13th JULY 2018

Dear time capsule....

A strange sense of fear gripped me, but I had to awake from that slumber, it was time to face the devil himself. I knew he was nearby, armed and waiting to finish what he started years ago. Yes it's been 6 years since I fled from his captivity. I promised myself that, that was the last time his dirty hands touched me. I grabbed the baton I always kept hidden under my bed (yeah, don't roll your eyes at me, if you were a living thing you'll do the same....) and I went in search of that monster. The place was in darkness, but that made no difference, this was my territory, my domain and I knew every corner.
A strong gust of wind took my breath away, every door was opened. 'be brave, I kept telling myself,' 'break free from your fears, face the bastard and get him out of your mind, body and soul.'

That bloody cheap fragrance.... Flip, I wanted to puke. The stink felt stuck on my skin. I gripped my baton even tighter, I heard his sly movement, his evil shadow behind the curtain. His back facing me, I dare not breathe, in case he heard me. ' You will never haunt my mind like you been doing, you 'shit pouch' With one mighty gutsy swing, I swung and I knew I whacked him hard, the 'shit pouch' yelped. 'dog, there's more where that came from, I swung again, this time on his back. I kept swinging my bat, taking revenge for every single pain I endured. He fell, flat on his back. I remembered the moments he would remove his belt and beat me until I collapsed. I remembered those moments when he would unzip his trousers and force himself on me, for hours he would just go on and on until i bled. I remembered scrubbing my skin to rid myself of his stink. I aimed and bang on, on his main part, bastard you will never rape again. You'll never pee again either.

Dear time capsule, I freed myself of his bond, his fear. He will never harm me again. He will never evade my mind or my thoughts again. I remember phoning the police and I collapsed on the floor near him. I remembered mum and dad calling me, I could see smiles on their faces. I took my revenge, 'Mum dad, I couldn't save my family that time, I avenged the atrocities you and I suffered, I hope wherever you are, you'll are in peace now. I promise I will never forget you. πŸ’ ❀ 🌻 🌺
With that thought, I passed out.

I remember being lightly touched on my face and hands, being called. The police arrived and I regained consciousness. They questioned me, I could not tell them the real reasons.... I put it down to an intruder entering my property. They believed me and I saw them take him away. He wasn't dead just unconscious. Damn, couldn't he just die.... I wanted him dead. He had to die. I will kill him, even if it the last thing I do, until that swine is six feet under, I will never be in peace. He was taken to hospital and heavily guarded. I was admitted to hospital due to some cuts and bruises. I needed some rest and for the first time in a really long while, I fell asleep in total peace.

Yours Nash

'it is in my power to overcome my fear, no one will ever destroy that, which is within me.'
