Chapter 3

Six months has passed since the immortals brought Wei Ying back with them to the Four Seasons Manor. Watching him play and laugh and just enjoying his life brought smiles to their faces as well. But the future they saw. A life that he would have lived still haunts them. Eventhough they had saved him from being taken in by the Jiang sect Leader won't the cultivation world not seek another way to hurt him. Just because they had saved him from a horrible life and dead does that not mean that somethings would still play out the same way. Master Ye looks at Wei Ying as he runs around in the courtyard chasing butterflies and spoke. "Many things were already written in stone. We may have saved him from a life of misery but some things can't be change". Kexing and Zishu looked at him with a question mark on their faces and asked." What does Master Ye means by that?". "Well as we know the things we saw will not happen to him and it won't come to pass but that does not mean that they won't come after him for something else. He may grown up and be a different person all together but their greed for power will always remain". "So what you are saying is. That they will still try to hurt our son in the near future". Kexing asked. "We will not let them and if anyone comes for him. They will pay dearly with their lives". Zishu said as his eyes landed on Wei Ying. "All I'm saying is that we needs to be prepared always. We need to prepare him as well. I suggest we gather information about each and every sect. Their strengths and weaknesses. Who they have alliances with. Their friend and enemies. Prepare Wei Ying make him study them. One way or the other he is still a cultivator and starts forming a core soon. He is a curious child by heart and he will want to know about that world and eventually wonders out to see how they live or what they are all about". Master Ye says. "I agree with that. But for now let him just enjoy his childhood and have fun. When he is older we will start his training". Zishu said. " Well I for one is going to join our son chasing butterflies and climbing trees". Kexing said as he stood up and made his way outside. The two just shakes their heads and smiles as they watch the two chasing butterflies and laughing." This is good. Having A-Ying here it gives us our lives meaning again. I know that Loa Wen is still missing Gu Xiang and Chengling and Weining". Ah-Xu said. Master Ye looks at him and asked." And you? Don't you miss them?". Ah-Xu gave a sad smile and said." Yes I do. But we are a family again. We have A-Ying and this time we will protect him better". As the voices of laughter wafted into the room from the outside. "Master Ye have you realized that Loa Wen and A-Ying's personality are exactly the same. They are both playful and I can tell that A-Ying would be just as loyal and do anything to protect those he cares about". Ah-Xu said thoughtfully. "One would think that Loa Wen is truly his father. Same mischievous manners as well". He said with a smile. " I feel sorry for you". Master Ye said with a smile. Ah-Xu shakes his head and the two stood up and made their way outside. Seeing Loa Wen sitting on the grass they made their way over to him and found A-Ying fast asleep on his lap. The two smiles down at them as Kexing looked up and put his finger to his lips telling them not to wake A-Ying up. They sat down next him and the sleeping A-Ying and Ah-Xu said in a low voice." You tired him out Loa Wen". Kexing chuckles softly and said." He tired himself out. He have tired himself out. He have so much energy. I did not know that small children could be this busy". "Look who's talking. The grown man in a child's body". Master Ye said. "Old man do not start". Kexing said as he looks at Master Ye. " Both of you stop it or do you want to wake up A-Ying ". Zishu asked the two who immediately snapped their mouths shut. Both of them not looking please for being reprimanded as if the were children. Soon they stood up and walked back to the manor. Kexing taking Wei Ying too is bedroom and lays him down on the bed then covers him. Walking out to the Viewing Pavillion he sat down and said." He will be sad when we go to the armery". "He will but we have explain to him why it is necessary for us to go there". Zishu said." But still his just four and it will be our first time away from him". Kexing said. "I know". Zishu says. Master Ye looked at the two and said." You know I will be here with him so he won't be alone. You are just his shushu we are his fathers". Kexing said looking at the man. Master Ye shakes his head and brought the cup of wine to his mouth and drink it while also putting food in his mouth.

Two weeks later they made their way towards Kun on horse back. Wei Ying sitting infront of his A-die while his baba and shushu riding their own horses. His father's said that they will teach him soon how to ride a horse and he can't wait. They arrived in town and took their horses to the stables before they made their way towards one of the secret inns where they could converse their messages to the appropriate spies. Once they arrived the owner came over and immediately and Zishu told him exactly what they needed and time frame in which it should be done. Bowing the man left and do as told. They ordered food and wine and of course tea for their little one. Soon the food arrived and Wei Ying and Master Ye started eating while his fathers just indulged in drinking their wine. Once the four was done and assured the waiter that they do not need anything they left. Walking from shop to shop Kexing bought the cutest little outfits for his son and matching hair accessories to go with it. It was starting to get late so the four decided to stay over and go back the next day. That night they walked through the night market and indulge their son in everything he saw and bought it for him. Whether it is cute fingerings or splushies they bought it. Starting to get tired he stretched his hands out to his A-Die who picked him up and soon he fell asleep on his shoulder. They returned to the inn and booked two rooms one for Master Ye and Wei Ying and one for them. They are not actually going to sleep but they will use this time to meditate. The next morning they left just after breakfast for the manor. Arriving home two disciples came and took the horses away and Wei Ying runs towards the training ground." A-Ying  where are you going?". Kexing calls after him. "I am going to watch the disciples train A-Die ". "Ohk do not disturb them do you hear me". Zishu called." I won't. I promise baba". Wei Ying said with a waving hand."Maybe we should start his training as well. He is almost everyday on the training field." Master Ye said." Is he not to young for that?". Kexing asked. "Not all the sooner he starts the stronger he will be. Why do you have reservations about him starting to train at such an early stage". Master Ye asked him. "I just want him to be a little kid for longer ". Kexing said. " You do know that he won't grow up over night just because he will start training". Zishu said as he looks at Kexing. "I know but you right we will have to start with his training sooner or later". He sighs as he said that." He will still play with you, you big baby".Zishu said with a smile. But they have to go back to the armery first and they worry because they do not know how A-Ying will take. They had explain to him why it was necessary but he is only four years old and their broke when he asked." Will A-Die and Baba come. You will not leave A-Ying". They hugged him that time and told him that he need not worry and that they will most definitely come back and that it is just for a short time. They will be leaving in two days and they are dreading it. "He will be fine. He will with time get used to. I will be here to look after him".

Two days later it was the most heartbreaking farewell ever in their lives. A-Ying was kicking and screaming and would not listen to reason. Holding his A-Die and Babas robes tightly in his little fists. "Please don't go baba and A-Die. Mama and papa also went away and never came back. Please do not leave A-Ying alone again. Please A-Die please baba". He looked up at them witht tear filled eyes and a snot nose. "We promise we will come back before you know it. We will miss you to my son". Kexing said as tears well up in his as he and Ah-Xu hugged Wei Ying tightly. Not want to drag it out more they let go of a still crying and pleading Wei Ying turned around and walked out not daring to look back. Master Ye kneeled before him and said. "It will be fine A-Ying. They will be back because I can assure you it's not that east to get rid of those two". "They....they will?". He asked in a small voice. "Yes and would I ever lie to you?". Master Ye asked and Wei Ying shakes his head no. "So once you have rested me and you will start with your training. What do you say". That immediately lifted Wei Ying's spirits and he gave his shushu a big smile. "We will. When I want to start now". He said.
"No we first must eat something and let you rest for awhile then we will start. How does that sound". Wei Ying nod his little head up and down and soon they had their food and Master Ye took Wei Ying to his bed chamber and sat with him until he fell asleep. He took a meditative lotus position on the floor next to the bed and closes is eyes.
"You think A-Ying will fine Ah-Xu we are not even gone long and I am already missing. That old fart better not let something happens to my son". Loa Wen said. Ah-Xu shakes his head and said." I misses him also. And Master Ye would never let anything bad happens to A-Ying and you know that Loa Wen". The rest of their travel were silent until they reached the armory. They will stay here for some time until they have to go back again.

Just as shushu had promised the two started his training early the next morning. Starting with meditation. For now they will start with five minutes. Little Wei Ying determined to show his shushu that he can do make it about three minutes in before his head hit his shushu arm fast asleep. Master Ye could just smile as he looks down at his sleeping face. Leaving him he finishes and woke him up gently. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he looked at his shushu with big eyes who told him to stand up and holds out a wooden sword for him to take. His eyes lights up in an instant as he took it. Master Ye stood before him and said. "First I will show you the simple swords movements and then you try it". Nodding his head he watch his shushu who is moving slowly through the steps. Soon he joins him and copy everything he does. One thing Master Ye picked up on his that Wei Ying is a fast learner even though his legs a short he can perform most of the easy moves. That became their everyday routine even though Wei Ying's little legs would grew tired faster but as time goes by he became stronger and stronger. Master Ye would check his spiritual energy and soon discovered that Wei Ying is fast on his way to form his golden core. Not that strong yet but it is coming along nicely. The day for his father's return came by quickly and he could not wait to show them what he had learn. The fear still in the back of his mind that they might not even return but when he saw them walking towards them all that fear flew out the window and he run as fast as little legs could carry him and threw himself in their arms. " came ....back". He cried." We promise didn't we. We will never leave you A-Ying. You are stuck with us for life". Kexing and Zishu said as they hug their precious son. "Thank you they both said to Master Ye". Who just shrugs his shoulders and said.
"It was no problem". They walked back into the manor and Wei Ying wanted to know everything that they did and if it was fun. They indulge him and told them that it was so boring because they had missed their little son so much.
