to protect this family". Kexing asked him.

"Yes I have qualms with them. Anything I can do I will". He assures them.

"Good. Lady Wen when this is over we would appreciate it if you could draw us a map of exactly where your village is. By then Madame lan would've have secure the land. Which would be under gusulan protection I presume". Ah-Xu says looking at the woman.

"Of course. The land is on the border of gusulan. Which mean they fall under the protection of us. If anyone should think about bordering them then they will have to deal with us". She said.

"Thank you immortal Kexing and Immortal Zhou Zishu and Madame lan we truly appreciate it now I can atleast sleep a bit better knowing that my family would be safe now". Wen Qing and Wen Ning stood and bowed to the three before they sat down again.

The conversation after were much lighter.

"Lan Wanji what is your intentions with our son? You should know that if you hurt him in anyway or do not love him like he deserves. Well let's just say that I have the ability to skin you alive. Tear your skin off and only leave bones behind". Kexing said eyeing a shivering Lan Zhan. Good you should be scared.

"Immortals my intentions are pure and honest towards Wei Ying. I would never hurt him intentionally or unintentionally I swear. And really love my skin on my body". Lan Zhan assures the immortals with a serious voice. The rest love at him but there were four people who knew that the man was serious and he meant every word.

Wei Ying looked concerned at Lan Zhan before he turns to his A-Die.

"A-Die why would you threathen Lan Zhan like that. He would never hurt intentionally. Lan Zhan I am sorry even though my A-Die means every word I would never allow him to hurt you or skin you alive". Wei Ying said as he glares at his A-Die who just smiles at him innocently.

"A-Ying what kind of parents would we be if we don't warn your friend of his potential demise". Ah-Xu said and took another sip of his wine.

"Baba not you too". Wei Ying said with a frown.

Giving his Lan Zhan a side hug which were returned half-heartedly. Because Lan Zhan are currently seeing life flashing before his eyes. And it's not a very good picture at all. Soon they were done and made their way out of the inn and made their way towards the stairs of the Cloud Recess. Walking next to mother far away from Wei Ying who looks at him with a pout. No he will be strong. He loves Wei Ying but I really needs to be alive to marry him. It breaks his heart seeing  his Wei Ying looking that. Oh his heart almost faltered but he kept strong before he turns and took his Wei Ying in his arms just to see that smile and hear that laughter that resonate so freely through the Cloud Recess. Kexing was quite please with himself but he and Ah-Xu knew that he would never do that. They will never hurt their baby like. But seeing the two so unnecessary miserable are really funny. When they arrived back at the Cloud Recess they say there goodbyes and went to their separate assign rooms. The two immortals had bought them enough emperors smile for the duration of the stay.
