
She was laughing and she wondered why. But she thought she already knew the answer. Why was her life such a cliché? Was it pitiful to laugh at this point of her life?

This rain. Why was it raining so heavily? And why was she so tired? 

Well. Any woman would be tired after having given birth to a baby, right? Right.

But it was his mistake too; not her's alone. That cruel devil who left her the moment he realized she was pregnant. She would never forgive him. Ever.

She looked at the infant in her hand. The baby was sleeping soundly, his pale chest open.

It was a boy. A boy.

What should she name him? Alfred? Ryan?

How about Ryan?

She should have put him in the incubator and left him in the hospital itself. Atleast the baby would have survived. Damn. 

But why should she alone be burdened from such a pain? She was young and wild and carefree. She had so much of her life left before her. Why must she be the one to suffer?

So should she go to the hospital and place the infant there and then run away? 

She had never been so confused in her entire life! 

What should she do! And then out of nowhere, an idea hits her.


Yes, an orphanage would be perfect. The child won't die of any disease. He might even live. She wanted him to live and find a place in the world.

The best part was that she knew one and hurried in its direction. 

She reached there. She was about to touch the bell when she stopped and peered at the child intently. She kissed him on his forehead.

You have to fight in this world to make a place. I know you will and emerge as a hero.

She kissed him again on both the cheeks.

Stepped back. The choice has vanished. So she, without hesitation, pushed the doorbell and ran away.

After a while, the door opened. The lady didn't even bother to look at her line of vision. After all, she was accustomed to such new admissions. She glanced down, at once, at the infant. 

The baby was fast asleep. She removed a small paper attached to the blanket and read the infant's name.

She picked him up along with the tiny purple blanket that enclosed him and went inside quietly.


What do you think about the story? This is my first try on Spiritual. So do tell me.

Share your feelings in comments! Pleeeeease.

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Thankyou for reading. Peace:)
