Chapter 5

As the boat moves closer to lotus pier, Wei Ying let his hands glides by the side of the boat in the water. Once the boat dock, the liveliness of the market was so much different from the other sects they had visited . Wei Ying looked around with big and exciting eyes tugging on his A-Die's and Baba' hands. Looking at him they'll saw just how excited their son was. The four started walking. Wei Ying and his shushu tasted all the food that was offered as the vendors shouted out what they were selling. The four walked from stall to stall admiring the different things people were selling, when they heard the sound of dogs barking and a voice of a young man calling out to them to stop. The dogs ignored him and kept on running with the young man chasing behind them. While a man in purple and a young lady followed behind both having a smile on their faces as they watch the young man.

The dogs came to stopped in front of them. Tongues hanging out and tails wagging. Wei Ying smiles as he went down not seeing the looks on his father and shushu faces. Scratching behind their ears the young man stopped also in front of them and looked down before scolding his dogs. Wei Ying looked up and stand.
"Ah young master does these dogs belongs to you?". Wei Ying asked.
"Yes they do". The young man answers.
"What are their names if I may asked?". Wei Ying asked ever so politely.
"Jasmine, princess and love". The young man answers just as the man and young lady joins them.
Wei Ying started laughing so much he had to hold his stomach.
"". He asked through the laughter and tears.
"Hey you what is wrong with my dogs names? They are fitting for them". The young man asked with a scowl on his face. Not happy that Wei Ying was making fun of his dogs names.
"Ah nothing is wrong. Please forgive this one young master". Wei Ying said with a smile the tears of laughter still in his eyes.
"I am sorry if my son has bothered you all". The man in purple said.
"It's no bother we were just stopping by before we go". Kexing said as he fans himself leisurely. The three watching the man before them.
"Sorry how rude of me. My name is Jiang Fengmian and I am the sect Leader. This is my son Jiang Cheng and my daughter Jiang Yanli". The three bowed in greeting to them.
"Pleasure meeting you all. I am Wen Kexing. This is my husband Zhou Zishu. Master Ye and our son Wei Ying. We are from the Four Season Manor.It was their turn to bow coming up Wei Ying gave the three people in front of them his best smile.

Fengmian looked in astonishment and asked.
"Wei Ying. Are you perhaps Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze son?".
"I am. Did you know my parents?". Wei Ying asked.
"I did know them. Your father was a good friend of mine and also my righthand man. He helped me run the sect also.Would you like to come back to my sect with me and see where your father used to train".
Fengmian asked hopefully.
Wei Ying looked at his father's and shushu with hopeful eyes. Even though they did not want too they could not see their son unhappy.
"We would love to sect Leader Jiang". Zishu said.
They turn around and walked back to the sect. Wei Ying was vibrating with happiness and joy which earned him a glare from Jiang Cheng and a soft smile from Yanli. They walked through the gates and their eyes took in everything. The place was lively and beautiful just like the market but there are something amiss. The three immortals knew exactly what it was and he is walking infront of them.
The sect Leader lead them into the receiving hall and told them to take a seat before he ordered some servants to bring them tea and cakes.
"If I heard you correctly. You said that Wei Ying was your son?". He asked.
"Yes he is. We adopted him after we found him". Kexing said.
"If I may be so blunt. Where did you found him. I have been looking for him for these past few years". The man said and the three immortals smiles ever so innocently at him.
"Well we found him in Yiling. Why did you look for him? Were you going to take him in?". Master Ye asked.
"Well yes. He is my friends son and it would be the right thing to do. I mean wouldn't he liked to train in the same sect and be apart of it just like his father. Wei Ying would you like to train and maybe stay here. Be to my son what your father once was to me". He asked with a kind voice and soft eyes.
Wei Ying for a moment was caught of guard with the question but recovered soon enough.
"This one appreciate the sect leaders words but I am happy with my father's and shushu. My fathers and shushu are my family sect Leader and how can I be to your son what my father has been to you if I don't even know what he was to you". He said and the sect Leader was taken aback a little.
"Maybe you can walk around the sect. Get a feel for it and maybe went to the training field and train with the other disciples. Who knows you might even like it here". He said.
"Sect Leader Jiang now I see under what pretence you had brought us here. My son had told that he will not be joining your sect. Your disrespect towards our son and us is really appalled to say the least. I think we have over stayed are invitation". Kexing said while standing up.
"I did not mean to be disrespectful Master Wen but do understand that Wei Ying belongs with the people who knew his parents. He is just a child and need that guiding hand to steer him in the right direction".
He said.
"That's where you are wrong. He needs to be around people who loves him. Cares about him. Have his best interests at heart. That will protect him no matter what. People who will stand up for him. Fight for him. He does not need people who will only use him. Who will not keep their words or protect him when needed. So let me say this and I will not repeat myself. Wei Ying is our son. We love him as if we had brought him into this world ourselves. If you should approach my son in the near future again. Well I will not be held accountable for what will happen. Wei Ying greet the man so that we can go please". Kexing said and Wei Ying stood up immediately and bowed.
"If I were you sect Leader. I will see to it that my house is in order and well protected. Leave our son alone. Like my husband said. We do not like to repeat ourselves. Have a good day. We can see ourselves out". Zishu said and the four turn and leave without looking back. On their way out Jiang Cheng and Yanli watch them go just as madam yu came walking through the gates. She did not greet just walked past them with her head in the air.

The four wanted to laugh but the three grown ups were angry at the man's audacity.
"Why does he want me to join his sect if I already have a home. He never once talked about my father. It's not that I would've join anyway. Something just does not feel right there or with them". Wei Ying said looking at his family.
"Some people like him does not deserve you A-Ying. You are special. I know one would thought that he would tell you atleast something but all he was interested in was you joining his sect". Master Ye told him while ruffling his hair.
"True shushu. I am happy right where I am. Why would I leave. I love you A-Die, Baba and shufu way to much to ever leave you". Wei Ying said.
"And we love you just as much. Let's get the boat and get out of here". Kexing said and the others agree.
Once they board the boat. They made their way back to Yiling.

Madame Yu swept into the receiving hall and upon seeing her husband she asked.
"Who was those men who just walked out of the sect Fengmian".
"They are Master Wen. Master Zhou. Master Ye and Wei Ying. They are from the Four Season Manor. I invited them for tea". He told her and a small frown formed between her brows.
"Did you say Wei Ying?. Isn't that the brat you have been looking for to replace your son and you invited him into my sect and into my home Fengmian while your own blood is here". She asked him anger swelling inside her gut.
"I will never replace A-Cheng my lady. I only wanted Wei Ying to be there for him just like his father was for me. If you felt what I did from him than you will understand. He is stronger then I could ever imagine and at such a young age. Our son needs someone like him beside him. Don't you understand my lady". He said.
She gave him a mocking laugh and said.
"You think that brat are stronger then my A-Cheng, your son. You think he needs someone like that to protect him. Think again Fengmian. My son does not need someone to protect him. Nor does he need Wei Ying. I am telling you know. I do not want that boy in my sect or near my children ever". With that she turned on her heels and swept out of the room.
"You don't understand. A-Cheng will never be as strong as he should be. He will always lack something. He needs a strong hand to guide him. To protect him and I believe that hand is Wei Ying". He said to himself not knowing that his son were listening to every word he said. Jiang Cheng bit his lower lip as a frown creased his brows.

"I will never be good enough for father. When will he see that I am trying my best. I know that I am lacking in some things. He thinks more highly of this Wei Ying than me. I will show them that I can be the best. Even better than all of them. Second Young Master Lan. Better than his eldest brother and for sure better than this Wei Ying". He whispered to himself as he turns and made his way towards his rooms.

When they docked at Yiling the four stopped at the market and found a table to sat at and ordered food and wine.
"He really thought that we are dumb. Maybe I should sent a few ghost his way. I think that they have been locked up long enough". Kexing said with a small smile.
"You will not Loa Wen. We will deal with him when the time comes". Zishu told him with a serious face.
"Ah you see A-Ying your A-Die is not allowed to have some fun with these two around". Kexing said dramatically.
Wei Ying laughs and said.
"A-Die, Baba just don't want you to get into trouble with shushu. You know he will beat you again".
"This old goat beat me. When did he ever beat me". Kexing asked as he looked at Wei Ying with a mock serious face.
"Brat stop calling me names. I will beat you in my sleep and you know it". Master Ye said shoving a finger at Kexing.
"You think I am scared of you old goat. We can fight right now". Kexing said.
"Will you two stop it. You are worse than A-Ying and you are giving me a headache". Zishu said holding his hands between the two. Identical huffs could be heard and Wei Ying held his tummy as he was laughing at their shenanigans.
Looking at him the three smile. As long as he is happy and content and nobody is trying to hurt him then they do not have to kill anyone. But the future is unsure and they know that a certain someone will not give up so easily.
