9th JULY 2018

In the garden..... 10:48 am
Dear time capsule

Sharing memories of the past in the last 24 hours with you has been excruciatingly painful. I still remember every minute detail of the horrific incidents surrounding the death of my family. I ached to go back and try to salvage something to remember them by, but I couldn't. How do I avenge them? Who do I seek revenge from, for all the atrocities my family and I had to endure. How can I live my life, knowing there is absolutely nothing I can do. My family was punished for no sin of theirs without a trial and jury. Whose court do I go banging on, seeking justice? I feel anger rising, I'm tormented by my past, I am tired of feeling feeble, fragile and emotionally disturbed. I demand bloody justice. I will never be in peace until I do. I am sick and tired of reliving every nightmare, the smell of fear is disgusting. I need to stand up..... No, I need to rise above every single pain and suffering we as a family had to endure and those responsible will pay.... Come hell or high water.

I can no longer suffer, I can no longer live in the past, imprisoned by this fear. It has literally consumed me. How can I even see a future when I'm so deeply embedded in the past. Those screams and cries literally keep me awake at night. I survived, I questioned myself, why did I survive? Today I not only sought the answer but answered my own question. I survived because my family deserved justice and I will grant them what they deserve. Those eyes that followed me that night at the charity function, I never forgot them.... There's something familiar about them. Why can't I remember whose eyes were those?

Why do I feel those eyes never left me.... It kept on piercing me, sniggering at me, something isn't right, time capsule. Why are the birds no longer chirping, why does it feel like darkness is about to cloud and engulf me? What the hell is going on? This fragrance is familiar, I want to puke. That fragrance...  Why do I feel like those eyes are on me right now... No, it can't be.
Bloody hell. It's him.
