Puck Speaks

Hi dear readers,

First of all, I would like to thank you all for choosing to read this long short story. It has indeed been an exciting challenge for me to write this book. 'The Unexpected Week' is my first ever try on a solely 'Spiritual' plot. The story revolves around an orphan and his mother. The main themes, as has been described in the book info, are mistakes, forgiveness and changes.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this book. It had been extremely enthralling to put this book on Wattpad and I hope that you would read some of my other works too.


Room for improvement
Please express your critique here. What did you think about the story?Do express your opinions. They are golden to me. Negative and positive comments are thoroughly appreciated.


Final thoughts
Well, thankyou once again for reading 'The Unexpected Week'. So long!
