Chapter 11

Sitting in the viewing pavilion drinking wine Kexing asked.
"Do you think we should go visit A-Ying. I think he misses us very much just as much as we miss him. Or better yet do you think we can bring him home. Six months had already pass. He does not need to learn anything anymore". Looking into the distance he turns his head towards Ah-Xu who is watching him.
"A-Ying is fine you heard Master Ye. We need to give him time to grow also. We will see him soon anyway. I also miss him alot. We received an invitation to go to the Cloud Recess. There we will be inform how his been doing. I just hope that he hadn't cause any trouble in the mean time". He answered and that alone brought a smile to Loa Wen's face.
"When is it Ah-Xu?". He asked.
"One week Loa Wen. You can wait that long can't you? Master Ye told me that he and the Lan boy grew quite close. I just hope that we don't need to kill him if he ever try to hurt our son. It would be such a waist and it would make A-Ying very sad". Ah-Xu said casually taking another sip of his wine.
"It sure would be. But that's why we are here to make sure he will be fine afterwards. It really would be a waist". Kexing agreed thoughtfully.
"Where is that old man anyway. It's strange he didn't come yet". Kexing said and his eyes moved to the courtyard.
"Are you missing him Loa Wen?". Ah-Xu asked with a smile.
Loa Wen huff and asked.
"Me missing him that must be day".
The large bell thats hanging in the outer courtyard could be heard ringing through the place. Ah-Xu looked at Kexing with a raised brow.
"We need to be making aware of unwanted visitors Ah-Xu. That old monster always comes unannounced anyway". Kexing with a shrug of his shoulders.

Soon Master Ye came walking into the viewing pavilion and glared at Kexing before he sat down and said.
"Menace what was that for. That's why I don't like you".
"As if I will ever like you old fart. What are you even doing here? Don't you have things to do on your mountain always coming here uninvited ". Kexing retorted back.
"As if I would ever come to visit you". Master Ye said dismissively. Before the two can continue Ah-Xu held up his hands and the two immediate cease with their bickering. Soon the servants came and laid food on the table and more wine. Master Ye immediately started eating. The other two just watch him and continued with their drinking.
"Wen Rouhan is starting to make his move. First they send a waterborne abyss to Caiyi Town but I took care of. His son is starting to collect yin iron pieces. As far as I know he has two pieces now. Are we going to let this play out?". Master Ye asked as he looked between the two.
"We can't interfere to much. So we need to let this play out. We know what will happen but at least this time A-Ying is safe. Do you know where the other pieces are?". Ah-Xu asked.
"I know one piece is in the Cloud Recess. And than there is the sword which are buried inside the beast in a cave. One thing I know for sure and I know you will agree. We can't let A-Ying close to any of these pieces at all". Master Ye said while continuing eating.
"True. In the vision there was a indoctrination held by the Wen. That's where A-Ying would come in contact with it. I don't think we should let him go if we should received an invitation from them. I don't like that man". Kexing said taking another sip from his wine.
"So we will let everything play out even the burning of the Cloud Recess. We know how attached A-Ying is to them". Master Ye said.
"We can warn them and tell them to strengthen their wards and make sure that they would be ready". Ah-Xu spoke.
"With my last visit I met that beady eyed boy who kicked A-Ying of his sword in the vision and I don't like him. He will definitely be a problem for sure". Master Ye informs them.
"Maybe we can just kill him when we go there and make it look like an accident". Kexing said fanning himself leisurely while looking between the two.
"We can't just kill the boy Loa Wen". Ah-Xu said.
"He tried to kill A-Ying or did you forget Ah-Xu". Kexing said.
"I mean nobody would miss him right". Ah-Xu said as he took the jar of wine and throw some down his throat.

Wei Ying was like a little bee. Buzzing and running around with excitement. Madame Lan and her husband watch him with amusement. But with it all came his daily punishment as well. Because he was breaking more rules in one day than the whole time since he has been here. But who could blame him he will be seeing his father's and shushu again after such a long time. Now sitting with a pout on his face while writing these stupid rules as Lan Zhan were overseeing him.
"Lan Zhan this is unfair. I have not broken a single rule since I came here. I am just excited wouldn't you be if you haven't seen your family in like forever. I don't like your shufu. Maybe we should play another prank on him. So he could get his head out off his ass". Wei Ying complained. Lan Zhan looked up at him and said.
"Wei Ying knew the rules and yet Wei Ying broke them". He gave him a knowing look.
"But Lan Zhan aren't we friends. Say will you help me. I can't write these stupid rules fifty times my hand would for sure fall off. Lan Zhan you would not want that right. Let your Wei Ying's hand fall off. Lan Zhan you like me too much for that to happen. And anyway if it should happen my fathers and shushu would burn the Cloud Recess to the ground and I would be very heartbroken if my Lan Zhan should be killed". Wei Ying said while flattering his eyes. Oh poor Lan Zhan was helpless. His ears are burning and his brain had stopped working the moment Wei Ying said. My Lan Zhan. My Lan Zhan and your Wei Ying.

Wei Ying stood up and waved his hand infront of Lan Zhan's face concerned when he saw the look on his face.
"Hey Lan Zhan are you okay? Lan Zhan. Lan er ge ge look at me". Wei Ying said.
Lan Zhan's heart stopped and restarted a few times. His brain went back to settings. It will restart in a few don't worry.
Wei Ying started to get worried now.
"Should I call somebody. Lan Zhan please say something. Are you okay. Please say something". He pleaded.
Finally Lan Zhan's brain had reset and he looked at Wei Ying. Ah beautiful Wei Ying. The boy who stole my heart and soul. The only one I will ever love. Oh how inviting Wei Ying's lips look. He wonder if he kissed it if it would be just as soft as it looks. He lightly shook his head and said to himself. No Lan Zhan stop being a pervert.
"Wei Ying of course I will help you. I would not like for you to loose your hand. How many are still left?". Lan Zhan finally spoke. Wei Ying breath a breathe of relieve and said.
"Forty nine still to go". No shame at all.
"Forty nine. What did Wei Ying do this whole time?". Lan Zhan asked shocked.
"Well I was drawing you. Do you want to see?". Wei Ying said shyly.
Lan Zhan nodded his head and Wei Ying hopped over to his table and retrieved the drawing. He came over and showed it to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan looked wide eyed at the beautiful drawing.
"Thank you Wei Ying it's beautiful. I will cherish it forever I promise". Lan Zhan said with sincerity in his voice.  Wei Ying blush and hanged his head before say thank you.
"Wei Ying you are very talented you know. I am glad that I had the opportunity to have met such a good and wonderful person as you". Lan Zhan said and Wei Ying did not know where to turn his head. Lan Zhan looked at him with a smile on his face.
Not long though he was busy writing Wei Ying's punishment as Wei Ying sat beside him sketching doodles and the bunnies.

There you go😁
I hope you guys like it
