Chapter 9

The Slithering Snake docked at a port in Napalias. William and Leah drew the longer sticks and left Atlanta to look after the ship. The captain and the navigator walked around checking stores for supplies. The two bought different supplies needed for long periods at sea.

The two returned to the ship to find Atlanta talking with a woman with arms long enough to touch the ground without bending her knees. Leah noticed the blush on Atlanta's face started to smirk at this.

"Hey Atlanta care to introduce your new friend?" Leah asked with a shit eating grin.

"Uh... um... this is Truffle she wants to pay for passage on the ship and is even willing to cook for us." She stammered with a deep blush on her face.

"Anywhere that you are hoping to go."

"Just the next island that you are going to."

"Alright we are about to set sail." Leah said.

"Sounds good, are you all hungry?" Truffle asked.

"Yeah that sounds, let's get back out to sea." Leah ordered.

The ship set sail with a cook who wen right to work. She was chopping up vegetables and cutting meat. Atlanta was steering the ship while William was guiding her. Leah was in the front keeping an eye out.

After a hour at sea Truffle came out. "Dinner's ready come and get it."

They left and headed into the bridge to the dinning area. Once they entered, the aroma of the food hit them almost instantly. The three could tell that the food would be delicious. Truffle put various dishes of meat and vegetables on the table. Leah started to drool at the sight and smell of the food. Williams eyes widened. Atlanta meanwhile was looking at truffle who had a mile on her face with her hands on her hips. Truffle noticed Atlanta staring and she softened a smile at her.

The four dug into the food. Leah was stuffing her face with food as fast as she can. William was taking his time tasting his food. Atlanta meanwhile was taking big bites of meat but taking time just enjoy it. Truffle was smiling watching the crew eat taking occasional bites of her food.

After the diner was finished the four were relaxing with a cup of tea. Leah was leaning back on the chair tipping it back while the rest were sitting up straight. "That was delicious!" Leah shouted.

Truflle giggled at that. "Thank you."

"Best meal I had since coming on board." William complemented.

"I have to agree." Atlanta said lifting her right hand up. "None of us know how to cook."

Truffle dropped her hands to the ground in shock. "How have you survived so far?" She asked in shock.

"Well we have only sailed for a couple days." Leah pointed out. "plus we have food that doesn't require cooking."

"But having a cook to cook for us would and will be great." William argued.

"Good point." She agreed. "Hey Truffle, why don't you join our crew."

Truffle looked at the captain and gave a small smile. "I'm sorry but I can not accept your offer."

"What? Why?" Atlanta asked distraught.

"You all seem like nice people and there are people after me under the orders of my mother."

"Your mother?" William asked.

"Yes, she is a very powerful pirate in the New World and is not a very forgiving person."

Unknown to them however, a galean was following them. A man 7 ft tall was in the front looking ahead. His grey coat and black pants had a large number of wrinkles and creases. He looked through his periscope and looked at the ship he was following.

He turned to his men who were gathered on the deck. "Alright everyone our two year job is about to come to an end." He announced. "For two years we have been tracking the deserter and after tonight our mission will go home to a hero's welcome."

"Yeah!" The crew shouted.

"As exciting as finishing this job is we could have finished this sooner if two of us had not jumped the gun."

The two crew members that attacked Truffle were brought to the edge of the ship. Bothe beaten barely clinging to life. The leader pulled out a pistol from one of his pockets. "I ordered you two to observe and report and what did you two do?" He asked rhetorically.

The two were shaking fear not able to speak. "You disobeyed orders and got her run, and she now has her guard up losing the element of surprise."

He pointed the pistol at the back of each of their heads and fired killing them instantly. He then had the bodies tossed into the ocean before turning back to his crew.

"Now we will board that ship and will complete our task and return to the New World as heroes." He shouted.

His crew started cheering and chanting. "Dog! Dog! Dog! Dog!"

Sorry for the inconsistent updates work and my lack of discipline keep me from updating regularly. Please leave a review and a like, and thank you for reading. 
