12th JULY 2018

In bed.... 10am
Dear time capsule...

Where did the last few days disappear to?
Have I been unconscious all this while? Something is amiss... I remember that cheap fragrance and those horrifying pair of eyes burning holes in my back. Something hit me on my head, a blunt object, this dull pain refuses to leave me. I can't think properly. I need to sleep. Everything is still such a blur.

Oh Almighty, I need to remember what happened. Please guide me and show me the way. What is going on? How the hell did I end up in my room? Is there someone else in this house apart from me? What bloody mind games is life playing with me? What the flip happened? Why can't I keep my eyes open?
"Stay awake Aria, you can't drift off, wake up! Find out who else is here." Aria.... That's me, someone is calling me. "I can't open my eyes, shake me out of this slumber, Aria", mummy?? Mom? 😍 Is that you? Momma?
No, it can't be. "Wake up. Come on.... Wake up." oh.... I'm gonna be sick.
"Aria... Daddy, it's you, I'm coming" "wait for me" 😱 dad......

.... I'm literally pulled into a deeper slumber.
