Chapter 48

Leah and her crew were running further into the lawless zone. They had run for close to an hour before they decided to stop. Breathing heavily, they all sat on the ground.

Hon looked around. Their crew mates were all exhausted. "He knew we were there."

"Yeah." Leah said breathlessly.

"I get he's a warlord, but that brother of yours defeated one." Andy said.

"That one was week compared to Kuma." Leah said. "Kuma is one of three warlords we should run away from if we encounter them."

"Who's the other two?" Annie asked.

"Mihawk and Doflamingo." Leah stated.

This shocked some of the crew. "I understand Mihawk, but the pink flamingo." Atlanta said.

"Don't underestimate him, he is powerful." Leah said her voice lased with fear. "Not only that he also runs the underworld in the New World and even has connections with two of the emperors."

"Geez." Atlanta said.

"I do have a question though." Todo said. "Why didn't he launch a powerful attack?"

"Because we are not on the top of the priority list." Li said.

"Luffy!" Leah said standing up in realization.

"He was the one that punched a celestial dragon." Truffle said worriedly.

Leah was about to run but Atlanta grabbed her. "I know what you're thinking, and I can relate but it will be futile."

"You don't know that!" Leah shouted close to tears.

"You said it yourself, a navy admiral and countless soldiers are here to look for everyone involved." The first mate told the captain. "I know you want to save your brother, but we just end up captured or worse."

Leah looked Atlanta in the eyes as her first mate's words sink in. "Your right, I just hope that he and his crew make it out okay."

"I'm sure there fine." Atlanta reassured her.

"They are as alright as they can be." Rayleigh said.

"Ah!" The crew screamed in fright.

"Sorry about not alerting you all to my presence but I figured I would check on you all."

"We are doing fine... I think." Hon said trying to calm her rapid breathing.

"You said Luffy was okay!" Leah exclaimed in worry.

"Relatively speaking." The old man said seriously. "They encountered a robotic replica of Kuma, Admiral Kizaru, a haki user, and Bartholomew Kuma."

"What?" Leah said, turning white.

"I was able to intervene before the admiral could kill any of the crew, but I wasn't able to stop Kuma from separating them."

"Wait so they aren't captured?" Andy asked.

"No, Kuma is a member of the Revolutionary Army and used his power to save them from the navy." Rayleigh answered.

"What does the Revolutionary Army want with Luffy?" Hon asked baffled.

Leah and Rayleigh shrugged. "I will be keeping an eye out for Luffy and his crew." Rayleigh told them.

"Thank you." Leah said in relief.

"I will get to coating your ship, stay here for now the navy is in the process of leaving and heading back to HQ." Rayleigh explained.

"That's fast." Li said. "Normally they would be here for a couple of days at least."

"It's because they are preparing for war." Rayleigh said.

The crew looked confused, so Rayleigh continued explaining. "Portgas D Ace was captured by the marines and is currently awaiting execution."

"Wait they captured one of Whitebeard's commanders!" Truffle shouted in shock. "That not good."

"Why?" Atlanta asked.

"Whitebeard sees his crew as family if you harm or capture a member Whitebeard will see to your painful death." Leah said.

"Exactly." Truffle said. "Even my mother said that she would hand anyone over to him if they killed a Whitebeard pirate."

Rayleigh nodded. "So, circumstances will allow you to hide."

"Alright, so see you in 3 days." Leah said.

"3 days." Rayleigh confirmed before making his way to Leah's ship.

To be continued...

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