1st JULY 2018

At the lake... 6:30am
Dear Diary, my Time Capsule....

My heart is burdened with so many thoughts not a single soul to help lighten the burden. I rejoice that 'you' were gifted to me, you have become a integral part of my life. Without you I'm so lost. I know whatever I share with you, you will never judge me. You are my time capsule, that when ever I feel ill or heartbroken, you will heal the brokenness in me and cure me like a capsule. I may become dependant on you, I know you will accept me with all my flaws.

😘 β™₯ 😍
As I sit by the lake and pen my thoughts to you, I am overwhelmed by the calmness of the water, there is a storm brewing in my heart, how do I find peace and solace? How do I let my feelings and thoughts flow smoothly like this beautiful lake before me? How I wish I could feel free and content,but something keeps pulling me back,luring me into deeper darkness. I wish for these dark shadows to turn into bright rainbows and shower their colour on me.
Is it even possible? How can one person in this entire world be deprived of happiness?
I deserve to live.

πŸ˜” 😒 🌈 Oh... How i wish for a rainbow.
.... Yours Nash
