C h a p t e r F i v e

Y/n's POV

"You and Sting are adorable,"  Minerva smirked, putting on some eyeshadow as she sat at her vanity, in her room.

"You and Rogue are adorable," I replied, laying down on the couch and watching a film using the movie lacrima.

"You should be getting ready for the double date, not watching this junk," Minerva turned around, switching off the film.

"Yes mum," I rolled my eyes, "Anyway, I need to go to Porlyusica's in a bit for the injection. I don't see why you're getting ready now Mimi, we have two hours until the date."

"I just want to look perfect," Minerva flicked her hair with sass.

"You always look perfect," I laughed, "Anyway, I'll be back soon."

I teleported myself to Porlyusica's place in the forest.

When I reappeared, I saw that Porlyusica had a patient at the moment.

"Y/n just sit to the side for a minute, I'm almost finished," She spoke. When she turned, I saw who it was. It was Sting.

"Oh hey Y/n," He grinned. I panicked a little because I didn't want him to know about my weekly injections. Then he asked the dreaded question, "So what're you doing here?"

"I just needed to talk to Porlyusica," I lied.

"Ah okay," Sting nodded. Porlyusica was done treating him, so she told him to leave, "I'll see you later then! Love you!"

"Love you too," I smiled as Porlyusica shooed him out of her place.

"Sit down," Porlyusica demanded. I did as I was told and she went to prepare the injection. Maybe I would tell Sting about this because he could help me with finding out about my past...but then again, what if I had a bad past? I don't want him to know that if I do.

Whilst I was day dreaming, Porlyusica put the syringe in my arm, making me flinch.

"Did you want to give me a warning? It hurts you know," I hissed. Usually, I have a high pain tolerance, but these injections weren't messing around.

"If I give you a warning, you'll tense before I even inject you," Porlyusica stayed, "And when you tense, it hurts more."

"So why was Sting here?" I asked.

"He just needed another checkup since he was still a little injured from last time."

After a few seconds, she put a cotton ball and plaster on top of my injected spot. I could feel the cold liquid running through my veins.

Sting's POV

"M'lady, why was Y/n at Porlyusica's?" I asked Minerva, "Is she okay?"

"She's fine Sting, don't worry," Minerva brushed me off. It seemed like she was hiding something. I'll just drop it for now I guess.

"I bet Y/n is excited to see you tonight," Rogue smirked.

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes with a chuckle.

"What do you two even have planned tonight? Y/n and I need to dress appropriately," Minerva spoke. Rogue and I are surprising them with a fancy dinner. Afterwards, we want to go separate ways so that Rogue can give Minerva the bracelet he got her, and I can do the same for Y/n.

"Just dress fancy," I answered.

"That's so informative," Minerva rolled her eyes, "Whatever, it's going to be so difficult to get Y/n in a dress."

"I'm sure Sting will be drooling over her, so it'll be worth it," Rogue wolf whistled.

"Alright, I need to get some work done. Out you go, both of you," I shooed them both out, "Just be sure to get a room, so you don't damage the eyes of the other guild members. I don't have the money to provide therapy for all the members."

I saw them both blush and closed the door with a smirk, locking it.

Walking to my desk, I sat down in front of the towering pile of paperwork. It's great.

I worked for about an hour, until I felt like I would go insane if I kept this up. I went and opened the door to see Minerva and Rogue still together in the hall.

Where's Y/n? My eyes scanned across the guild hall. Oh god, what if she's in trouble? No! What can I do? Oh wait.

There she is!

I saw her sitting and talking opposite Minerva and Rogue. How did I not see her? Wow I overthink a lot.

Y/n's POV

I teleported in front of Rogue and Minerva.

"Hi, where's Sting?" I asked, third wheeling the loving couple.

"You're back early," Minerva laughed, "He's doing some work in his office.

"Apparently not anymore," Rogue said plainly

"What do you mean?" Minerva asked.

"Hey guys!" Sting approached us. Did he literally just appear? I swear he wasn't here a moment ago.

"I thought you had work to do," Rogue raised an eyebrow.

"I did, but my girlfriend is more important than that," Sting winked, as he slid next to me on the bench chair, putting an arm around me.

"Did you even do any work?" Rogue questioned.

"...Y-Yes!" Sting pulled an offended face.

"You didn't, did you?" I asked him, poking his cheek.

"If I didn't, it would've been your fault," Sting pouted.

"How is it my fault?" I pouted back.

"Because I would've been thinking about you the whole time, that means you were the distraction!" Sting ruffled my hair.

"You guys are so cringe," Rogue commented.

"Back at you, Rogue," Sting pulled his tongue out at him, making me laugh. Then he looked down at me, "Are you excited for tonight?"

"Mhm!" I nodded.

"You won't be so excited when you hear the dress code is fancy," Minerva smirked. My heart sank. I hate dresses and fancy stuff. I plastered a fake smile on my face.

"I'm even more excited now!" I said.

"Great! Because I'm bringing you to the dress shop right now!" Minerva smiled, dragging me out the guild.

"See you guys later!" The twin dragons waved.

"Minerva!" I hissed, "I am not wearing a dress!"

"Yes you are," She responded simply.

"No actual way!" I shook my head.

"Oh look, we're here," Minerva pushes me into the dress store. Don't get me wrong, the dresses are stunning, but I don't like the look of dresses on me!

I sat there as Minerva and the shop worker ran around, trying to find me a dress. Minerva had already picked out hers. It was a green halter neck dress. It suited her perfectly. Rogue will faint from a nosebleed when he sees her.

I was just being extra troublesome and refusing to try on any dresses.

"You know, the dress will look different when it's actually on you, so you should TRY IT ON!!!" Minerva scolded me.

"Fine! Whatever!" I threw my hands in the air in defeat.

"Try this one!" Minerva excitedly pushed me in a changing room, throwing a dress at me.

She made me try on a (favourite colour) dress. It was beautiful and...I actually didn't mind it. Wow, did I really just say that?

"You look gorgeous Y/n!" Minerva clapped, her eyes sparkling when I walked out and did a cringeworthy twirl. Then a smirk appeared on her face, "You know, (favourite colour) is also Sting's favourite colour."

"How interesting," I shrugged it off, trying to not look as flushed as I felt.

"Next, we need shoes!" Minerva grinned. After I got changed out the dress and the store assistant held both mine and Minerva's dresses, she guided us to the shoes section.

"I'm not wearing heels," I shook my head.

"Like you said you weren't going to wear a dress?" Minerva grinned angelically. Damn it. She got me there.

They ended up choosing some heels that matched my dress and Minerva chose some that matched hers too.

We went to the counter to pay. Let me tell you, this was NOT a cheap shop! It's okay though because I do my fair share of jobs.

"I'm going to do your hair when we get back so we will go to my place," Minerva dragged me with her again, carrying both our shopping bags.

She did my hair and I helped Minerva do her hair.

We both did our own makeup and afterwards, stood in front of the full length mirror.

"Woah, we look gorgeous," Minerva smiled.

"Hell yeah we do," I nodded.
