Chapter 20

During their final dinner that night before going into their last and final battle. The atmosphere was light as low conversations went on between the allied sects. Jin Zixuan joined the immortals , the Lan, the Nie, and the three youngsters, where they were all standing in a circle in deep conversations.

"Sect heir Jin, you just have to say the word, and we will be happy to relieve your father of his position of sect Leader."

Wen Kexing said to the young heir who was caught off guard by his words. He stares at the immortal in shock before he gains his senses. Seeing the group looking at him with interest at what his answer would be. He felt a light blush creep up his face in embarrassment before he answered with a slight bow.

"Thank you master Wen, for the offer. I will certainly keep it in mind for after the war is over."

Jin Zixuan answered with sincerity and thanks in his voice, and Wen Kexing nodded his head in confirmation, and their attention returned to the conversation going on.

Wei Ying took Lan Zhan's hand in his, and when Lan Zhan looked at him, he mouthed.

'Come with me'.

Lan Zhan nods his head, and the two excuse themselves before leaving the tent as the others' eyes follow the two until they disappear through the opening of the tent. Huaisang flipped his fan open and started to fan himself before he spoke innocently.

"I wonder where those to are going. They are probably going to enjoy the beautiful moon that's out tonight. Ah."

Huaisang said and screamed at the same time when he felt his ear being pulled harshly and him being dragged off to the side by Madame Lan while Ah-Xu was holding a firm grip on Wen Kexing arm. While Jin Zixuan excused himself and hastily made his way over to where Luo Qingyang was standing waiting for him. The others just shook their heads and smiled.

"Listen here, you little minx. If anything, and I mean anything happens to my son. If so much as a strand of hair is being touched on his head. I will make you suffer. You will experience pain like you have never before in your life A-Sang. I will make you wish that you were never born or open your big mouth over matters that do not concern you."

Madame Lan spoke through gritted teeth as she continued to turn his ear. Tears stung his eyes as he looked at her.

"Do you understand me A-Sang?."

She asked him, and he nodded his head.

"Words use your words."

She encouraged him with angry eyes and voice.

"Yes, Madame Lan, I understand. "

Huaisang said, and she let go of his ear.

"Good boy ."

She told him with a small smile on her face before walking back towards the others and joins them once more. Huaisang rubbed his burning ear with a pouty mouth and teary eyes. His brother gave him a questioning look, but he just ignored him as he walked past him and made his way of the tent.

As soon as Wei Ying found a quiet place, he turned towards Lan Zhan and looked him in the eyes before he spoke.

"Lan Zhan,promise me that you will be careful tomorrow. Promise me that you won't make unnecessary mistakes or think that you need to protect me all the time. We do not know what we will be walking into tomorrow, and I do not want you to get hurt or worse. Promise me that we will come back safely and that we will finally be together. That is all that I asked of you. So please promise me just this Lan Zhan. "

Lan Zhan looked long at Wei Ying before he answered him.

"I will, I promise Wei Ying, but Wei Ying must promise me that you will also not take unnecessary risks that would bring harm to him. So will Wei Ying promise me to be careful all the time."

Lan Zhan said, and Wei Ying nodded his head.

"I promise Lan Zhan that I will be careful going into the last fight tomorrow. "

Wei Ying said, and he meant every word of it. Lan Zhan pulled his closer to him and into a hug before he lifted his head and kissed him deep and hard. It was not a long kiss, and when they broke it, Lan Zhan held him tight and sat.

"Tonight we rest. Tomorrow, we fight and finally bring peace to the sects."

"Yes, I agree. Come, let's go back. we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow. "

Wei Ying said as he pushed himself out of Lan Zhan's arms. They held hands as they made their way back to camp before saying goodnight and went to their respective tents. As Wei Ying walked into their tent, his father's and shushu were sitting at the low table. As soon as he walked in, they looked over at him.

"Everything fine, A-Ying?.

His baba asked him as he sat down opposite them and next to his shushu.

"Yes, baba, everything is fine. I am just thinking about tomorrow's battle, that's all, and I made Lan Zhan promise not to take unnecessary risks tomorrow. I would really love it if all of us could come back. We have already lost so many during this war."

He told his parents and shushu.

"It is true. All I want is to get this over with and go back home. I miss the peace and quiet."

Ah-Xu said while as he took a sip of his wine.

"I agree with you both. It would be good going home after so long being away from it."

Wen Kexing said with nostalgia in his voice.

"I miss my mountain and traveling."

Ye Baiyi said, and they all burst out with laughter. Wei Ying stood up afterward and bit his parents and shushu goodnight before he turned in for the night. Once he was gone, Wen Kexing turned his attention to the other two and asked.

"What are we going to do about Jin Guangshan and his bastard son. Leaving them alive is no option. They will try and find a way to get to our son."

Ah-Xu and Master Ye were quiet for a while. It is true they need to do something about those two sooner or later. Sooner preferably than later.

"First, let's win this war, and then we can decide what to do with them."

Ah-Xu said as he looked between the two.

"We better not wait too long. People like them do not change. Once they have tasted power, they will do anything to hold on to it, and you both know that they will step on anyone to stay at the top. We have seen what they are willing and capable of doing."

Master Ye said, and the two nodded their heads, knowing full well what he meant by those words. Silence fell between the three of them as they listened to their son silent snores as he sleeps.


Short chapter, I know, and I am sorry that it took me so long to update.

The next chapter will be the final battle between Wen Rouhan and the sects.

Will Meng Yao kill Wen Rouhan, or will someone else?.

Will Jin Guangshan be sweeping in and take over? Mmm, we will have to wait and see about that.

I'll catch it you all in the next chapter and hopefully make it an enjoyable read for you all.

Wish me luck🙏🫣
