Day 3- Wednesday

[A/N: This chapter is dedicated to the above mentioned person for believing in this story. Love you:)]


I woke up with a light mind. I could recall everything so vividly. The events we saw in the zoo yesterday and the day as a whole was something I realised I had wanted to do for so long. Maybe because we were restricted to go out of the orphanage much of the time.

I pulled out the chair from the table and sat on it. Searched my bag for the book and started solving algebra. It was an hour before I heard Sebastian waking up. That guy always wakes up with a loud yawn that has the potential to pierce your eardrums. But I was already adapted to it. You see, survival techniques, that's what our world revolves around.

"Let's go for breakfast dude." He said rubbing his eyes with his fist. He was the type of guy who could go to breakfast without brushing.

"Cool." I said and both of us made our way towards the mess.

"So is she gonna visit you today too?" He asked as he took a bite of the only hygienic-looking apple left.

"Yeah. A week. It's a deal."

"I see. So you liked it? Yesterday, I mean."

"I don't know." I said honestly. Sebastian just nodded.


This time I walked out with her quietly. I didn't complain. Although, I was not entirely comfortable with her but it was fine. It wasn't as if I hated it either.

"So...what today?" I asked as we were taking a walk around the nearby park.

I glanced at her. She seemed quiet and a little drawn out. It was like she was battling against something, someone in her mind.

"Um... Ashley?"

"Ah yes. I am sorry. I was just thinking about something. I think we can go for a movie?" She said looking a little guilty and slightly troubled.

I agreed and we both made our way towards the theater in her car. The short journey was quiet. I was great with quiet. That's the first thing they teach you in the orphanage.

The theater was still. There were very less people. I haven't watched much movies. Mostly adventure and stuff. I remember watching Home Alone but. We got in a lot of trouble after mimicking that one in our dorms.

We went upto the counter. I was checking out the movies on the panel when Ashley poked me softly. We got aside from the counter and she said, "I...Can we do something else? I...just wont be able to watch a film now. I am so sorry. But if you..."

"No. its fine. I understand. We can do something else." I could clearly sense that she was very uncomfortable today. Does she want to say something to me? I couldn't tell but it looked like it.

"I'd like to go to an amusement park, if that's cool with you." I stated immediately to get rid of the awkward air surrounding us.

"Sure! I am totally fine with it. Let's." She smiled weekly and we both hopped in the car. Our car.... No, the car.


This is so not my first time here. I still remember how we sneaked out last year to come here. There was some stupid celebration in the orphanage and so the plan got easy to perform.

I spotted the roller coaster and headed towards it. Ashley just smiled at me. I got so excited that I forgot to ask her to accompany me. The ride was a blast but I immediately regretted it as I saw her standing on the pavement with the same weak smile.

"Sorry. I forget to ask you to come with me in my excitement." I said as soon as I climbed down the ride. She said nothing but nodded her head in undersanding. Okay, now I was starting to get pissed. If she is in a mad or sad or whatever mood, why did she come to visit me today? She could have taken a break. It's not as if I would shout at her for not coming today. I am not a kid!

"Look I am sorry.... but is there anything bugging you?" It's a basic maxim that whenever you don't want to sound rude, you do.

She was surprised by the sudden question. "I apologise. It's just that there is something on my mind and I just dont know how to ask you. I am sorry if i am troubling you." She shook her head in frustration.

"I think its enough with our apologies. Just ask me whatever you want to." I smiled as widely I could. It seemed to light up her mood.

"Okay." She took a deep breath and said, "Would you like to meet my other family?"


Now Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, what do you think I must have said to this? What should I feel? I didn't know. I just stood there hoping that the earth would consume me so that I could vanish. I wanted, needed everything around me to fade, to disappear. But alas, it was all but reality; a naked, gaping and vivid sharp reality that pierced through me as her voice came to my ears again.

"....Ryan? I understand if you don't want to..." It was the first time that my mind was as blank as a fresh unused page. I didn't dare look at her but I knew she was disappointed. I couldn't speak, let alone say a yes or no. My mouth was stitched with invisible thread. And though I had a free will, somehow in this situation it was blurred and twisted and criss-crossed like a dummy's mouth.

And so I nodded weakly at her. It was neither a yes or no.

"Of course, of course, I would give you as much time to think as you want. You can deny or agree anytime. But we would definitely want you to come." We? We. We... haha. It's obvious, isn't it? There would be other members in the family apart from her to constitute a family. A family... Damn! It's so irritating!

"....on Saturday. Okay? I will come to pick you up, if you agree that is."

"Yeah. I will think about it and tell you." She paused abruptly as if she was thinking that I would agree to the invitation naturally.

"Oh... well yes! okay." Her old smile returned back. I took a deep breath and grinned, thousand small muscle fibers around my mouth working in sync against their wish.

It was a moment before she spoke, "So which ride next?" Her tone was soft and gentle. I glanced at her.
Somehow, we both knew that the day and mood was already over.

I shook my head and she understood. She started to say something but I stopped her.

"No. It's not your fault. I want some air and space to think about it. That's all."

She nodded. "Thanks a lot Ryan. You, even thinking about it, means the world to me. I just want you to be a part of my family, our family. Please think about it wisely son. I would be waiting for your reply."

"Okay. Can I leave now?" I asked, not looking at her.

There was a pause. "If you want to." I thanked her, wished her good night and left.

I kept walking not bothering to take a public transport. I wanted to walk and clear up my mind.

I chose the common route with bustling shops and market along the sidewalks. There were numerous articles on display, as usual. I often come here to look at life outside mine.

I stood on the pavement and pressed myself against the railing to, once again, look at the hustle bustle across the street.

Just opposite to me was a florist. He was arranging a bunch of roses in a decorative fashion along the canvas. I watched him for a while when suddenly his elbow touched an adjacent glass vase. The vase started to fall but the florist's efficient fingers catched it before it could fall and break into pieces. It was nice to stand here and watch things happening daily.

I started looking at some other shops close to the flower shop. Finally I found what I wanted to and pounded towards it.


After having my lunch, I was back in my room and sadly I couldn't think of a single thing on the way. The hazy mind of mine refused to get clear or even try to think about it. Sebastian had gone for the afternoon classes and so I was alone. Alone with time to think. I opened my book and this time started solving some binomial theorems.

Believe me, time flies when you do maths. And then the door was shot open by a leg. Sebastian entered carrying huge books.

"What's that?" I asked.

He kept them on his table and moaned in relief. "This? nothing. Tell me about your day?"

I told him.

"So you will go or not?" He asked finally.

"I haven't decided yet. What do you think?" I shouldn't have asked because I knew the answer.

"I think you totally should dude! She is seriously wanting you to be a part of her life. It's not some guilty-and-making-up-for-it shit. This is real." Positive much? Yes. That's Sebastian.

"Yeah I am deciding." I smiled.

He smiled back. "Yeah so stop sleeping and start thinking." He then sat on the bed and started rummaging through the books. Sleeping?

"I am not sleeping. What do you mean?" I asked.

He looked at me and smirked in amusement. "Oh Ryan, Ryan my boy! I am your best friend dude. I know you too well. You are sleeping...See?" He pointed towards my textbook.

I rolled my eyes and said, "If you know me too well Seb, then you would also know that I don't get twisted shit." I smiled sarcastically.

He chuckled. "Well, doing math is your way of escaping reality. I know you. You would keep doing sums and pretend it's all fine. And then time will go on and you wouldn't have decided still."

I frowned at him but he continued. " I am not accusing you of anything dude. We all have different ways to deal with reality. I am just reminding you to stop wandering and start thinking. It won't come to you yet, the decision. But the more time you take the better."

God, sometimes Sebastian becomes such a sage or motivational speaker or whatever. It's annoying.

"Yes Master, I will" I mimicked an anonymous disciple's voice. Though, I doubt if they things say like that these days.

We both started laughing.

Sebastian suddenly said, "What do you call your mother?"

"Ashley." I said in a light mood after the laugh.

"No. What do you call her?" He asked, still smiling."

"Ashley. I call her Ashley." Now I was getting confused again.

"No. Not that, you idiot."

"What?" But before I could say something else, he came at me with a pillow and thus started our pillow-fight.

We laughed our heart out. Sometimes, I don't understand Sebastian.

I will definitely think about the get-together but.

I think.


Hey there beautiful person!

Thanks for reading this story as always. I love you all.

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-Sage Puck
