C h a p t e r F o u r

Sting's POV

I put on a button-up white shirt, but I had the collar open, so you could see my collarbone. Then I put on some black jeans. Rogue had already left since he was so eager to see Minerva. It's funny because I've never seen him so lovesick before.

Running my fingers through my hair and looking one last time in the mirror, I set out to meet them.

It wasn't an insanely long walk, but it felt like it was. It's okay though. I'd travel as far as needed if it meant I got to see Y/n.

When I got there, I only saw Minerva and Rogue sitting there.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" I asked, confused. They looked a little startled when I spoke. Then I realised it was because they were holding hands. Immediately, they pulled away. I smirked.

"She's over there," Rogue coughed. I winked at him and I jogged up to Y/n, sitting next to her.

"Oh hey Sting," She looked at me, smiling. Her gorgeous e/c eyes sparkled in the moonlight. She's so beautiful.

"How come you aren't with those two?" I asked.

"I felt like a third wheel," She chuckled and I laughed.

"Also, I wanted to apologise," I said nervously when we both laid down to watch the fireworks begin.

"For what?" She turned to look at me.

"Yesterday. When I kissed you on the forehead. I was in no position to do that," I scratched my neck nervously, avoiding her eyes.

"I actually...kind of liked it," She said back, more nervous than me.

"You did?" I asked, surprised.

"I...like you," She confessed. Our eyes met and I could see the anxiety rising in her eyes whilst she waited for my answer.

I leaned over her, so I was on top of her. Meeting her eyes for a bit longer, then I lowered my head, our lips touching. It wasn't a deep kiss, but I made sure she could feel the infinite amount of love I had for her.

I could feel her tense up underneath me, but then she relaxed, putting her hand on my cheek and kissing me back.

We pulled away, sitting up.

"You know, that was my first kiss," She admitted, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"How is that possible? You're so pretty!"

She chuckled lightly. Her laugh was adorable. Oh my god, I love her so much.

"Hey Y/n?" I asked.

"Hm?" She answered back, taking her head off my shoulder so she could look at me properly.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smirked.

"Is that even a question?" She smiled, leaning in to kiss me again. The fireworks soared and exploded in the sky. The moment was perfect.

When we pulled away we spotted Minerva and Rogue. They were kissing too. How coincidental.

This is possibly the best and most perfect night ever.

Y/n's POV

The fireworks finished while Sting's head was on my lap. I looked down at him, admiring his features. Everything about him was perfect. I don't understand how he'd like someone like me, I mean, I don't even know who I am.

Rogue and Minerva already headed off. We didn't even realise they left actually. I'm guessing they had a good night too though.

"What're you staring at, hm?" Sting gave me his signature smirk.

"Nothing," I shook my head, a light tint of blush on my cheeks. He chuckled softly and got up.

"I'll walk you home, it's getting late," Sting held a hand out for me to take as he helped me up.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow then," I smiled.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Y/n. I'm walking you home to make sure no idiots flirt with my girlfriend," Sting intertwined his fingers with mine.

We were walking back through the forest, but I could sense someone following us. At first, I thought I was overreacting, but the rustle of one of the bushes confirmed it.

"Sting, there's someone following us," I whispered.

"I know. Just wait until they come out," Sting whispered back.

Soon enough, around a dozen of people jumped out.

"FREEZE OR I'LL SHOOT!!!" One of them shouted, holding a bow and arrow to me. I recognised their guild emblem. They were a dark guild, the Lone Walkers.

"Light dragon roar!" Sting bellowed, shooting his magic at them and knocking all of them down.

"Well that ended quickly," I laughed.

"They're really pathetic if you ask me," Sting rolled his eyes, pulling me with him as we walked away.

I felt like that fight was too easy. Surely that's not all they had for the ambush.

Unfortunately, I was right, because Sting fell forward on the floor with an arrow in his shoulder blade. He cursed as the blood dropped out.

I felt anger slowly boil in me.

"If you're smart enough, you won't resist and fight us like your boyfriend did," One of them jeered. I turned around, both my eyes were glowing red.

"How bloody dare you," I growled, my voice coming out monstrous, "You're going to regret that, idiots."

"Hey Y/n...it's fine," I heard Sting wheeze out.

"Shut up and focus on not losing all your blood," I snapped, "So I can focus on making sure these guys know who the hell they just messed with."

"Oh shoot, is that the new girl?"

"I didn't know it was her!"

"It's fine, there's no magic coming off of her."

"Yeah, but she uses magic."

I produced black fires in my hand as they prepared their attacks. I shot them all one by one, but you couldn't tell it was one by one since I did it so fast. They all dropped down in pain. Then I activated my earth magic. I felt the ground rumble as I increased the gravity, crushing them into the floor.

Their howls of pain echoed through the forest. After a while, the shaking stopped.

"Don't you dare mess with us again," I glowered, my eyes returned normal and so did my voice.

I went over to Sting, helping him up.

"We're going to teleport," I told him. A magic circle appeared beneath us and I teleported me and him to Porlyusica.

I'm always at Porlyusica's because she gives me an injection once a week. I need it to control my magic. Sometimes it gets so intense that I get sick from the power. The injection makes sure that it doesn't intensify too much.

Back when Jiemma hid me, I'd always get headaches from the intense magic. That's why you can't feel that I have magic though. I tried to conceal it away, hoping I wouldn't feel it too. It didn't work, but it meant people couldn't feel my magic at least.

Only Minerva, Porlyusica and Zeref knew about this. Then again, Minerva knows everything about me, Porlyusica is literally the person that gives me the injections and medication, and Zeref has known me for as long as I remember. Speaking of Zeref, I need to meet with him soon, I haven't seen him in so long.

"What did you do this time?" Porlyusica rolled her eyes.

"It's Sting," I helped him to the bed so Porlyusica could treat him.

"At least it's not you again. You're always here, it might as well be your second home," Porlyusica grumbled as she mixed some things together. She always went along with the lie. We always just said that I always got hurt so no one knew what the real reason was.

Afterwards, she treated Sting by taking out the arrow and bandaging him.

Sting's POV

Porlyusica told Y/n to go back to the guild until later because she would distract her from treating me. Even though Y/n resisted, she told Y/n that if she didn't leave, she would forcefully push her out of her place with a broomstick.

"Miss Porlyusica?" I asked cautiously as she continued mixing something.

"What is it?" She answered, not looking up at me.

"Why's Y/n always here?"

"Oh. That girl just always gets herself into trouble," Porlyusica mumbled, "She gets cocky, then gets hurt."

"Really? She just seems so powerful that nothing could actually come close to hurting her."

"There's a lot of things that can hurt her. It doesn't have to be physical. It's the same with everyone."

"I guess so."

"Okay. You're good to go. Drink this twice a day until you finish it," She handed me a bottle with pink liquid inside.

"Thank you Miss Porlyusica!" I rushed out. She scares me. Y/n was already waiting for me outside.

"Are you okay?" She asked me.

"Yeah, thank you for bringing me here," I smiled, ruffling her hair.

"I'm glad you're okay," She hugged me, burying her face in my chest, "I wanted to kill those guys."

"It's okay," I held her close, "I'm okay now."

"Yeah you better be, or I'll hunt them down," She threatened. It was so cute when she acted like this.

When she pulled away, I stared at her. I could tell it made her uneasy.

"What is it?" She asked nervously.

"YOU'RE ADORABLE!" I gushed, squeezing her cheeks.

"Stop it!" She pouted.

I held her close to me again, embracing her.

"I can't believe you're mine," I whispered, my chin leaning on her head.

"I love you," She smiled.

"I love you too," I smiled back, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"Look, they're fine," I heard Minerva's voice. We both pulled away and saw both Rogue and Minerva stood still, staring at us.

"Why're you guys here?" Y/n asked.

"Well, you guys took a while so we thought we'd check you were okay," Minerva explained, "But I guess we expected this."

"It's not like you don't kiss Rogue," Y/n childishly stuck her tongue out.

"At least I don't kiss him every second of every day!" Minerva childishly argued back.

"And I do?" Y/n challenged.

"They're such kids," Rogue chuckled beside me.

"They sure are," I agreed.

"HEY!" Both of them shouted at us.
