C h a p t e r N i n e

Y/n's POV

"Y/n! Let's go!" Sarus grabbed my hand, "I wanna prank my dad today!!!"

"Let's do it!" I giggled, letting him drag me to the play room where we discussed what pranks we wanted to pull.

We saw another boy in there. He had light brown hair and pink eyes. Rixnir was his name. The God of Music.

"Hey Rix!" I beamed.

"Hey Y/n! What're you guys up to?" He asked us.

"We're pranking my dad," Sarus whispered and put a finger to his lips, signalling for him to be quiet, "You wanna help?"

"Yeah!" Rixnir nodded in excitement.

"Y/n, there you are," A tall man approached me. I didn't know who he was, but he felt so familiar. He had light blue hair and golden yellow eyes. Next to him, stood a lady. She had almost white hair and dark blue eyes.

I woke up, very startled. I was back at home in my room. What the hell was that dream? Sarus again? Rixnir? Those two people?

I don't know what was happening. I was fine until the temple visit. Usually, I'd brush it aside and not worry about it, but something tells me that I shouldn't just ignore this.

I wanted to go to the library to see if Rixnir really was the God of Music, but I decided not to because it'd probably freak me out even more.

Quickly slipping on an outfit, I walked to the forest to find my best friend, Zeref. Maybe he could tell me something.

I found him sitting by a tree. There was panic in his eyes when he heard someone approaching, but relaxed when he saw that it was just me.

"Hey Zeref?" I sat next to him.

"Are you okay Y/n?" He asked gently, worry flooding his eyes.

"Yeah, can you tell me about when you found me?" I gave him hopeful eyes. There had to be something that could help me figure this out.

"Well, I found you in the forest. You looked like you'd been through a lot, but I couldn't tell what had happened. You had a curse on you, I could feel it, so I took it away, not knowing what the curse even was. The person who casted it was very powerful. That person made your curse so that no one could tell what it did, which is a very expert spell, and I could practically sense the power radiating off of you from the curse," Zeref explained.

"I see," I nodded slowly, attempting to take it all in. I didn't know who my family were or where I came from. It'd help if I did. It'd help a lot. But I didn't. I don't know if I ever will.

I felt a sharp pain impale my head. I yelled in pain and clutched my head with my hands.

Zeref knew what was going on. I had been so busy with finding out things about my past that I forgot to go for my injection. Usually I'd get a headache if I missed it, not intense pain.

He quickly lifted me up in his arms and ran to Porlyusica's, running in and placing me on the seat.

"What happened now?" Porlyusica rolled her eyes, "Did that idiot finally realise she didn't come in for her injection? Or did she do something stupid like try and wrestle a shark?"

"I think she's in immense pain," Zeref frowned, "Please help her."

"Pain? Usually she gets headaches," Porlyusica raised her eyebrows in shock.

Sting's POV

I haven't seen Y/n at the guild all day today. I wanted to go look for her, but Orga and Rogue locked me in my office with Minerva supervising me, making sure I was doing the overdue paperwork.

"But what if she's in danger?" I pouted.

"Y/n can handle herself," Minerva chuckled lightly.

"But what if she needs me?"

"If she needs you, she'll call for you."

"But what if-"

"Sting, do your work."


About ten seconds later...

"BUT I MISS MY Y/N," I whined, "Can you at least find out where she is? I'll do my work properly once I know she is safe and sound."

"Fine," Minerva rolled her eyes and left the room. I scribbled furiously on the paperwork. So. Much. Paperwork.

I just can't help but think Y/n's been acting a bit off lately. It was since that temple visit and she touched the rock, and when she knew where everything in this temple was...

It's like she's keeping so many secrets from me... It kinda hurts. Does she not trust me?

My heart fell at that thought, but I shook it off. Of course she trusts me...I hope she trusts me...

It went up to around an hour, and even then, Minerva still hadn't returned. I tried not to worry because I'm sure she wasn't actually in danger, but I couldn't help it.

Luckily, after around two hours, Minerva walked in with Y/n.

"Hey Sting," Y/n said cheerfully.

"Where have you been? I've been so worried about you," I immediately lunged at her, tackling Y/n in a hug.

Whilst hugging her, I caught a scent of someone. It was oddly familiar, but then again, I couldn't make out who it was. She wouldn't have been with another guy, would she?

"Sorry, I was just a little sick," She explained.

"That's why I took so long. I've been taking care of Y/n since whenever she's sick, she's the biggest pain ever and refuses any medication anyone gives her," Minerva glowered at Y/n and Y/n chuckled nervously.

"But hey! I took the medicine! And I'm better already!" She smiled brightly. My heart beat went faster. Everytime she smiles, it makes me so happy and warm inside.

But it was still bothering me that I could smell someone else on her. Although I do trust her, it confuses me why she'd be with someone else.

"Are you alright, Sting?" Minerva asks.

"Was it just you two?" I asked.

"Oh! No, we had my old friend there. Do you remember Louis? The guy I introduced you to last time?" Minerva spoke without hesitation.

"Vaguely, yes," I nodded slowly. I do actually remember Minerva introducing me to one of her old friends. That must be why the scent is familiar, but not familiar enough.

"Yeah, he came over to help me," Minerva spoke.

"Why didn't you call me?" I raised an eyebrow, "Or at least tell me she was sick?"

"Because you have work to do and if I told you she was sick, you would've jumped out your window and probably sprint to Y/n's house," Minerva rolled her eyes as Y/n chuckled.

"You were worried I was with another guy, weren't you?" Y/n teased as she pinched my cheeks.

"No," I pouted.

"So cute," She giggled.

"Don't scare me like that," I mumbled before pressing my lips against hers gently. She kissed me back softly.

"Back to work, Sting," Minerva demanded as soon as we broke off the kiss.

Y/n's POV

I knew he'd be able to smell Zeref on me, he's a dragon slayer. Thank goodness he didn't recognise it. I'm so glad Minerva came up with that lie as well and that Sting believed it.

After almost passing out from the pain earlier, Porlyusica did an intense treatment on me. It included about ten needles, twenty weird potions she made, and a lot of stressing.

Nonetheless, I'm better now, but I don't know what the cause of it might've been.

"Well now I don't wanna work," Sting pouted, pulling me closer into his chest.

"Sting," Rogue warned.

"Shut up Rogue," He growled.

But on the bright side, I'm glad I have Sting.

"Excuse me?" Rogue raised his eyebrow.

"Oh you heard me, emo," Sting smirked.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.
