Chapter 4

In a small house in the outskirts of the village William and Genoa lived in. "Welcome to our humble abode." Genoa stated showing Atlanta and Leah the small house where she and her brother live.

The four entered the house and saw that the living room is small with a small couch. "I will sit on the floor." Atlanta stated as she sat cross legged on the floor by the couch.

Leah took a seat at the end of the couch next to Atlanta. Will sat next to Leah as Genoa went to get some tea. There was an awkward moment of silence as Leah looked around the room and saw maps and photos of Will, Genoa, and a strange older man. Leah stood up and approached the picture. "Hey, can I ask who this is?"

"That's our dad." Will began with a smile. "He was a navigator for merchant ships."

"That would explain the maps." Atlanta stated.

"He has been to nearly everywhere but the New World." He continued. "He always wanted to navigate there."

"Just like you brother." Genoa said carrying the tea.

She gave everyone a cup of tea. "We could use a navigator; we found this island by chance." Atlanta stated giving her captain a glare.

Leah gave a sheepish grin rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah we can't navigate the West Blue let alone the Grand Line why don't you become our navigator?"

Will looked at Leah with shock before he looked down. "I won't, I have to look after my sister, and I have plenty of time before my life comes to an end to go an adventure."

"I understand but can you at least guide us to the next island we would probably die of hunger or thirst before we got there." Leah inquired.

"Are you two so hopeless!" He shouted at the two pirates.

Leah still had a sheepish smile on her face, while Atlanta looked at the ground in shame. "Yeah." They both said.

While at the docks a large, muscular tanned man approached the pirates' dinghy. "Alright, Billy asked me to destroy this dinghy." He said to himself as he picked it up with his hands.

He had the boat over his head before slamming it down onto the ground obliterating it. "Now Billy owes me a bear."

On the outskirt of the city Billy and a group of five men walked toward Genoa and Williams' house. He lifts a lantern that was in his hand. The men followed suit. "Everything burns, so lets send hat message."

They lit their lanterns and threw them at the house. They watched as the house caught on fire and waited to see if anyone came out. He smiled widely as the house was engulfed in flame.

In the house Leah, Atlanta, William, and Genoa were heading to the back of the house. Atlanta swung her hammer and made a large hole in the wall. The four jumped out and moved away from the burning building. The four looked on as the house burned down. As they watched they didn't notice a male pull a gun and aimed it at Genoa. The henchman pulled the trigger, but before the bullet hit the child, Leah was able to intercept the bullet with her sword deflecting it safely. She then ran at the minion and then stabbing him in the neck. Atlanta then noticed two more gangster's slowly approached the four. Atlanta then charged at the two.

"Bullcharge." She yelled sending the two flying.

Will saw another on about to shoot at her but unleashed a whip and hit the hand of a grunt before using the whip to grab his neck and pull him towards him where he punched the minion in the head knocking him out. He went to see if there were more and heard a thud seeing a thug fall to the floor unconscious. He saw Leah cleaning her sword. The four went to the front of the house to see it collapse.

"Ha ha ha!" A loud laugh came from behind them. They turned around and found Billy with a gun in each hand laughing. "Consider this an invitation to join us at Battle Royal I it's not like you all have anywhere to go."

He then ran back to the city in his laughing being heard for miles. Atlanta and Leah's eyes widened and ran towards the docks with William and Genoa on their heels. When they made it to the docks, they were shocked to see that their dinghy was destroyed.

William was carrying Genoa on his back when he caught up to the two pirates. William saw anger radiate out of both of them. They quickly turned around and William took a step back.

"William do you want to join us in taking down Battle Royal?" Leah asked.

He widened his eyes. "What?" He asked in disbelief.

"You and your sister pointed out that while its up the city will be impoverished and living in fear." Atlanta said.

William say the determined look on their faces. He found himself slowly smile. "You know what let's do it."

The three then started walking towards Battle Royal but were interrupted by Genoa. "Yeah let's bring it to the ground."

"First lets drop her off at your bosses." 
